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Aclu To Doj: Keep Your Medical Marijuana Promises

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ACLU to DOJ: Keep your medical marijuana promises


By Ed Brayton | 05.12.11 | 8:36 am






The ACLU sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding that the Obama administration live up their repeated promise not to prosecute people for using medical marijuana in compliance with state and local laws.




Though Obama and the DOJ have said several times that they would not use federal resources to go after those who are complying with state laws allowing the use of medical marijuana, U.S. Attorneys have been sending letters to state officials telling them that even state workers who handle regulation and licensing of the substance are at risk of federal arrest now.




In a press release, the ACLU said:




The ACLU also says in its letter that the recent U.S. Attorneys’ letters conflict with a DOJ representation to a federal court that the Ogden memo represented a significant policy shift, under which those individuals and entities that use or distribute medical marijuana in full compliance with state medical marijuana laws would no longer be targeted by federal law enforcement. Based on that representation, the ACLU in 2009 voluntarily dismissed a lawsuit against the federal government arising from a 2002 DEA raid of a California medical marijuana garden, in which the ACLU represents a group of plaintiffs including Santa Cruz, Calif. city and county officials, which sanctioned the garden. The federal court had previously upheld the ACLU’s 10th Amendment claim alleging the federal government had selectively enforced federal marijuana laws in an improper federal attempt to undermine and disable the functioning of state medical marijuana laws.




“If, contrary to the assurances its attorneys provided the court in the Santa Cruz case, the federal government’s enforcement policies now include ‘vigorously enforcing’ federal drug laws against individuals and entities who manufacture and distribute marijuana on a completely non-profit basis and in full compliance with state medical marijuana laws, it marks a significant departure from the federal government’s position in the Santa Cruz litigation and could lead to that case being reinstated in its October 2009 posture with discovery proceeding as originally planned,” the ACLU’s letter reads.



Michael A. Komorn


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Maybe we should send him a letter and demand that the State of Michigan comply with our State Law as it was written since they are having such a difficult time with comprehending it after more than two and a half years since it became Law. Especially Redden, Kingpinn and PetoskeyStoned ....

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Guest Happy Guy

Maybe we should send him a letter and demand that the State of Michigan comply with our State Law as it was written since they are having such a difficult time with comprehending it after more than two and a half years since it became Law. Especially Redden, Kingpinn and PetoskeyStoned ....

The memo has nothing to do with Redden, Kingpinn, or PetoskyStoned, unless they run a dispensary that doesn't have patient's best interests in their business model. To put in nicely...

The ACLU is throwing us patients to the wolves when they side with dispensary interests like in Arizona. If they keep on in the direction they are headed, more of us patients will lose our grow rights, like what is about to happen in Arizona. Some states have evil plans and should be 'adjusted' accordingly. The 'memo' is an attempt to get them to do the right thing for patients and our country as a whole. When the ACLU starts saying that every qualified medical cannabis patient in America will always have their right to grow, I'm on board with both feet. Say it loud, say it proud, we deserve to ALWAYS be able to supply ourselves with our medicine! Whether it be here, or Arizona. Say it ACLU! I'm listening...

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Guest Happy Guy

I think the ACLU is siding with state law rather than dispensary.... State law allows the disp. to be in place in some states...

You can't separate the two. Do you understand that in Arizona, if a dispensary sets up within 25 miles of a patient, the patient loses their right to grow and HAS TO buy from the dispensary? The federal memo stops this. The ACLU is trying to stop the memo action. The ACLU is backing up a state law that takes away patient grow rights. This could also happen here.

In my book, patient grow rights trump the heck out of state rights to make patients pay through the nose.

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Well that is what the AZ law is and how its set up, and how it was voted on by the people of AZ or whatever. Yes that does suck for them, and I feel bad for them but that is the way they wrote there law. Our law is different, the ACLU would side with patients in Michigan and not a disp.

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Guest Happy Guy

Well that is what the AZ law is and how its set up, and how it was voted on by the people of AZ or whatever. Yes that does suck for them, and I feel bad for them but that is the way they wrote there law. Our law is different, the ACLU would side with patients in Michigan and not a disp.

