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Very Bad Idea -Bill Schuette Want To Be The Next Attorney Genera

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VERY BAD IDEA -Bill Schuette want to be the Next Attorney General


Legalizing marijuana remains a bad idea

Larry Stelma, Byron Konschuh and Bill Schuette

It took a couple years, but the truth has finally emerged regarding the real purpose behind the medical marijuana campaign.

Tim Beck, the chair of the Detroit Coalition for Compassionate Care and one of the leaders in the fight to make medical marijuana legal in Michigan, has admitted on statewide television that his goal is to legalize marijuana use in Detroit and, eventually, all of Michigan.

Throughout the campaign in 2008, proponents of the medical marijuana ballot initiative argued this was a carefully crafted proposal aimed at helping those few who suffered from intractable pain. Instead, the proposal has been nothing short of a nightmare for state and local authorities to sort through. Employers in Michigan who want a drug-free workplace are being sued by those who are smoking dope, even though marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. Law enforcement personnel, already stretched thin by budget cuts and rising levels of crime, are caught in the middle.


And, far from limiting the usage of marijuana to a small, select group of patients, the pot industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in Michigan. State government is receiving more than 1,000 medical marijuana patient applications each week. And less than two years after the ballot proposal was approved, there are more than 8,000 so-called caregivers in Michigan -- people who grow and harvest marijuana plants.

Pot shops are literally sprouting up everywhere. One in Lansing is less than 100 feet from a Catholic middle school, and often those who attend night classes at the pot shop park in the church and school's parking lot.

Now comes the push to completely legalize marijuana. But as we argued in 2008, legalizing drug use was a bad idea then, and it is even a worse idea now, with the economy continuing to tank.

• 24.5 percent of federal and 29 percent of state prison inmates reported being under the influence of drugs when committing violent offenses.

• 75 percent of children in foster care are placed there because of a parent's substance abuse.

• More than 60 percent of domestic violence offenders have substance abuse problems, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

And make no mistake, the push is on not just to legalize marijuana, but a much broader range of currently illegal substances. Beck and other proponents of legalizing drugs argue that police dollars could be spent more productively elsewhere. And, Beck argues that state government could put a tax on marijuana to generate more revenue and help close the yawning budget deficit.

But the facts are clear: getting high on drugs is not a victimless crime.

Families, spouses and children suffer. More drug usage results in more crime. And if state government cannot find a better way to balance the budget than legalizing drugs, then Michigan is in far worse shape than even we imagined. Legislators need to act now to stop marijuana legalization.

Larry Stelma is Kent County Sheriff; Byron Konschuh is Lapeer County prosecutor; and Bill Schuette is a former appeals court judge. E-mail comments to letters@detnews.com.



From The Detroit News: http://www.detnews.com/article/20100716/OPINION01/7160357/1008/Legalizing-marijuana-remains-a-bad-idea#ixzz0tvljvp7A




Michael Komorn

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They forgot to add,

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.” - Harry J. Anslinger
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Easy position to take...the entrenched one


easy ..easy...easy


Its a no brainer for politicians ...just get on hard line and hold on for dear life


Nope, they wont let go...but We the people have moved on


We know the reality of cannabis!


just google it...cannabis/cancer... thc/cancer


cannabis/any ailment you can think of!


Our own surgeon general by a matter of statistical data practically admits its the safest medicine they know of...zero deaths!


The gov't makes it clear they believe it has no medicinal value...yet they have 6 medical marijuana patients that they distribute 300 marijuana cigarettes to each month!


How many ways can we hammer it home 16 ways from tuesday we win this thing!


Now we even have a law that says we can have it 63% of the vote


Oh yeah, but wait... now they have formed their own version of the KKK


They circle their horses in white knight gowns of truth and purity to burn a big rediculus cross on our front lawn


Strike Fear into everyone who uses cannabis... black, white or chinese


These are the tactics they have used in the past and the scary part is they have worked before


Now, they want to associate Medical marijuana with a criminal element...


"24.5 percent of federal and 29 percent of state prison inmates reported being under the influence of drugs when committing violent offenses."


- Drugs... marijuana is 'drug' and they commited a crime under the influence of drugs....was it marijuana...? NO! or they would have said marijuana! They can't say that so they say... 'drugs' well marijuana is not even a drug its an herb so bunnymuffin!


"75 percent of children in foster care are placed there because of a parent's substance abuse"


- If they take childern from their parents because they smoke pot then marijuana needs to be legalized just because of that... so it never happens again!


"More than 60 percent of domestic violence offenders have substance abuse problems, according to the U.S. Department of Justice."


- What do you suppose the domestic violence numbers are for people that are just under the influence of marijuana? ...what do you think...zero? YES.


"pot industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in Michigan. State government is receiving more than 1,000 medical marijuana patient applications each week"


- Sounds profitable, industrious, and popular...


"One in Lansing is less than 100 feet from a Catholic middle school, and often those who attend night classes at the pot shop park in the church and school's parking lot."


- This is not a game or a joke this is serious about people's quality of life man !


Legalize it absolutely the goal !!!!


WE want it free and clear of this boat of nut wackers


Give me a break...Legalize it!

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The author admits that the emerging industry surrounding medical marijuana is amidst the fastest growing in the state, and the only issue discussed as a result of commercial enterprises, was that some people have been parking in the wrong lot.


These opponents continue to not have any new or compelling reasoning to support their position.


David Layton for AG-

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So is anyone running for attorney general going to be good to vote for? So far Cox and Schuette are a big NO WAY.



I heard Attorney Daniel Grow will be running for Attorney General. He is very MMj friendly. He is representing Joseph Casias in the Walmart lawsuit, and he has taken on other lawsuits for mmj patients. He hasn't officially announced yet but I hope he will beat Bill Schuette. We need to do everything we can to stop Bill schuette and his thuggery/

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