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Caregiver Needs A Grower


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Looking for your fresh harvested branches. Fresh (wet), untrimmed with colas and on the branch. Delivery soon after chop.

Must be clean. No bugs, mold, seeds, pesticides or harsh chemicals.


I can't keep up with my patient's needs in terms of strain variation.  I also have some quantity limitations in my own grow.


If this is the wrong venue for this thread, please advise.


I am willing to relinquish grow rights if the situation is right.  I am willing to negotiate within reason, but some conditions are firm.


Washtenaw county delivery required.


Respond by PM or email to nuggitz734@gmail.com


Thank you in advance.

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I am looking for both Indica and Sativa dominant strains.  I will listen to a grower(s) who can provide those.  After drying, a sample will be sent to the lab for a full profile.  Feedback will be provided to the grower.


If the taste and aroma is no good, we will decide how to better process that particular batch (edible, hash, wax, etc).


My patients and I (who is also a patient) are reasonably flexible.  I have been a long time reader of this board, and I willing to give the a proven grower a chance.


Other than the time involved, a change form is cheap.  This is a last resort, of course.

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I dont know if you have a full card yet or not, but you may benifit from either giving up your grow rights (if your a pt also) to a c.g named to you. or a pt of yours becoming a c.g to others, you would be able to help each other legaly, and be able to have access to more strains.


Im a pt/cg with a c.g, my c.g has my grow rights, and I have my pts grow rights!  Im not talking about a big chain or anything like that, just something you and some long time pt/friends could do to make things easier and stay within the law!


Best of Luck!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks GM!  It's a grow room/strain issue for us.  The rest of the processing has always worked very well.  I can also give feedback on expected bho yields if the material is suitable and the concentrate thing with leo gets cleared up.

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