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Great Day At The Rally

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Had a great day at the rally today. Made our voice heard. Had a great time at the loft too. Had to leave early because my patient needed to get back home. Was nice to see everyone out even though I didn't get to meet everyone, I enjoyed talking to those I was able to. Great seeing all the people on the front line. Excited to get my mmma Id. My patient had a good time too even in the rain. Couldn't believe this day finally came and it felt surreal the entire time.

Thank you!


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Posted Today


I bet Joe Cain and his crack team of experts will get this all straitened out.Who will be the first official to go down. Who will be the judge that will set our people free. Its time to quit pipe dreaming and taking action. These rouges are not going to take our whimpering serious. Who are you going to target first Joe. There are so many to choice from . god i love this Law . It helped me take my guard down thinking we had some kind of protection from the Angry White Boy committee. They have been grinding my meat for two years now. Witch of these rouge law breakers are you going to target Joe. Will it be the PA the judge that signed the warrant the appeals judges that used malice in there narrow minded decision against me. Where do we start Joe. Seems your a little overwhelmed Joe . Might be a good time to think about stepping down. Get some fresh ideas out there.

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Kingpinn, I stand with you in this fight for freedoms and rights given us by this Law. However I must back off my stance with you when you spout those words of stepping down to a Leader so devoted to this community and cause. I could see at the rally the effort put forth to bring it all together. Some things didn't quite work out, but I came away stronger, colder, wetter, but stronger.

I'm sure all this has taken it's toll on BB's strength, he tires from have such a Compassionate Heart in a pain filled body. I Love him for the Man he is, and will follow him for his path is mine.

Kingpinn, is it the stress your under? Lack of meds? or the lack of knowing that ppl here care about you too? We all read of the stress put upon those on the front lines of this abuse. Heaven knows how I myself would handle it. But, one thing for sure is I wouldn't push aside the Leader of the Support group standing with me.

BB if you read this, I offer you my strength for when you are rested I know you will return my favor to the next one that tires.

I Pray we all find Peace in Life, and comfort in know who we are and what we stand for. I Pray for many things, wisdom knowledge, but today, I'll Pray for the end of the fighting amongst ourselves. Please, wish me Luck.


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