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Macomb County Doctor's License Suspended Over Alleged Medical Marijuana Scam

Guest Mr Pepper

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Guest Mr Pepper

Macomb County doctor's license suspended over alleged medical marijuana scam




The license of a Macomb County doctor has been suspended over allegations she and an accomplice sold certificates for medical marijuana use without conducting medical exams.


Attorney General Bill Schuette and Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director Steven Hilfinger announced the suspension of Dr. Lois Butler-Jackson today after what they said was a three-month undercover operation conducted by Clinton Township police.


According to Schuette and Hilfinger, Butler-Jackson pre-signed medical marijuana certifications, which were subsequently sold as a part of a packet for prospective patients out of the back of a Warren appliance store.


The appliance store owner, advertising the location as “Safe Access Clinic,” charged $250 each for the packets, according to Schuette. DeLoose also sold marijuana to certificated patients, he said.


Profits from the sales are estimated at $20,000-$30,000, Schuette said.


Butler-Jackson, who could not be reached this afternoon, was charged with three violations of the public health code.


No criminal charges against either Butler-Jackson or DeLoose were announced.

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Guest Mr Pepper

A doctor operating in Clinton Township is accused of illegally selling medical marijuana certificates to a caregiver who sold the drug to patients out of his Warren store, Attorney General Bill Schuette announced today.


The medical license of Dr. Lois Butler-Jackson has been suspended by the state Department of Licensing Regulatory Affairs and could be revoked pending the outcome of hearings regarding charges of negligence, incompetence and “lack of good moral character.”


Butler-Jackson, 50, of Detroit, allegedly sold more than 300 presigned medical marijuana forms for a total of $20,000 to $30,000 over four months ending in February, Schuette said. Butler-Jackson sold them to Brian Deloose, who operated the “Safe Access Clinic” out of his appliance store, for $50 or $100 apiece, officials said. Deloose, 33, is accused of selling the certificates to patients who patronized his clinic for $250 as part of a medical marijuana registration kit.


The transactions violate the state Medical Marijuana Act, which requires a physician to assess the patient's medical history in a bona-fide physician-patient relationship, said Steven Hilfinger, LRA director. A signed physician certificate is supplied to the state as part of the patient’s formal application.


“We will also continue to work closely with the Attorney General’s office and law enforcement as we are all committed to administering the law in accordance with the letter and spirit of the statute that was adopted by voters in 2008,” Hilfinger said in a prepared statement.


An investigation by Clinton Township police revealed that Deloose instructed patients to return 20 days after registering to purchase marijuana. The state MMA provides that if an applicant sends in a complete application that is not processed within 20 days, then a copy of the application will act as a valid medical marijuana registration card.


Undercover Clinton Township officers purchased completed packets with certificates signed by Butler-Jackson without ever meeting her in person or obtaining her review of their medical records, authorities said. Those officers returned with the original applications 20 days later to purchase marijuana from Deloose’s appliance store.


Butler-Jackson also worked as a home care physician for Sentinel Wound Care Associates, P.C. of Clinton Township.


The administrative complaint may proceed to a contested case hearing and the ultimate sanction against Butler-Jackson will be determined by the Michigan Board of Medicine.


Butler-Jackson and Deloose are not charged with a crime.


Clinton Township police could not be immediately reached for comment today about potential criminal charges related to the case.

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Dr. Lois Butler-Jackson "patients" better be careful. I'm certain the MDCH will void everyone who visited her.



Oops! I guess I should say the Department of Licensing and Regulatory will be voiding people, They need to pop the appliance store owner and the Safe Access Clinic too.

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How stupid can you get !!!!!


You have a medical license and then you pull something like this !!!!!


Throw the book at her !!!!!!


The LAST thing we need is these charlatans who drag down our LEGITIMACY and give the likes of Schuette something to hang his hat on !!!!


Dr. Jinx

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Yep no sympathy from me...pipe in daylight. I'd bet a dime to a donate if you dug a little this "Doctor" probably has other issues in her past.


This is what I expect from law enforcement to go after the criminals who are breaking the law. Not those who are following the law.


Maybe they'll start going after the pain pill Doctors now who deal death and the crooked pharmacies who fill multitudes of narcotic pain pill prescriptions. knowing full well the patient has already cracked two or three others in the same month for the same pill.


It just takes one or two numb skulls to cause us who walk the straight and narrow trouble.


I believe its time maybe for us to trouble some numb skulls. I know of a pharmacy in Sterling Heights that if (when) the state looks into its prescription filling practices would (will) shut it down and (probably) arrest everyone who works there.


Narcotic pain pills kill more people in Michigan than car accidents but we haven't seen the attack on that as we have on legal medical cannabis that has never killed anyone.


There's none so blind as those who won't see.

- English proverb



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Dr Bob has always said something like this might happen the doctor patient relationship is key to each patients defense .


I don't want anyone to go to jail over cannabis but cmon "pre signed applications"? :thumbsd:


Id be feeling real worried if i used this clinic. :blink:

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I just wonder how that phone call to the lawyer went:


Hello? Yes, I..no, no I am pretty sure you can't do that. No, I don't think it would be legal to pre-sign authorizations without ever meeting the patient or reviewing their records. Whats that, Oh, OK. Your welcome. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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