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Not Permitted To Undertake Any Task....?

Guest d00g

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I was just reviewing Qualifying Patient information and something struck me funny about the MM Act: scope of act: Limitations...

Sec. 7. (b)... it reads: "This act shall not permit any person to do any of the following: (1) Undertake any task under the influence of marijuana, when doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice..." then (2) follows.


"..undertake any task" seems a bit broad. Can someone elaborate on this? Thanks.

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my initial interpretation based on the context of the whole sentence is:

a person Should not do anything while under the influence (UTI ha ha a legal definition almost impossible to define without a longterm verified baseline blood level study((never answer the question, when did you last medicate?))) which would be construed as causing neglect or while under the fiduciary responsibility of a trained professional.

don't medicate then go to court

don't medicate and operate machinery

don't medicate when to do so may cause direct neglatory harm to others

don't medicate b4 you operate

don't medicate when your at work

i think basically this says...

don't put yourself into a position where you need to medicate to alleviate your symptoms when to do so may cause direct or indirect harm to others in your vicinity?

just brainstorming here

great question!


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