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I've had a small time to cool off


It took a very special private message from a truly incredible person and member here

to convince me there is yet hope and purpose to my efforts.


This is that very message..




This is a fascinating thread, I must say. Look at the insight you can glean from human behavior and group dynamics. First off, I would suggest everyone take a deep breath and try to center yourselves. Wipe your mind of all ego based thoughts and prepare yourself for what you are about to read. Imagine yourself looking down at yourself from about five feet above your head. Now imagine travelling through the air vertically at a slow steady pace. Notice that you are now above your residence looking down and continue raising yourself into the air. Do not fear as you ascend higher for this is not your physical self and you have no worry or fear of pain from falling. Continue up and now see your neighborhood. Look around and notice how far you can see in every direction from this height. Take in the scene for a moment. Look at how your field of vision has been widened to encompass miles worth of area. Realize that everything you can see is just an extension of your personal energy, everything in your field of vision is you. Absorb the area and feel yourself expand like a sponge. Take another deep breath. You are now in an expanded mental state. Repeat this as necessary until you feel calm and open to receiving the following message:


Thank you for your courage in starting this thread. Its consumed my mind since I read it last night. I read thru it slowly and with an open mind, but noticed that many others were not doing the same. I am trying to choose my words as carefully as possible so as to convey my intention without extra words to get caught up on.

-Deep breath-


Here goes: the message that you were trying to get across is ahead of its time. The collective minds of the people responding were not ready for your solution-oriented idea. They are caught up in their own dream of reality and their minds have not expanded far enough to be able to connect with an idea that would reduce their suffering and replace it with understanding and positivity. Instead of seeking knowledge and solutions, they identify with their problems and are limited by their own fear based belief system. They then externalize the problem by pointing fingers and further paralyze their ability to solve that problem by always waiting for the other side to see it their way when they refuse to do the same! It creates a closed loop negative feedback system. What you did (and why those people reacted the way they did) was introduce an idea that would require them to separate themselves from the problem and instead look to focus on the solution being the most important factor. In essence, you were asking people to humble themselves and that is like throwing a wrench into the gears of a closed loop negative feedback system. They are the centers of their own universes and do not have the ability (yet) to see things from a different point of view. Their physical bodies are addicted to the series of biological processes that occur when the brain interprets something as a threat. Their minds feel threatened by that idea and they want to defend their own beliefs to reinforce the reality that they have created for themselves. Please understand that their responses have nothing to do with you. They are living their own dreams and when they are ready, they will hear your message.


-another deep breath- :)


That took me a long time to write. I made an effort to only write my observations, not my opinion. It is challenging to maintain an open mind in a sea of turmoil and emotional upheaval. My emotions ranged from anger and despair to hope then to understanding and calm. I wanted to reach out and let you know that I FEEL YOU; I truly FEEL in my heart where you are coming from. Continue to develop your inner voice and take refuge in the fact that there are others like you out here. Choose to align yourself with those that have expanded their awareness and are willing to tackle the problems that exist.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead.


“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

-Albert Einstein


Originally, I wanted to send this to you privately because I believe my message would be distorted just like yours was. But then my wife helped me realize that we need to support those who are progressive and forward thinking and I tried to post it publicly. I then saw that the thread is locked. I am offering this message to you if you would like to post it. I believe it needs to be said, whether others are ready to hear it or not. I recognize your intention and I thank you for the inspiration that called me to action.


Love and Light,








I have made the arrest warrant documents available to an astute member here who chose not to disrespect me in my original post

but rather to take this matter serious as it is.



I'll ask that no member who was attacking me in my previous post that has been locked ,post here for any reason other than an apology.

And even then I'd rather avoid that,,,


This thread will be for a sole purpose of constructing a plan for change and defining new parameters and ideas that will be materialized

for our protection of rights,respect and above all else safety in our place of dwelling.



We need to organize and work to make change without the adversarial attitude against the people entrusted to enforce the very laws that

now afford us our right to grow this miracle plant.



The way to change is done with intellect ,direction and clarity , not blurred by distrust ,malice and anger...



If you want to be taken seriously,and change to be made your attitude,demeanor and actions had better display that, this doesn't include

police bashing in this thread for any reason,,this thread is about making change and a positive attitude.


