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Do I lock my Grow Room ?

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" enerpeep " to MMMA 2.0


I started you your own thread ...

That way your not highjacking someone elses thread...





Sec. 4. (a) A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses

a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest,

prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege,

including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a

business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau,

for the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act,

provided that the qualifying patient possesses an amount of marihuana

that does not exceed 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana, and,

if the qualifying patient has not specified that a primary caregiver

will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the

qualifying patient, 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility.

Any incidental amount of seeds, stalks, and unusable roots shall also be

allowed under state law and shall not be included in this amount.


copy and paste from :



If you have any other Questions , Please feel free to Ask ...

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I asked my lawyer the same question. Your house can technically/legally be the locked facility. If nobody else has access to your house, and every opening, like windows and doors are locked, it should hold up in court. Not to say you won't get arrested by some LEO that doesn't know the law. Padlocks are cheap.

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I asked my lawyer the same question. Your house can technically/legally be the locked facility. If nobody else has access to your house, and every opening, like windows and doors are locked, it should hold up in court. Not to say you won't get arrested by some LEO that doesn't know the law. Padlocks are cheap.


I will agree with Snow White by saying your outside envelope of your home if locked would be your locked facility... But I recommend a separate lock of some type.. For a couple of reasons... #1 to ensure that LEO has no reason to hassle you about it... #2 to make it that much more difficult to get into for RIPPERS.... RIPPERS!!! Yes they are out there and will stop at about nothing to take from you anything they can... Don't think for a minute that just because you are the most careful, tight lipped person around that they may not know you exist... They may... They are crafty SOB's and have developed their trade well.. Even an extra pad lock or deadbolt will add a couple minutes to there goal witch in turn gives LEO that extra couple to get there.. or you to grab a shotgun and blow their STINKING heads off!!! RIPPERS are a diseased pest and should be treated as such.. Protect whats yours.... I wish you the best of luck!! Peace, Love, and Big Buds B)

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Without much thought the answer to your question would be "ofcourse it needs to be locked, didn't you read the law?" However your question is a very good question and the answer is NO, it does not have to be locked in your case. If you live alone and don't have people over and the door to your apartment is locked, the entire apartment is your enclosed locked facility. When the State was drafting the law before it became law, they were pushing for a "two locked door" rule, this did not happen so your good. Please understand that if you choose to play it like this and you have anyone over to your place, you will have unauthorized people in your grow facitity, which is a violation of the law. Put a lock on the grow door just so your covered if anyone drops by or just be insistant that no one comes in. I'm in a simular arrangement and I looked into it a great deal.

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I do have a padlock on my room but since I'm in and out so much it's almost never locked. I keep my house doors closed and locked even when the air conditioner is not running.


If I go out I'll lock my room up or if some one comes over.


And this is what they mean by 'Enclosed'...




© "Enclosed, locked facility" means a closet, room, or other enclosed area equipped with locks or other security devices that permit access only by a registered primary caregiver or registered qualifying patient.


...this could mean your home. Depends how it's interpreted.

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to be legal you must have a locked grow facility. that part is VERY clear in the law :)


Yeh, it's VERY clear, all you need is a lock on your front and rear door and locked windows and your ready to go! Nothing says it has to be in a seperate locked area. No confusion here! :thumbsu:

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why wouldn't you lock it up?i live alone,and went to dollar general and for $5 bucks i picked up a door lock with key..it won't stop anybody but it does comply to the law,,also if i ever come home to find a "friend" in my grow room i can ask WTF...lol...good luck with your grow...zb

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I put one of these on my growroom door.



It automatically locks when you shut the door. You can put any code into it so you can do a three number code. That makes opening it pretty quick and easy. I figure even though only my patient and me have access to the room it was just safer to put a lock on and showed I am really trying to follow the spirit and letter of the law. Even though no doubt a good lawyer could argue that the house was locked and no one else had access to the grow room having a lock on the door might save you from having to make that argument in court. And in the process save you a ton of money.

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It was reported on this forum earlier this month I believe that the MDCH head (I know she doesn't make or shouldn't define the law but she was in our favor this time) said that your house was a locked enclosed room. This was stated at some questioning session the head went to in the Detroit area I believe. I can't find the reference but I'm sure someone else remembers the post. If you live alone, you are the security, when you leave the house lock your doors then and you will be good to go.

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