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Ok 30 Days Check Still Not Cashed

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ok wrote a post earlier in week check it out . it is now 30 days since my patient and i went to clinic and her check is still not cashed. read other post before replying. is there anyone i can call myself in lansing???? i know about the only number that is a voice message and no one calls you back, i know that one but im asking is there any real number with a real person on the other end of the phone that i can call to find out what is the hold up.the clinic said they sent it out but how do i know.i know they took my patients 150.00 i know that much. im disgusted at this clinic and they will never be refered by myself or anyone i know. word of mouth can make you or break you and i feel like they gave my patient the run around. can any lawyer out there help my patient on finding out the status of application and why check has not been cashed????

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Did you mail it certified mail? Do you have the receipt? Those should be copied and accompany another certified letter respectfully requesting an update on the application. You, as the caregiver, are not allowed to inquire on the status of the request, though. Only the patient is allowed to do so. The following quote is from the michigan.gov site:


"The MMMP will only speak directly with the patient. All written requests to release information must be signed and dated by the patient. The MMMP will not accept written or verbal requests for information from your caregiver or any other person without your permission."

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Did you mail it certified mail? Do you have the receipt? Those should be copied and accompany another certified letter respectfully requesting an update on the application. You, as the caregiver, are not allowed to inquire on the status of the request, though. Only the patient is allowed to do so. The following quote is from the michigan.gov site:


"The MMMP will only speak directly with the patient. All written requests to release information must be signed and dated by the patient. The MMMP will not accept written or verbal requests for information from your caregiver or any other person without your permission."


This is basic information and plastered on almost every site. My recommendation on any new patient thats reading this. Do not rely on any clinic to mail your information to the state. Do it your self. Everything I have done was followed by the easy process and cashed within days of the submission. Things happen and mail fails more often then people think. Always protect your self and pay the extra at the post office. GL to you let us know what happens so others don't follow the same path.

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ok i appreciate the advice but what number can this patient call to speak with someone. does anyone out there have any other number to lansing other than the one voice recorded number that noone will call you back om. i guess the question im asking is what does a patient do in this situation when the clinic wont even tell her when they mailed out app. they said they didnt have file in front of them and didnt know date. so day bt day goes by and my patient checks bank to see if checked cashed. nothing. everyday for 30 days. no denial letter and no help or explanation from clinic other than the state is backlogged and check again in a week . check floating around to who knows where and this is crazy, as a caregiver i feel helpless for this person because i just dont have the answer for her and the clinic has put alot of extra stress and aggravation on my patient

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You can try this :


Melissa M. Peters

Medical Marihuana Program Coordinator

Health Regulatory Division, Bureau of Health Professions




Personally this is why i went to :


Clinic For Compassionate Care

1380 Coolidge Hwy

Suite 100

Troy, MI. 48084

(888) 846-0420

Fax: (248) 412-5505

Alt. Fax: (248) 282-0507


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ok everybody finally after a long 30 days my patients check finally cashed. one mnth to the day. now we wait the 21 day period. wow after it was all said and done we will have waited fifty one days to be in mmmp system for patient and caregiver. now the long wait starts for lansing to send out the card...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sent in my brothers paperwork with a check 10 days ago and it still hasn't been cashed. My buddy put his app in the same mailbox at the post office that I did 4 days after me and his already got cashed??? The only reason I am worried is my other checks were cashed in 3 day Max..... Should I be worried?

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  • 10 months later...

Does anyone know what the current wait time for the state to cash your check is looking like? I mailed it on the 2nd of June and tracked it via USPS tracking number. The receipt says it was delivered on 06/06/11 at 8:35am. Is this the norm and am I just being impatient or might something be wrong?

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