I have been raided at gunpoint,my home was ransacked,,,I am willing to forgive in the name of change and the hope for a safer environment

soon,and I'd like this community to be viewed in a responsible and respected light in the public.


I know far too many professionals from all areas in our society that enjoy the benefits of this plant in private and as licensed citizens

it's time to cut the BS and make change everywhere..


Alcohol is legal and destroys lives daily ,and this plant which has never had a single fatality in history is treated as such,has not been

ignored by even those in the law,they know as well.


There will be something done to allow us to be safeguarded from raids,,and this will be done w/o risking our privacy ,4th amendment right

and will be accomplished without placing us in danger to the criminal element.


Please,no need for another word on inspections, that was only meant to be in my situation,as I welcomed them back to inspect me at any time

so as to avoid another raid ever...I simply will not go through that again! ever!


I want change to take place now ,so that they know who we are, and cannot ever execute a warrant for any reason ,using the same set of rules

that they do for a drug house..



A new set of limits and guidelines needs to be defined and written into procedure for handling any visit to Licensed homes..

This is exactly my purpose,,,along with them knowing who these rules apply to.


No search without a warrant,,,,and no armed raids ever!!


This is the goal.....let's get to work on it...

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I responded to your first post and I will respond here too with out apology.

Your idea of giving LEO a list of everyone who is registered under the MMMA is ridiculous and Im sure most of us dont want this to happen and it should not be forced upon us.

As I said in my first post any patient or Cg who wants LEO to know they're registered can call up LEO themselves and inform them that they are in fact registered and give their address.

If their is going to be a registry of certified P and Cg available to LEO than it should be absolutely voluntary.


I understand where your coming from I have been through 2 raids that were conducted well before this law was ever written Im fully aware of what its like only it didnt end with me showing a card an them leaving peacefully.my house was destroyed and they were not professional at all.


And as far as this whole people speaking from a point of fear and anger maybe you better look in the mirror because your here proposing that we give up our privacy as not be raided due to the fact that you yourself are afraid of being raided again.


Again to anyone who would feel safer knowing that LEO is aware that you are certified, call up your local, county and state PD and let them know you are certified and where you live.

As for me I like my privacy and if it means that I may be raided than so be it at least this time I will be legal.


Its my personal opinion that the raids will only stop once a lawsuit has been won and one of these raids causes a PD a substantial loss of money.

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Its my personal opinion that the raids will only stop once a lawsuit has been won and one of these raids causes a PD a substantial loss of money.


I believe you've hit the nail squarely on the head, sir. The only way their careless observance of the law is going to stop is when it hurts them more in the wallet than it benefits them. You know, eventually a lot of LEO will be out of work because of legal MJ, and they're pushing back...

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The key to what you propose is the willingness of the system to respect the laws it has been handed AS WRITTEN.


Until they do there is NO HOPE AT ALL that they will respect the new and improved law.


In your case, and in every search warrant case, there should be a line filled in by the judge that says the warrant is voided if it is discovered the subject holds a ID card issued by the state.


The problem is that these warrants are being signed by persons ignoring the medical marijuana law as it exists today.

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I responded to your first post and I will respond here too with out apology.

Your idea of giving LEO a list of everyone who is registered under the MMMA is ridiculous and Im sure most of us dont want this to happen and it should not be forced upon us.

As I said in my first post any patient or Cg who wants LEO to know they're registered can call up LEO themselves and inform them that they are in fact registered and give their address.

If their is going to be a registry of certified P and Cg available to LEO than it should be absolutely voluntary.


I understand where your coming from I have been through 2 raids that were conducted well before this law was ever written Im fully aware of what its like only it didnt end with me showing a card an them leaving peacefully.my house was destroyed and they were not professional at all.


And as far as this whole people speaking from a point of fear and anger maybe you better look in the mirror because your here proposing that we give up our privacy as not be raided due to the fact that you yourself are afraid of being raided again.


Again to anyone who would feel safer knowing that LEO is aware that you are certified, call up your local, county and state PD and let them know you are certified and where you live.

As for me I like my privacy and if it means that I may be raided than so be it at least this time I will be legal.


Its my personal opinion that the raids will only stop once a lawsuit has been won and one of these raids causes a PD a substantial loss of money.







