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Update To Friend Just Got Fired After 5 Yrs Of Loyal Employment

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Remember the thread I posted earlier this summer about my friend who works for Burns Poultry Farm and got fired? Now they are denying his unemployment benefits. That's just going too far!


The real reason they fired him is because he was too honest and told them about his medical marijuana card when they notified everybody that they would be starting drug testing. We now know it wasn't the best move but it was the honest move and it cost him his job.


He has found a new job but he was off work for almost 9 weeks now with no pay and he has child support and all the other bills we all have. This is pure B.S!


We need to hammer the farm with phone calls letting them know how we disapprove of their treatment toward their employees with disabilities. The guy has knee pain every day from a car accident injury and his employer fired him because he treats his pain off the job on his own time with marijuana, they called it insubordination. What a freakin joke.


Here is the number to Burns Poultry Farm:



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the lady denied ever firing anyone over MMJ and when i asked to speak to a manager she refused. i told her that its become a public matter and she will be receiving MANY more phone calls today. she said "no i wont"






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Guest Marywanna

The same thing happened to my brother. Thats why we need a right to work state law in Michigan. Where are all those lawyers now? How about the guy that has a election ad right on this site? Maybe the Health Department should be checking this slaughter house to make sure they comply with all USDA state and federal protection laws for consumers. We are all voters. And we WILL be heard. MW

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I called also & it went straight to voicemail, I left message telling them I would be in contact with egglands best as well concerning this matter. Sound like they may be runnin scared already. Stay safe & best of luck to all -Jar

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Just called , Left a message that we will not buy egg lands best any more. Darn they were my favorite eggs too :notfair:


Meet me at the Genesee Club and I can hook you up with my farm raised eggs lol. They are better than egglands best anyway .

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