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Ok so as some of you may know I had an issue with a CG a few months ago so I made a change too a much much better CG very compassionate and understanding. I was recommended/certified on June 4th of this year person I delegated at that time to be my CG was operating a certification clinic as well. Met with the Doc he reviewed records recommendation was a a no brain er as 2 qualifying conditions were right on first page of my records. About a week later I gave said CG the $100 state fee, CG made copies of everything in front of me except the check or m.o. said CG claims forms were sent out that week, flash forward to present day, still no card, no denial, NOTHING. So I e-mail Lara, explain to them everything, they respond they do not have me in their database at all. I contact former CG they still claim was all was sent in and will look through paperwork. That was 3 days ago and haven't heard from them since. I notified the CG I switched to, new CG comes over we refill out all the paperwork, except for the Doctor's part, I still had copies of his recommendation and I also keep in contact with him quite a bit anyway so new CG and I redo everything but that, make copies of everything including check and are resubmitting the application. Question and opinion, the DR's recommendation was from June 4th of this year because of what appears too me that the person who was originally suppose to be my CG did not send in squat, I had up until contacting LARA believed I was in full compliance and thats how I want to be, I had no idea this previous person did not send in my application. My question is now thats its been resent and fully traceable will I be ok? Did I do the right thing? My goal is to be 100% within the law and I'm a lil un nerved and upset this previous person did this, I guess my main worry is will LARA look at the Doc's recommendation date June 4th and look at the resubmitted date Dec 6th and say WTH??? Rejected! Keep in mind I have been in contact with LARA through email and they couldn't find me anywhere in their database so the current CG I had switched to thought it best to resubmit which I agree as well and thank God for this guy very good CG and understanding. Thank you all!

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my c.g tried to get me to give him all of the paperwork for him to mail in for me! Im sorry I will do that myself, I know some may not be able to get to the post office, but you can get the mail person in your area to help you get a certified letter out im sure or maybe a family member.

Im very sorry to hear of this kind of news, why would lara not have your info if you were renewing or just sending in change of c.g form? do they take reg pt's and c.g's out of the system as soon as card expires? or do they wait. is there any kind of waiting period before they take you out and you lose your registry #?


I have a very good c.g, but im sorry, He can fill out all of my paper work if he wants to, but when it comes down to sending in everything, I will do that myself, than I will have proof imediatly! always write a personal check if possible (even if you have to have a friend write it for you) im in a credit union, and as soon as my checks are cashed I can get a copy of it online and print it, to save in my records, I am on my 3rd yr and 2nd c.g from day one, the first quit because of family problems, the 2nd one has been realy good to me, and i have been as good as I can to him!


remember the old saying, If you want something done right, do it yourself! (or have a woman do it) :notfair:

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i think this is his first time applying, and his old cg lied about sending in his stuff and kept the money or whatever he did, they didnt have him in the system b/c he was never a registered patient before and his paperwork never got mailed in, atleast thats how i take it.

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Thats exactly correct Robman. So the general thought is they will reject the app because of the cert date? I looked and looked trying too see anything that mentions an expiration on LARA and the paperwork and found nothing. Been freaking out the past few days over it because it was my understanding for the past 5 months my application was in their system. :growl:

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holy crap!


BTW - Doc's Recommendation is good for 1 year.


Best to resend everything - if on the phone they don't have you in the system - I am thinking you got robbed $100 and nothing was sent in.


Good luck




Thank you!!!! Thats a lil sigh of relief, cause I do not have the $$$ for the Doctor again. Just makes me :growl: because for one I'm thinking this whole time LARA has it then I find out nope, so for the past 5 months I have been carrying around a copy of paperwork LARA didn't even have! All I want to do is be in compliance and be left alone, never had any legal trouble in my life not about to start now!

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