Hey thanks for contributing


Let's talk about this....


First ,I'm myself not interested in giving any law enforcement agency any documents of anybody's..

That's first off impossible,and secondly , far from what this ideology is about.

Nothing will be forced upon anybody,this is a group effort to establish new protocol only.


This new protocol will incorporate a new set of rules and responsibilities when the narcotics units

are considering raiding a home.


They must first establish the fact that it is a licensed home or unlicensed,,and then operate under

the guidelines that are specified and punishable by state law .


This is a new operating procedure ,written and clearly defined that they must follow....

No gray areas,,,black and white,,and this mandates ,no force ,no potential for a loss of life..


The police are indeed held accountable to these new laws,both at a departmental level and civilly.



You say any patient or caregiver can simply call up the cops and tell them if they want to...


I'll tell you this....



If there is no database that is official or recognized ,how do you think your relatives are going

to take recourse when you are shot dead by accident ?

Do you think the police dept is going to find a memo written on a napkin that you called in to tell

them on such a date??

Do you have any idea how an office operates and the ease for them to deny any such call was ever made

unless it is officially documented into a system ,,requiring a type of identifying number and date of



It's called accountability .....use your common sense..



I agree it should be absolutely voluntary as well,I've stated this from the onset,I dare you to prove




I'm sorry to hear about your raid and troubles,,we are both coming from the same school in that regard


But this is where I want to ask for your complete attention..


This new system I am seeking will make that possibility not only unlawful to take place as you are now

legal and licensed,but they will be held fully accountable as this is no longer allowed in any respect,

No excuses...



I am not speaking from fear at all,on this matter, I am speaking from a desire to find a solution


You and many others are speaking from an angry standpoint,,as you've already demonstrated ,you,ve been

raided twice,,and are pissed,


Your two raids were conducted while you were illegal as you've stated,,now luckily you didn't get any

felonies for those two raids and are able to pursue this legally and licensed,,,do you not want the piece

of mind that a raid will never happen to you again?




And in wrapping up your message you mention that you don't mind them raiding you again,because this time I will

be legal...



Well I'd like for you to read over my original thread a few times and let it sink in.....



The whole point in this idea of mine is to avoid a raid! Ever again! why can't you get that into your head?



Is this so damned hard to grasp??



You are legal a raid should never be an option..!




I'm sure your attitude will be different if your wife was shot dead because she didn't follow the orders screamed

at her during the commotion and chaos of a raid,,as she was confused..



Or they burst through your door at midnite as you have a black remote television controller in your hand and you get

torn to pieces by 13 hollow points and are dead before your lifeless body even hits the floor.


But hey you wanted your pretend privacy...


Guess what friend,there isn't any privacy today....what I want is a guarantee that they cannot enter my home in a

militaristic manner and put me,my gal,my daughter or dogs at risk....ever!!


The alcohol today is handled by a commission, the liquor control commission,,,this was once a prohibited substance

and is now lawful but licensed...



How about you show me the last time in MI that a place warehousing liquor and any alcohol that is legally licensed

by the state,,is raided by swat and the people there had their lives in jeapordy...



Let's start there people... there's your challenge..




Until this enforcement of our new law is handled by the same standards as the liquor control commission then I am

going to organize and move forward with this...



You can take your chances and test fate,,me personally I actually enjoy life,enjoy my family and would like to keep

that option out of the hands of some guy with a machine gun on me with his finger on the trigger.





The only lawsuit that should be won is one that get's a system such as what I propose a reality...

And this shouldn't take a lawsuit but rather a movement and a vote.


Lawsuits come after tragedy has already happened,,and the police dept losing an assload of money

is only robbing the coffers of the public taxpayer's money...



Who in the hell funds these department's ??? ummm it's called taxpayers....



Do you think the cops paychecks are cancelled?? nope...


You can't repair a sucking chest wound with a bandage.

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The key to what you propose is the willingness of the system to respect the laws it has been handed AS WRITTEN.


Until they do there is NO HOPE AT ALL that they will respect the new and improved law.


In your case, and in every search warrant case, there should be a line filled in by the judge that says the warrant is voided if it is discovered the subject holds a ID card issued by the state.


