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Storing Cannabis


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We looked in the forums and tutorials but didn't find any information on long term ( 6+ weeks) storage of cannabis in Mason jars.


We will be leaving for six weeks and will be leaving our medication at home and need some tips on long term storage so they don't turn to dust.. We use Mason jars and keep them in a dark cool place and normally its (one ounce) around no longer than a month well we both have our limit and have never needed to keep in storage for any length of time.


Quick question about the lids for any canning jars do we need to replace the sealing flat after a given length of time. Will they lose thier form and not seal tight enough allowing the medication to dry out.


Thank You

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new lids for mason jars are dirt cheap and can be found an a number of grocery stores, even the smaller ones. I'd cure them up, jar them up, and store them in the freezer for as long as you need. Just be sure when you take them out to use them, that you let them air out and adjust to room temp with the lid off for a few hours before trying to remove the medicine from the jar. Cold makes them brittle, and all that jazz, but it wouldn't hurt it unless you man handle frozen buds.

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If I were going to store my meds for 6 weeks or more I would let them dry out much more than usual. It helps to reduce the risk of mold or overcuring. It is always best to store it in a dry, cool, and dark environment. Also, it is best to use a jar specific to the quantity you are storing so there is a minimal air pocket. If you happen to have access to CO2, like from a CO2 tank, spray some into the jar just before and while sealing the jar shut. It will help preserve the medicine by reducing the amount of oxygen in the jar. I have used this techinque before for storage over 6 weeks and I did not notice the medicine being degraded at all.

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