HAY everyone hope all is well in your world.In 1979 when the first cannabis laws were passed in Michigan we breathed a collective sigh of relief.But it was not long after that victory that the anti-cannnabis folk scared everyone with their propaganda.Fast forward to the 2008 election cannabis passes but there are still holdouts taking the law into their own hands to justify their actions.This has turned our community upside down,we have had are are having cannabis laws thwarted by our elected of
Hey everyone this ongoing blog is a cruz through a part of my life, and I am sharring it with you online.I have become a grandfather since I started here on this site,When you younger guys and gals start having grandkids in your life you'll start to take stock of what you have done.I remember a quote "You gotta stand for something" Well here I am to make my stand,I won't give up the cannabis community.We need people like me. I do'nt bragg online about what I do for the cause I just do it.But I l
Well looks like the state has circumvented our law once again,The Establishment has their own agenda and is obviiously not what 63% of what Michiganders voted for. Who are these people? can't be ELECTED OFFICIALS,elected officials work on behalf of their constituints,who is really putting these people into office? it is not you and I (the People) our votes are supposed to represent the officials we vote in office, sensible, level headed individuals supposedly elected by us the people(63%).Well
It would appear that someone at this site is not happy to see my return.I been here a few times and have been thrown a Trojan Virous everytime.That I.P. address is being logged and recorded. Could it be that I may know something someone does not want posted here? I am not here to make waves ,but thier has been some unscruplious members at this site over the past.I say bad carma will bite you on the buttocks when you least expect it.However with the exception of the ignorant useless trojan virio
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