The problem is that these warrants are being signed by persons ignoring the medical marijuana law as it exists today.







You are so close to seeing the light ...I wnna grab you and pull you the rest of the way home...



That line that should be on any warrant that tells the judge that you are licensed,DOES NOT EXIST!!!!


That's what the hell I,m screaming from the rooftops about!!




you then go on to say that these are being signed by the judges ignoring the law...




No you are wrong to an important extent,,



Here's how..




They are not ignoring any laws,they are operating according to how they are currently written

and by current procedure and structure...



Why is this so damned hard to understand??



If there was a new database that is required by them to check and verify any marijuana activity

that they are investigating against,,and drop the investigation immediately when they find you are

licensed,,this would go no further.



The judge would never even have a warrant to sign in front of him,and your life would never be at risk...




It simply isn't structured like that!



They have to treat this just like Liquor....




Do you not think there is a procedure to handling liquor ? they verify against a database who has a license

I know my father had a license ...

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I'll clarify something.


I said the judges are ignoring the law.


I'll upgrade that and say the judges are ignoring the EXISTENCE of the new law.


There is nothing that requires them to make such a new line in a search warrant. The warrant about marijuana just completely ignores the fact that it is legal for some people to have and grow marijuana.


Modifications in standard procedures are required to honor the law as it stands.


The procedures, in your case, did in fact change. They walked out. That's a start.


Until there is some sort of change in the law, it is what we have to work with. They are required to honor the voters.


Most of the state does indeed honor the new law now. Changes are taking place that increase the safety of the patient and caregiver. And the safety of the police officer is increased also.


What you propose would hand the sheriff of Oakland county a list of every patient and caregiver in his county. That is simply not safe yet.

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I'll clarify something.


I said the judges are ignoring the law.


I'll upgrade that and say the judges are ignoring the EXISTENCE of the new law.


There is nothing that requires them to make such a new line in a search warrant. The warrant about marijuana just completely ignores the fact that it is legal for some people to have and grow marijuana.


Modifications in standard procedures are required to honor the law as it stands.


The procedures, in your case, did in fact change. They walked out. That's a start.


Until there is some sort of change in the law, it is what we have to work with. They are required to honor the voters.


Most of the state does indeed honor the new law now. Changes are taking place that increase the safety of the patient and caregiver. And the safety of the police officer is increased also.


What you propose would hand the sheriff of Oakland county a list of every patient and caregiver in his county. That is simply not safe yet.











What I propose is voluntary my friend,,,,don't forget that...


This will be an official voluntary database at a state police level that will be required to be checked by any narcotics team pursuing a warrant

at a local level,,which may require as it always does a potential for an accidental death.



This does not include the local police having records of any documents that is not voluntarily allowed by the licensed patient...



I'm fully aware of corrupt depts in our state,,I don't wish for anybody to be victimized by some redneck gentleman cop that drives to the local

tavern,get's loaded up on wild turkey ,drives home jeapordizing lives,,,all the while terrorizing local sick and licensed people growing a

harmless plant,,,,because he actually believed (reefermadness) ...



There are actions behind the scenes and lawyers busy getting things done to take care of those SOB's! trust in that!






Above all I want to clarify,,I am in no way interested in pushing this option on anybody that doesn't want it..

To hell with that! This is strictly voluntary..


If you know the current risks and wanna stay that course ,you should have every right to do so...

That is paramount.

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First of all I never said I dont mind if I get raided but im sorry to tell you that this is path we have chose and its a bumpy one. I choose to see the reality of our situation.

Second what your talking about, at this current moment, is a fairy tale.

If a new system and protocol is set forth it will not be voluntary but mandatory.

The problem is that even if they know you are legal they may still come in hot and heavy and their excuse will be that they have evidence that you are over your limits or selling to unregistered patients so on and so forth.


So there is no confusion I do feel that there needs to be change but you have to understand that the change that needs to be made is not in the rules and regulations but the mindstate of these vicious LEO who dont yet understand the use of our medicine of choice.

It doesnt matter how many times you change the system or the rules or whatever, until LEO follows the rules that are set forth we are going to have problems.


