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Brain Cancer: Dose It With Oil (Rick Simpson Or Other Oils)

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Perhaps you (or your friend) should watch this video... DO NOT GET CHEMOTHERAPY.. RICK SIMPSON OIL ALL THE WAY... 

Problem is you need to find someone that can produce the highest content of THC 95% or greater in-order to obtain the full healing effects of the oil. It should also be noted that you MUST believe in your mind, body, and soul that hash oil (when produced properly) CAN AND WILL HEAL YOU. NO DOUBTS. Your mind is THE MOST POWERFUL tool you have... THAT along with the CANNABIS OIL (produced properly) is all you need.... THAT AND START EATING NOTHING BUT JUICED ORGANIC FRUITS AND VEGGIES... remember food is your medicine as well... Just be careful of GMO's as this is what is causing the majority of the cancers nowadays.   

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I find it insanely irresponsible to tell people not to use traditional medicine at all for brain cancer.


Need I list all of the people that have followed Rick simpsons advice and are now dead? 


This is a personal decision and no one here has a right to tell people what they should or shouldn't do.


Christian scientists believe they can pray the cancer away. 


And guess what?  They die too!


Not saying that cannabis isn't useful as part of a treatment to make the body healthier and may help you deal with apoptosis.  But to run around and scream CURE! to people is just irresponsible and naïve.

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Does anyone know of ANY cancer patient that has obtained "remission" through the use of oil ONLY?  Meaning:  NO chemo - No radiation - No immuno suppression.....Just oil?


Personally,I have heard many cases of utilizing the oil in cancer treatment, but the cases I have heard of that have had "success"- have used the oil in addition to conventional treatments.  They supplement their current cancer treatment  with oil to avoid taking nausea or pain medication and hope it also helps erradicate the cancer cells.

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Says who?

Says who? Are you serious? Who are you... A MONSANTO TROLL????

The peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology is who released the most recent study showing ALL RATS DEVELOPED TUMORS AND DIED WHEN FED GENETICALLY MODIFIED CORN, I would like to note that this was a 2 year study.... Please DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, feel free to review the study here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691512005637

ALSO... feel free to run a search on exactly how many countries have banned GMO's due to the OVERWHELMING effects GMO's on the human body ... PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF (you may just be surprised) Genetically Modified foods ARE the #1 cause of pancreatic, colon, breast cancer as well as the cause for the majority of tumors... Like I said, don't take my word for it... educate yourself :)

Edited by MissNikki
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Does anyone know of ANY cancer patient that has obtained "remission" through the use of oil ONLY?  Meaning:  NO chemo - No radiation - No immuno suppression.....Just oil?


Personally,I have heard many cases of utilizing the oil in cancer treatment, but the cases I have heard of that have had "success"- have used the oil in addition to conventional treatments.  They supplement their current cancer treatment  with oil to avoid taking nausea or pain medication and hope it also helps erradicate the cancer cells.

Perhaps you might want to look into Tommy Chong and how HE CURED HIS CANCER USING ONLY CANNABIS OIL..... Also, might want to check out this study done in Spain that proves that hemp oil cures cancer without side effects....   you may read that here: http://www.endalldisease.com/spain-study-confirms-hemp-oil-cures-cancer-without-side-effects/    also researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana’s constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies. SO PLEASE... EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!   CANNABIS IS A MEDICINE AND DOES WORK.

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I find it insanely irresponsible to tell people not to use traditional medicine at all for brain cancer.


Need I list all of the people that have followed Rick simpsons advice and are now dead? 


This is a personal decision and no one here has a right to tell people what they should or shouldn't do.


Christian scientists believe they can pray the cancer away. 


And guess what?  They die too!


Not saying that cannabis isn't useful as part of a treatment to make the body healthier and may help you deal with apoptosis.  But to run around and scream CURE! to people is just irresponsible and naïve.

I would just like to say that there are probably TWICE as many people that have trusted doctors and chemotherapy whom have then since passed away. Just because you believe that cannabis does not work... does not meant that it doesn't. That's just merely your opinion.

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I would just like to add that in 1998, a research team at Madrid’s Complutense University discovered that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks.   :)

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Perhaps you might want to look into Tommy Chong and how HE CURED HIS CANCER USING ONLY CANNABIS OIL..... Also, might want to check out this study done in Spain that proves that hemp oil cures cancer without side effects....   you may read that here: http://www.endalldisease.com/spain-study-confirms-hemp-oil-cures-cancer-without-side-effects/    also researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana’s constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies. SO PLEASE... EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!   CANNABIS IS A MEDICINE AND DOES WORK.