Not whatever. These are fellow patients in the same country you live in with the same government. The state wrote the law that way. Obama says no. He says in fact, you keep it up we will arrest you state buttheads for doing that to patients. Show me where The Memo hurts us in Michigan? Make the ACLU stand up for patient grow rights FIRST AND FOREMOST! Then you can protect the greedy dispensaries if you want to and I will be on board for that one too. But not while they take my grow rights. No way.

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Maybe we should send him a letter and demand that the State of Michigan comply with our State Law as it was written since they are having such a difficult time with comprehending it after more than two and a half years since it became Law. Especially Redden, Kingpinn and PetoskeyStoned ....




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Not whatever. These are fellow patients in the same country you live in with the same government. The state wrote the law that way. Obama says no. He says in fact, you keep it up we will arrest you state buttheads for doing that to patients. Show me where The Memo hurts us in Michigan? Make the ACLU stand up for patient grow rights FIRST AND FOREMOST! Then you can protect the greedy dispensaries if you want to and I will be on board for that one too. But not while they take my grow rights. No way.


HAHAHA... Wrong, he said that cuz they are engaged in the distribution of Marijuana... its bullcrap, but its not cuz obama likes or respects patients.... and is it even really obama or an out of control DoJ?

The whatever thing, was I dont know how there law became law, not whatever for them....

The memo does not have to hurt us in michigan, the federal gov has already came in here, raided patients, caregivers and disp.

Again, I will say the ACLU is trying to protect state laws, not disp. Its a state law vs. federal thing to me. Personally I only support disp. for a last resort kinda thing, but I have still never been to one. Patient/CG network FTW, but I would rather have some kind of law saying I was a patient and not a criminal. Maybe the ACLU and the patients of AZ can get together and write there own grow thing into the law by amending it or something, I dont know if AZ can do that tho.

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Guest Happy Guy

HAHAHA... Wrong, he said that cuz they are engaged in the distribution of Marijuana... its bullcrap, but its not cuz obama likes or respects patients.... and is it even really obama or an out of control DoJ?

The whatever thing, was I dont know how there law became law, not whatever for them....

The memo does not have to hurt us in michigan, the federal gov has already came in here, raided patients, caregivers and disp.

Again, I will say the ACLU is trying to protect state laws, not disp. Its a state law vs. federal thing to me. Personally I only support disp. for a last resort kinda thing, but I have still never been to one. Patient/CG network FTW, but I would rather have some kind of law saying I was a patient and not a criminal. Maybe the ACLU and the patients of AZ can get together and write there own grow thing into the law by amending it or something, I dont know if AZ can do that tho.

The memo is all about dispensaries. That is all. Just about dispensaries. It just so happens that the memo has extended patient grow rights in Arizona. They can grow a little longer now. If the ACLU gets it's way, patients are finished growing. With a rep. governor here, watching closely, with an agenda to make some money any way he can, we will be next. He will have his mandate/model in Arizona. The rest of the states will follow because they can. Then they will find out patients are broke and can't bail out the state's economy. By then, it will be too late and turn out it was a terrible idea, with us patients as victims.

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Guest Happy Guy

I hope I'm understanding all this clearly, and I hope the ACLU would side with PATIENTS, not disp, especially in MI.



The memo is about dispensary rights, not patient rights. In Arizona, dispensary rights will trump patient rights. There is no reason to think it will be different here.

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Yes and that is how there law is set up! OUR LAW IN MICHIGAN is all about patients and Caregivers, NOT disp. Each state has different laws. Even tho some are very close to the same, they still have differences. I would like to see the federal government step away from any medical state weather it has a disp. law set in place or has a patient caregiver law. Either way patients are getting restricted in there access of Marijuana because of the Federal Governments intrusion into state rights. And I really dont see how Snyder or Shutte are going to overturn our law.... Super Majority FTW!!!

Can you say that the ACLU is not fighting for states rights and only fighting to hurt patients?