And again so there is no confusion I am not angry at all about the raids that took place in my home I did something illegal and I was caught I have no reason to be angry with anyone other than myself.I knew the rules of the game and I chose to play anyway just as patients and Cg need to understand that although it shouldnt be this way by getting certified we risk being raided. Its just the way things are at the moment,not that its right but its just the way it is.

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First of all I never said I dont mind if I get raided but im sorry to tell you that this is path we have chose and its a bumpy one. I choose to see the reality of our situation.

Second what your talking about, at this current moment, is a fairy tale.

If a new system and protocol is set forth it will not be voluntary but mandatory.

The problem is that even if they know you are legal they may still come in hot and heavy and their excuse will be that they have evidence that you are over your limits or selling to unregistered patients so on and so forth.


So there is no confusion I do feel that there needs to be change but you have to understand that the change that needs to be made is not in the rules and regulations but the mindstate of these vicious LEO who dont yet understand the use of our medicine of choice.

It doesnt matter how many times you change the system or the rules or whatever, until LEO follows the rules that are set forth we are going to have problems.


And again so there is no confusion I am not angry at all about the raids that took place in my home I did something illegal and I was caught I have no reason to be angry with anyone other than myself.I knew the rules of the game and I chose to play anyway just as patients and Cg need to understand that although it shouldnt be this way by getting certified we risk being raided. Its just the way things are at the moment,not that its right but its just the way it is.



A new set of rules and protocol shall be whatever the MI voter and MMJ body determine as being constitutional and acceptable...


We are the ones defining this idea,,not them...


It shall be voluntary..


The police have no current access to this,,,,so why would this be so hard to believe as a reality??


I find the current reality harder to believe actually.. The MI state police cannot find out you are licensed right now..


Doesn't that sound pretty far fetched?? it's true...




The mindset is only altered when the rulebook has been changed,,they are forced to erase their current hard drive and operate

on a new paradigm...



Not impossible,,,after all ,,hey ! look what has happened in 2 years,,we are now a legal med state...



We can do anything,,,we are the voice,we are the voters,,we made this a reality..



How often do individuals in California get raided by swat who are licensed growers?


I'm not talking about co ops,,or dispensaries...



let's investigate that state's current protocol...



and if it's deficient then maybe we should spearhead a new direction for a change

and let Cali and all the other states see how it should be...

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I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.Its my stand that LEOs protocol for obtaining a search warrant needs to be changed.

I mean when the doctor writes you a script for Oxycontin they dont put your name on a list of people who are allowed to have Oxys why should this be any different.Its no ones business but my own what meds I am on.


And sorry to tell you but the people of Michigan may have voted on the law to allow medical MJ but they really had nothing to do with the rules that were set up after the fact.

Ill be honest I dont really know who set up the rules I do know that Greg Fransicsco and some other activists helped with the rules but I dont ever remember there being a secondary vote on what the rules were going to be, so how do the people have any say in what the rules of the law are.


Bottom line is that until all of the LEOs and judges accept the law as it stands we shouldnt go messing with it, if we open the door to change things we want changed who is to say the state wont step in to change things too.

And Im sure that if we say a database needs to be implemented than they are going to say it needs to be mandatory so that all Ps and Cgs are protected.


No one should be raided for their use of MJ as medicine and I understand that you are very shaken by what has happened to you but you have to understand that even if they knew you were legal they may have still raided your home with some other lame excuse about being over your limits or selling to uncertified people. I mean in your first post you claim your neighbor lied about something so who is to say he wouldnt claim you were selling to....hell even himself for instance.


The main point being is that until they respect our law it doesnt matter how many rules or regulations or protocols you change LEO is going to do what they darn well please so long as their superiors allow them to and the only thing the superiors care about is money so as I said before the only thing that is going to stop these ignorant raids is a lawsuit.I really hate to admit this but it may just take some poor soul being shot or losing their life before the suit is won and they leave us alone.Dont get me wrong I dont wish this on anyone but this is the world we live in.

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Let's face it a voluntary database registry, would eventually become a mandatory database registry. Some municipalities are already attempting to force patients and caregivers to register with the locals, or face criminal and civil penalties. Why is there no such requirement for those with vicodin, oxy, or methodone prescriptions?