Thank you for the links and advice. 


I am VERY educated on cannabis being utilized for its medicinal qualities in many conditions, including cancer.  If I didn't believe in its medicinal properties I would not be here   Actually, I help educate others on medical cannabis and its benefits.  You don't have to "sell" its qualities to me.  I am a believer :)


I know of Chongs claims that diet, supplements and cannabis treated his prostate cancer.   I believe Chong has utilized cannabis since before my birth, fact is, he still ended up with cancer. 


 I have read the studies you speak of on cancer cell growth.  I know all about Rick Simpson and "his oil". 


I asked specifically if there was a case where cannabis oil ALONE "cured" someones cancer. 


I know of MANY cases where cannabis assisted in the remission of peoples cancers.  I would never argue the validity of it helping induce remission.  

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Says who? Are you serious? Who are you... A MONSANTO TROLL????

The peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology is who released the most recent study showing ALL RATS DEVELOPED TUMORS AND DIED WHEN FED GENETICALLY MODIFIED CORN, I would like to note that this was a 2 year study.... Please DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, feel free to review the study here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691512005637

ALSO... feel free to run a search on exactly how many countries have banned GMO's due to the OVERWHELMING effects GMO's on the human body ... PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF (you may just be surprised) Genetically Modified foods ARE the #1 cause of pancreatic, colon, breast cancer as well as the cause for the majority of tumors... Like I said, don't take my word for it... educate yourself :)

Your study is worthless.  You are drawing conclusions from it that are incongruent with what it stands for.  That study does nothing to prove that GMO causes the majority of cancers.  Your purported omniscience is relying on WHAT?  What is there out there can educate ME or anyone else that GMO causes the majority of cancers or even the majority of breast cancers alone.  Please, educate me on your sources.  Or are you just suggesting that I take your word for it all? 

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Your study is worthless.  You are drawing conclusions from it that are incongruent with what it stands for.  That study does nothing to prove that GMO causes the majority of cancers.  Your purported omniscience is relying on WHAT?  What is there out there can educate ME or anyone else that GMO causes the majority of cancers or even the majority of breast cancers alone.  Please, educate me on your sources.  Or are you just suggesting that I take your word for it all? 

No, I'm suggesting you educate yourself... I posted a study that more than proved the negative effects GMO corn (which is in everything) has on the body. It is up to you to either progress forward from that link and research further or remain stagnant in your research.. I do not have to educate you as I did not introduce myself as a teacher.. Just as I have researched the benefits of eating organic foods and ingesting cannabis oil.... I have implored you to do the same, if you chose not to due to disbelief then that is your decision. There have been an overwhelming amount of studies conducted its not up to me to find them for you... It's up to you to want to find them for yourself.

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Nikki:  Is there anyone in MI injecting thc or would a person do it themselves (as with insulin?) 

I don't believe anyone is injecting themselves with hash oil, I do not know of anyone do so. Doctors have done so on studies they've conducted, however, I do not know of anyone personally doing so.

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No, I'm suggesting you educate yourself... I posted a study that more than proved the negative effects GMO corn (which is in everything) has on the body. It is up to you to either progress forward from that link and research further or remain stagnant in your research.. I do not have to educate you as I did not introduce myself as a teacher.. Just as I have researched the benefits of eating organic foods and ingesting cannabis oil.... I have implored you to do the same, if you chose not to due to disbelief then that is your decision. There have been an overwhelming amount of studies conducted its not up to me to find them for you... It's up to you to want to find them for yourself.

You made a foolish, incorrect, unsubstantiated, and conclusory statement that GMOs are the cause of most cancers.  Then you tell me to educate myself to figure that out?  There is no study that supports that conclusion so how is it you suggest I become educated on that?  Just listen to you?  Follow you with blind faith?

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Wow... Perhaps you should rest... You seem very bitter... Please re-read my previous response as that is my final answer. Have a great night :)

Not bitter.  It's called unrelenting.  I'm not going to just accept total BS posts as fact.  You hold it out as fact with no support.  I am glad that was your final response because otherwise you would be going round and round. 


"GMOs cause the majority of cancers." 

How do you  know?

"Educate yourself." 

How?  There is no literature to support that claim.

"Did you read the scientific study I cited?  I shows some stuff and probably some other stuff too you Monsanto troll."  (haha, who is bitter?)


If you're going to make such a broad claim (GMOs cause the majority of cancers) then you darn well need to support it.  Put up or shut up.

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