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Fan Leafs

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Not unless there is something wrong with them. If they have been significantly damaged by pests, overfeeding, light burn or something similar, then they should be removed. Fan leaves are like little solar panels for your plants. They are their to absorb as much light as possible in order to foster photosynthesis. The only time I remove fan leaves is when they are, as stated, significantly damaged or if they are blocking the light from getting directly to a bud site, and then I only remove them when there is no other option (can't move them out of the way or readjust the plant's position to allow the bud site direct access to light.)


Not to mention, it has been my experience that most plant problems display themselves first in the fan leaves (mites, nutrient deficiencies,pH problems, etc.) Therfore the fan leaves serve as good early indicators and should be left on for just that purpose!

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I read an article in High Times a few months back about fan leaves. The general concensious, as seen here, is leave them be!!! It says if you want to get light to lower buds, do not remove the fan leaf!! Instead, cut the leafs in half. This way they are still able to collect energy from the light and are still able to perform transpiration. I will take a peek into my library and see if i can find the issue that talks about it. I will post info as soon as i can but i'm a busy man the next few days! Thanks, Medcnman.

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