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News And Rumor

Another day, another rumor! Someone in Lake Township called me and said my favorite place in Mount Pleasant was still open. Apparently he had heard rumors from someone along those lines. I had to laugh, because I was actually there being served WHILE he called, hahah! I can tell you (because I was there today) that this is not the case. In fact, its an everyday show now, even Sundays! Whereas the talk about a clone shop opening in Mt Pleasant on Nov 1st are apparently NOT materializ



News And Rumor

Another day, another rumor! Someone in Lake Township called me and said my favorite place in Mount Pleasant was still open. Apparently he had heard rumors from someone along those lines. I had to laugh, because I was actually there being served WHILE he called, hahah! I can tell you (because I was there today) that this is not the case. In fact, its an everyday show now, even Sundays! Whereas the talk about a clone shop opening in Mt Pleasant on Nov 1st are apparently NOT materializ



Michigan Crossroads

The State of Michigan is at a crossroads. We must either define ourselves as a State that places a profit motive on Justice, and prioritizes funding corrections and law enforcement with seizures and forfeitures above other means, or to instead boldly go forward on a new path. The new path that realizes the true potential of a well modeled medical marijuana industry and all the related industries, commercial interests, cottage-industries, and home based businesses it supports. And of course all t



Psa In Works?

Apparently, the folks at Compassionate Apothecary have been invited to make a "P.S.A." by a major t.v. company. And this is after speaking with a league of other "dispensaries" that don't want to be called "dispensaries" and are determined to defend the safety, the legitmacy, and the NEED for cannabis services that are based on the Patient to Patient model. Either way, if the civil case at C.A. DOES go to the next level, the others would be foolish NOT to get behind C.A., and get behind th



I Love The Sheesh!

Wow you guys! C.A. has a FANTASTIC batch of the blondest bubble yummy sheesh I have EVER seen!!! Seriously... have you compared their services to others? Its worth the drive to go there, and its worth the drive to compare it to others. Go ahead! See for yourself! make your own choice   And I see new caregiver/farmers coming in EVERYDAY! I heard from one of the staff there that they have two new lockers being rented today, and perhaps another later today. I also went to the Lansing store fo



Stuff To Think On...

I wonder if the MMMA has ever thought of switching gears a little in order to help out the patient community, and clear up some blog space.   Here's my thing... it seems like I see a WHOLE lot of complaints, and whining all the time. And then I can't help but wonder if opening the whole thing to menu's, and pricing, and all that jazz might just renew some interest, and allow the patients to have access to a lot more info, and op-ed type reviews.   I swear some people forget that a y



Happy Labor Day All!

SO... whats going on out there in the world of Mich medical mj?   I was at the Mt P place on Saturday, and OH MY GAWD!!! For a place that only works with carded patients, the place was freaking HOPPING! Some people were getting a little itchy with the wait, but the boys (and girls) were running as fast as they could.   I know some ways they could make it faster.   Havent been up to Genesee yet, or down the the Metro area, but I want to really bad, just to see whats up and t



What A Day!

Man, I have got to say... Im not sure what places you have been to, and what places you havent been to, but I can tell you that C.A. in Mount Pleasant and Lansing gave me the BEST experience Ive had yet as a patient.   The staff was friendly, and the selection was GREAT!   I remember when Greg Francisco was setting all this up, and I can tell you for a fact that this is what Greg wanted to see, and I for one and DARN PROUD that someone is doing it right. It's going to help the entir





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