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Royal Oak Looks At Pot Ban


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City weighs options on how to handle state medical marijuana law

Valerie Olander / The Detroit News


Royal Oak— Royal Oak was expected to decide Monday night whether to ban medical marijuana in the community or extend its second moratorium on marijuana dispensaries. The city's current 120-day moratorium expires Feb. 13.


Large crowds were expected on both sides of the issue at the City Commission meeting, including supporters of the South Oakland Boys and Girls Club, who planned to submit a petition requesting a ban similar to one in Livonia.



That Wayne County suburb and two Oakland County communities — Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham — banned medical marijuana facilities altogether, citing federal law that declares the drug illegal.


The American Civil Liberties Union recently filed suit against the communities, claiming that they were violating the state's medical marijuana law.


Michigan voters approved the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act in 2008 to allow patients with qualified medical conditions to use the drug.


Local governments have taken varied actions in response to the state legislation — some by regulating dispensaries through land use and zoning laws, and some by licensing and regulating marijuana cultivation and storage.


Royal Oak city attorney David W. Gilliam provided five options for city officials to consider at Monday night's meeting: Take no action and let the moratorium expire. City staff would accept applications and process under zoning ordinance regulations.


Extend the moratorium.


Adopt the "Livonia model" on second reading. The City Commission narrowly approved a ban on dispensaries in October, but then postponed its decision. If approved, the ban would be effective Feb. 3.


Approve the Planning Commission's Sept. 14 recommendation, which would ban dispensaries but allow in-home use for qualifying patients and in-home cultivation by primary caregivers. The recommendation is similar to an ordinance approved in neighboring Southfield.


Consider another ordinance.

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so i was their and their were not that many people their but Lawyers were their telling them they would be sued if they bad it the hash bash guy was their he did good and the guy from Big Daddy's was their he told them that their were about 300 MMJ people that live inn the city

sorry i have to go to court for some body today i will post more later

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They banned it. Now someone get off your profiteering donkey and do something. the average patient has no clue on how this is done. one of the mmj lawers????$$$$$$ needs to get hold of the aclu and fight this, again there was a vote about 3yrs ago and the law was passed now the citys are rewriting and banning mmj.lets rewrite a few laws of our own and see what happens. all i see is these lawyers b im done u ecoming caregivers and profiting not helping, ahh go sell ur patients:(... im done with this BS site, the people who run it are in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$

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They banned it. Now someone get off your profiteering donkey and do something. the average patient has no clue on how this is done. one of the mmj lawers????$$$$$$ needs to get hold of the aclu and fight this, again there was a vote about 3yrs ago and the law was passed now the citys are rewriting and banning mmj.lets rewrite a few laws of our own and see what happens. all i see is these lawyers b im done u ecoming caregivers and profiting not helping, ahh go sell ur patients:(... im done with this BS site, the people who run it are in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$

and u are deleting my previous comments and rewriting my posts

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I am waiting for Southfield to decide something similar..


I will sue, sue, then sue some more.. It is not their place to make such regulations and I will not stand for it.. If they want me to move, they will have to buy me a new house and give me monthly payments since I will be pushed away from my job even further..


Who do these city officials think they are? They have no right at all. :growl:

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

This site about profit? We operate so far in the red it's not even funny.....We're soooooOOOOooooOOOOOOo lucky to have "MK". He seems to be one of the few with some money (and I dont even know that, but I assume as a lawyer he has more then the majority of the users here) putting his money where is mouth is....


katmandu, I find you highly offensive speaking like you actually have a clue. You have no idea the money that hemorages for MMMA activities like sending JoeCain and Michael everywhere to speak, the pro-bono cases he takes on, the dedicated servers, software licencing, etc. Just the bills a person at my level is aware of per month for this site alone is more then I make to live on in 3 months.


I'll let you know right now you're one of my new hobbies. I'm waiting for you to give me a reason to delete you.


Good luck.

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This site about profit? We operate so far in the red it's not even funny.....We're soooooOOOOooooOOOOOOo lucky to have "MK". He seems to be one of the few with some money (and I dont even know that, but I assume as a lawyer he has more then the majority of the users here) putting his money where is mouth is....


katmandu, I find you highly offensive speaking like you actually have a clue. You have no idea the money that hemorages for MMMA activities like sending JoeCain and Michael everywhere to speak, the pro-bono cases he takes on, the dedicated servers, software licencing, etc. Just the bills a person at my level is aware of per month for this site alone is more then I make to live on in 3 months.


I'll let you know right now you're one of my new hobbies. I'm waiting for you to give me a reason to delete you.


Good luck.


You guys do great here Garf! But you already know that! :thumbsu:

Thanks for the public site, and the efforts put into creating and maintaining it!

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