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Sweet For Checking Your Plants


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the thing takes great pics of the object you are looking at im not a great computer guy. It had a copy paste deal but i tried it and it didnt work for me but someone that knows puters better can figure it out im sure


LOL , When in Doubt ask a Teenager . Did it come with any Loadable Software or Drivers to help you install it to your Puter ???

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looks good.


just don't buy this eyeclops bionic eye thing here;




thinking it will work, because it's field of focus makes it useless even as a toy, (which is why we bought it to begin with.)


I have an old typesetter's loupe that my digital camera lens fits perfectly onto. I got lucky on that one, but it's a pain to hold it still well enough to get a shot,.


My avatar is a shot using it, that's Jillybean with magenta trichomes.


Don't think I can paste any more here, seems like it's needs a URL? or something...

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yes a CD take you right threw


If you installed it , Try Un-Installing it ( not just deleting the program ) and then Reinstall the program following the instructions and you should be Good to Go . If not then email the seller you bought it from and ask for their assistance . Good Luck ,,,

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I will keep trying to post pics here but im a computer dummie


because of the server change, and some changes in the gallery, i had to make changes to the tutorial. see if maybe it helps you now?? http://michiganmedic...ting-on-mmma20/


i see that you have a photo album already created, so you should be able to skip the first couple steps.

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