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Guest Happy Guy

Yes and that is how there law is set up! OUR LAW IN MICHIGAN is all about patients and Caregivers, NOT disp. Each state has different laws. Even tho some are very close to the same, they still have differences. I would like to see the federal government step away from any medical state weather it has a disp. law set in place or has a patient caregiver law. Either way patients are getting restricted in there access of Marijuana because of the Federal Governments intrusion into state rights. And I really dont see how Snyder or Shutte are going to overturn our law.... Super Majority FTW!!!

Can you say that the ACLU is not fighting for states rights and only fighting to hurt patients?

No. Our state could set it up exactly the same way. Our governor does whatever he wants, haven't you noticed?

Your grow rights could be gone tomorrow. I believe they will be gone eventually. That's doesn't stop me from fighting for every extra day I can grow. When we saw Arizona's law it should have dawned on each and every one of us that it could happen here. The Memo stands in the way. Thanks for the Memo. Dispensary owners hate it I'm sure. But they haven't been playing far with us so I'm saying... too bad.

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No. Our state could set it up exactly the same way. Our governor does whatever he wants, haven't you noticed?

Your grow rights could be gone tomorrow. I believe they will be gone eventually. That's doesn't stop me from fighting for every extra day I can grow. When we saw Arizona's law it should have dawned on each and every one of us that it could happen here. The Memo stands in the way. Thanks for the Memo. Dispensary owners hate it I'm sure. But they haven't been playing far with us so I'm saying... too bad.



Mother Nature says it will always grow on our beautiful earth..............don't think any politician can change Mother Nature!!!!

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And my grandma should not have access to marijuana because she is not able to grow for herself and she does not know anybody that grows? Not having a disp can hurt patients too... I think all three, patient growing for themselves, having a caregiver grow for you, or be able to get it from a disp can all work together and should be free to. I believe its all about patients access... Maybe we shouldn't complain about AZ and we should move to get the federal gov to change there position on Medical Marijuana or just Marijuana.... Then we wouldn't have these states trying to set stuff up like a pharmacy has to be set up and regulated. If all patients hated the disp thing, then why are there so many in Michigan, cuz they are needed....

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Guest Happy Guy

And my grandma should not have access to marijuana because she is not able to grow for herself and she does not know anybody that grows? Not having a disp can hurt patients too... I think all three, patient growing for themselves, having a caregiver grow for you, or be able to get it from a disp can all work together and should be free to. I believe its all about patients access... Maybe we shouldn't complain about AZ and we should move to get the federal gov to change there position on Medical Marijuana or just Marijuana.... Then we wouldn't have these states trying to set stuff up like a pharmacy has to be set up and regulated. If all patients hated the disp thing, then why are there so many in Michigan, cuz they are needed....

Is this your grangma's dispensary? Would she like to go to this place? This is the dispensary that the feds were interested in:

Evolve info;



Search Archive: Home News Evolve





. . Wednesday, April 27,2011


2312 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing Hours: M-Sat 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

by City Pulse

Like a fortress of solitude, Evolve Medical Marijuana Services is located on Michigan Avenue between Lansing Art Glass and Alternative Choice Clinic on Lansing’s east side. Parking is available on the street in front and also in the back of this business. I paid a visit on a recent Thursday around 5:30 p.m. and attempted to enter through the front door next to Evolve´s neon "Open" sign. But the entrance was locked and all of the windows and doors were covered with what looked like contact paper. I knocked without response, then walked to the back entrance and spotted a door with a roof awning labeled “Entrance.” When I knocked at this locked door, I was greeted with a muffled, “Yeah?” When I explained I was trying to find the entrance, I was directed back to the front door. An employee opened the door a smidge and checked my identification. He then asked for my state medical marijuana registry card, which I don´t have yet because of the state´s backlog. Patients are supposed to take their application copies with completed certifications and proof of payment as legitimate documents to demonstrate program eligibility.


