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New To The Site And Nervous

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Is the one in the library in clare? either way that would be your best start hitting a c.c meeting, you will get all kinds of help there and it will be in person,  that way you can judge for your self if you would like that route, I would recomend it!




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In Michigan, according to the state supreme court, selling to anyone other than your registered patient is illegal.  So advertising on the internet, like Budtrader, is right out in this state, unless of course you want to go to jail.  I suppose you could advertise that you were looking for patients, but you should wait until you have your grow established with you as the legal patient before you start looking for customers.  If you don't, you end up causing a lot of trouble between you and your PT if you can't supply them because your grow didn't work out.


Also, if you think you're going to make a bunch of money doing this, get that idea out of your head right now.

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Yes, go to the compassion club meeting. They should be able to answer any questions you have and help you get a grow going once you are certified.


Not sure how stating you wanted to get certified to grow for yourself has already gone down the "if your doing this for money" road. Tread lightly, sharks in these waters.


Oh and Welcome to the 3ma

Edited by michaelscott
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