The fact is that many municipalities see medical marijuana patients and caregivers as easy prey, and they hope that they can catch them in some technical violation of the law, for the purposes of seizures, fees, and fines. Some municipalities have even gone a step further when they couldn't find a violation of the law, and declared a place a nuisance, just to shut it down. Having a list of patients and caregivers would allow prohibitionists to use the same tactics. Whether there is a violation of the MMMAct or not, they would attempt to trump up other charges to harass or inconvenience legally registered patients and caregivers.


All seizures of personal liberties have come in the guise of added safety and protecting the interests of those the liberties are being seized from. No anger involved in this by me, just being pragmatic about the implications of such a requirement.


Just a side thought, without any other laws being initiated what would prevent the DEA or other federal agency from seizing such a database?

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What I'm confused about is the warrant itself. When LEO approaches a judge to conduct a search, LEO must present proper evidence to warrant said search. Sometimes, depending on SOP and prior to approaching the judge, LEO consults their own internal 'law' department. Point being, several evidentiary-related steps must take place BEFORE the cops bust your door down. A 'tip' from a disgruntled neighbor is not enough, period. If the police would had found you breaking the law, they (LEO) would have to explain to the jury and judge why they thought it necessary to perform such raid. CYA for LEO, the department, and judge who signed the warrant.....


.....so, what did the warrant specifically say? I'm not trying to bandwagon on your other post or discredit you in any way. I think this is an important issue that may shed some light to the process that led up to your ordeal.


Offering LEO an inspection of your home or give them a grand list of CG's is kin to inviting the devil into your home. I see absolutely no point in this idea. As a man, my home is my castle. The law gives me such a right....it's one of the natural laws that our founding fathers believed so much in. To say, "hey, come on in verify that I'm following the law" is Naziism, Fascism, and a downright slap in the face to all Americans and what it's like to be American.


The MMMA law is what it is. It's up to LEO to obey it and adapt tactics if they want to catch the 'bad guys'. We should not have to adjust or amend the law to accommodate them. Your house was raided because THEY made a grand mistake.

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I respect everybody's opinion on this ,and quite frankly have to just leave it alone...

I see there simply isn't the backing or drive for the people to want a safeguard for themselves.


It is indeed a situation where the camel get's his nose under the tent wall..

Next thing ya know the whole damned beast is in the tent...


I was hoping with the amount of views ,that there would have been more input from more of

a variety of members,but that's just not the case..


I do know that my local police are working on getting some type of organized idea for their own

records,so as to not bother people again once they are known to be licensed..


This is not from the MDCH base..


I'm aware that they know about me, and I'm fine with that..


Again I'll say that I may well be the exception to the norm,,and people may view lenawee county as

a bunch of hick ,rednecks but their narcotics unit is up to speed and actually progressive thinking

with regards to licensed people...thank God!


I have to focus my energy and time to my units that need to be available in a few short months...

For true medical patients ,,as it is wheel chair accessible and takes care of itself...

That is my focus...




Have a great holdiay,stay safe


Go Redwings!!!

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I respect everybody's opinion on this ,and quite frankly have to just leave it alone...

I see there simply isn't the backing or drive for the people to want a safeguard for themselves.


It is indeed a situation where the camel get's his nose under the tent wall..

Next thing ya know the whole damned beast is in the tent...


I was hoping with the amount of views ,that there would have been more input from more of

a variety of members,but that's just not the case..


I do know that my local police are working on getting some type of organized idea for their own

records,so as to not bother people again once they are known to be licensed..


This is not from the MDCH base..


I'm aware that they know about me, and I'm fine with that..


Again I'll say that I may well be the exception to the norm,,and people may view lenawee county as

a bunch of hick ,rednecks but their narcotics unit is up to speed and actually progressive thinking

with regards to licensed people...thank God!


I have to focus my energy and time to my units that need to be available in a few short months...

For true medical patients ,,as it is wheel chair accessible and takes care of itself...

That is my focus...




Have a great holdiay,stay safe


Go Redwings!!!


Early on there was a case where the caregiver notified every law enforcement agency in the area he was about to start growing.


So they waited about three months and then raided him.


The dispensary people in Ferndale gained the approval of the city council. Talked to everyone, including sheriff Bourchard and PA Jessica Cooper.


When we try to be open and honest, we should be treated with some level of respect.

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