The employee indicated the application had to be “stamped” by the state Department of Community Health in order to be valid. One would only possess a stamped application copy if one hand-carried paperwork to the state office and requested a copy. I tried to argue this point, but the employee was unflappable. I was able to crane my neck to see that there was a lobby and service counter with medicines. Reportedly, this business sells medicine, medibles and clones.


I tried to follow-up by telephone and discovered the number listed in City Pulse’s online directory was not working. I paid a second visit to Evolve at 7 p.m. on a Monday and found the business closed with the lights and the neon sign turned off. I knocked loudly to no response. There was a 3-1-3 area code number on a help wanted sign in the window. I called and spoke with the proprietor, who informed me that Evolve only accepts valid cards and applications that are stamped. When I indicated this would only cover individuals who applied in person to the state registry, he confirmed this was their policy. I asked about business hours and he indicated they were open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. I stated they were closed at the time of my visit and he indicated they must have been open. I told him I was standing outside the business and they were definitely closed, to which he replied: “They should be open.”


While other dispensaries in town have a well-organized staff and operation, Evolve looks like it needs more time to … evolve


You say that 'maybe we shouldn't complain about Arizona'.

Why? Because those medical patients are 'Way down there is Arizona'?

California is 'Way over there', and what was there came here....

You need to look at The Big Picture. Arizona is what all dispensary owners dream about. Don't expect all of them to admit that to you.

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And what I dream of as a patient is ACCESS! And I did not see anything bad in that story... Maybe they wouldnt accept them without card or stamped paperwork. Sounds like they were trying to protect themselves... I got a question for you, are all business working on the up and up? Or are some of them better than others? Just because one or two disp. are crappy, does not mean that all of them are. Listen, I get you point about how AZ can grow a little longer, thats cool, BUT that does not change the fact that the ACLU is protecting STATE LAW'S and not disp per say.


lol letterhead!

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Guest Happy Guy

And what I dream of as a patient is ACCESS! And I did not see anything bad in that story... Maybe they wouldnt accept them without card or stamped paperwork. Sounds like they were trying to protect themselves... I got a question for you, are all business working on the up and up? Or are some of them better than others? Just because one or two disp. are crappy, does not mean that all of them are. Listen, I get you point about how AZ can grow a little longer, thats cool, BUT that does not change the fact that the ACLU is protecting STATE LAW'S and not disp per say.


lol letterhead!

Nothing bad? Can you imagine your grandmother trying to 'score' at that place? You think she would like the run around? Do you think it is a coincidence that this dispensary is the one 'picked on'?

Make no mistake, the ACLU is protecting dispensaries.... specifically. In responce to them being 'put in line' by the Obama memo. Which might be fine if the same laws they are protecting didn't attack patient rights.

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Nothing bad? Can you imagine your grandmother trying to 'score' at that place? You think she would like the run around? Do you think it is a coincidence that this dispensary is the one 'picked on'?

Make no mistake, the ACLU is protecting dispensaries.... specifically. In responce to them being 'put in line' by the Obama memo. Which might be fine if the same laws they are protecting didn't attack patient rights.


I'm STILL going to support the ACLU.

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Nothing bad? Can you imagine your grandmother trying to 'score' at that place? You think she would like the run around? Do you think it is a coincidence that this dispensary is the one 'picked on'?

Make no mistake, the ACLU is protecting dispensaries.... specifically. In responce to them being 'put in line' by the Obama memo. Which might be fine if the same laws they are protecting didn't attack patient rights.


So if you do have a bad experience at ANY business, you dont have to go back, if you get the run around, if you get the shaft, if you get the best deal in the world, you DO NOT HAVE TO GO BACK, that is not the only place that does that...


I guess we will just think differently on this, I am not going to repeat myself a million times and I dont expect you to either. Have a nice day mang.

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Guest Happy Guy

I'm STILL going to support the ACLU.

Maybe you could attach a small note with your donation asking them to help patients keep their grow rights in states like Arizona? Maybe they could work with the Obama administration to stop the greedy monopolies the dispensary interests are setting up in medical marijuana states? I would much appreciate that, thanks. Maybe you might want to move to Arizona someday and grow for yourself? It really could happen here if left unchecked.

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