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They Want Me Dead?


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Sorry I have to get this off my chest, I'm so freaking pissed the budget cuts are going to kill me!!!!


Let me give you some background, when I was 2 yrs old my Dad was drunk driving and was in a accident and I went through the windshield of his van landed in the middle of the highway. I was near death. While I was in the hospital (3 months) they couldn't get me to stop bleeding They then discovered that I have Type 3 hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease type 3,details on this disorder.


This disease caused me to be home bound most my life, no sports, no social life none of the things a normal person could do. It still effects me to this day and will never go away. I have to self infuse myself 3x's a week with blood transfusions at home. it has cause my bones to detriate rapidly. although I'm only 29 years old, I have the bones and health of a 60 yr old, kinda like the movie Benjamin button. If you haven't seen it its a great movie. but that's sorta the life I live, very similar.


I have 3 ruptured disks in my back, degenerative disk disease, hospitalizing muscle spasms, severe agoraphobia,Hepatitis a,b,c(from blood transfusions) as well as seizures. I can't have surgery to fix any of these back issues due to my bleeding disorder example; I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was in the ICU for 3 weeks due to excessive bleeding, so there is no way any doctor will cut into my spine to fix the disks, so I live in extreme pain every day of my life, no way around it. The medicine I have to infuse cost $18,000 per shot that's $54,000 a week, that makes my blood like a normal persons for 8-12 hours.


Now here is why they are killing me!!!


Lets start off like this, without those shots that stop me from bleeding I'm a paper cut away from possibly bleeding to death its that severe, The state of Michigan denied me medicade, and Social Security has denied me. I live right now with no insurance so I go without the medication to take if I get a bleed, certain death. Hospitals don't have this medication in stock due to only 1/1,000,000 people being effected by this disease. Now even worse our new Governor Rick Snyder thought it would be OK to take 2.4 million dollars away from the Hemophilia foundation because he didn't think we needed that much money in this area of the budget.


Due to the disease I suffer from, I cant take, NSAIDS, motrin, tylenol, no OTC medication. I can only take opiates that's all. so they had me on 100mcg Fentanyl, 80 mg Oxycotin, and list of narcotics. they were having a severe effect on my quality of life to the extreme of kidney failure, and deep depression I almost took my own life due to the pain/addiction.


I had to choose live or die, I chose life, I acquired my MM card and stopped taking ALL pain meds, then guess what happens LEO took that from me seized my ablity to medicate on a non lethal medication that doesn't require insurance, and my body wont reject due to my disease. So now I have NOTHING to help my extreme pain, I'm 29 yrs old and bed ridden for the most part.


Now I open my email moments ago and see yet again good ole Rick Snyder, is again cutting the budget on funding for this disease, they have taken my right to medicate away not only for pain but to infuse to keep me alive, I'm on permanent disability per my 10 doctors, THEY WILL NOT LET ME WORK.


They denied me Medicaid for what reason I have no idea, They have denied me SSI, They denied my use of MM, they are dragging me through court for something that happened to me, I was the victim of a robbery, why do they do this? OHHH yah they stopped my food assistance last week to, they said that because they think I should be fine to work that I don't need food assistance??????


I'm fed up to the MAX!!!, I don't deserve this.. since all this court stuff I have lost my home, my transportation, my girlfriend, my savings, my medication, my freaking sanityyyyyyyy.


Thanks for taking the time to read this sorry I had to vent I can't let the government keep taking everything away piece by piece.


Please lets make this government understand they cant keep doing this to people starting May 25th


Thanks again sorry I had to vent only way to exhaust some of my frustrations.. I just want to let LEO to know where not all criminals, were sick people. and the government just keeps taking the things that keep us alive away.



WOW Very sorry to hear this..I was borning with disabilaties my self. and i fought 12 years for my disabialty..They some how cut me off, when i realized it and signed back up..They approved right away..BUT with NO back pay..I feel for ya brother..we are all sick , and some obviuosly worse than others..How can they say with all your records (10 dr.s) That you do not qualify? How dare them A>S>Ses..And will be there with a big grillso bring hot dogs n buns all. http://clarecountycc.ning.com/

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Hi John – I received word back from the Department of Human Services that your Medicaid case was denied on 11/18/2010 as the DHS Medical Review Team determined that you did not meet the definition of disabled. I was informed that you can request a hearing regarding this denial by completing the Hearing Request Form that was included as part of the denial letter. You can also write a letter very specifically stating that he is requesting a hearing regarding your Medicaid denial. I was also told that your food assistance was closed on January 31, 2011. You should reapply for benefits.


In speaking with Senator Gregory regarding the matter before the court, he would like to specifically what you want him to do. Generally, matters involving the judicial branch are out of his jurisdiction and he must be conscientious of this fact. If you can no longer afford an attorney, perhaps you can request a court-appointed attorney to represent you. Was the Department able to assist you earlier in this arrest process to clarify that you were registered and legitimate?




Man, what they they think that I didn't already know that? So all that for them to tell me what I already knew, yuh I know I was denied, I typed that to you explaining that they said I was denied disabilty? how much more disabled can someone be??????????? This is the sheet I go through daily its a joke!!



AHAHAHAHA, get a court appointed yah right.. that will work as well as getting disabilty money.. waste of my time and just another way to get my hopes up them smash them on the ground again, thanks for the help!

I don't know why I expected anything more from our government, just another hyped up conversation about helping me then heres the end result .



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you need to have a lawyer to get through the process. No money up front, they will take their fee from the money you get from your past-due benefits once you are approved. Basically you have to get a hearing and prove to the judge that you are incapable of doing any job, even wallmart greeter type jobs. When you get your hearing don't take any pain meds for a while, go in there a pathetic wreck,cry, etc. It's demeaning but it is the way the system works. It seems that it is much easier to prove that someone has some kind of mental disability rather than a broken down body...

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I will get what I deserve and need so badly, just really blows how bad the system is setup. Believe me I wish I wasn't disabled I went from making 38,000 a yr to begging for food assistance from the state.


When I had that meeting with the SSI rep yesterday morning he stated "I cant tell you how bad I feel for most folks that sit where you are daily, I think they should get assistance but yet they get denied so often I don't even say anything other than you have to wait for a letter"Its bad when the guy working for them is disappointed in the system to. I stated man its busy huh? he said" this is slow right now(9:10am) there was 70+ppl in there, he said I see approx. 500ppl a day".


I will never stop fighting for what is rightly mine, I paid into ssi I will get what I deserve now that I can't work anymore.


The Hemophilia foundation offers 2 free SS lawyers, My doctors are in the process of getting me in touch with them now.



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you need to have a lawyer to get through the process. No money up front, they will take their fee from the money you get from your past-due benefits once you are approved. Basically you have to get a hearing and prove to the judge that you are incapable of doing any job, even wallmart greeter type jobs. When you get your hearing don't take any pain meds for a while, go in there a pathetic wreck,cry, etc. It's demeaning but it is the way the system works. It seems that it is much easier to prove that someone has some kind of mental disability rather than a broken down body...


Yes get a Lawyer it wont cost you till the job is done and they will get-er done thats what Torey did and then things got better for her and will get better for you

call today don't delay thats what i here on T.V

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