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Enators Trying To Set Up Marijuana Scam?

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Michigan Senators Trying To Set Up Marijuana Scam?

Posted on 20 August 2010 by Jim Walrod


Two GOP state senators in Michigan have decided that voters were to stupid too know what they were doing in 2008 when a medical marijuana initiative passed at the ballot box by an overwhelming majority.
Senators Gerald Van Woerkom and Wayne Kuipers have decided that they must lead the charge to restrict and constrain the stupid voters.
These two moral guardians think that the best way to regulate medical marijuana is to limit growing and distribution to 10 facilities scattered throughout Michigan and outlaw the patient/care giver network that has risen to meet the need for the meds. They also want to limit the distribution of medical marijuana to pharmacies and only when a physician has specifically prescribed it, just as they do for all other “restricted” medicines.
This isn’t just talk, a Senate panel, controlled by GOPERs and all on the Big Pharma payroll is already taking testimony to restrict the voter initiative.
Critics, not all medical marijuana supporters, say the proposed legislation is not only unworkable; it violates federal drug regulatory laws. Others see it as an attempt to game the medical marijuana industry, since the state would be awarding “licenses” to someone, most likely a major pharmaceutical firm, enhancing the chosen’s bottom line and generating more political donations for Senators Woeerkon and Kuipers.


Michael A. Komorn

Attorney and Counselor

Law Office of Michael A. Komorn

800-656-3557 (Toll Free)

248-351-2200 (Office)

248-357-2550 (Phone)

248-351-2211 (Fax)

Email: michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out our Radio show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/planetgreentrees

NEW CALL IN NUMBER: (347) 326-9626

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m.

PLANET GREENTREES w/ Attorney Michael Komorn

The most relevant radio talk show for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Community. PERIOD.

If you have a medical marihuana question or comment, please email them to me, or leave them on the forum for the MMMA, and I will try to answer them live on the air.


PLANET GREENTREES Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

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Thank you Mr. Komorn for the heads up. Your tireless efforts are appreciated by those of us who love individual human rights.

Now, for those of you who hate individual human rights, like these two gentlemen, there apparently is no limit as to how hard and how often some elected and non-elected officials break their oaths to uphold the constitution (a famous document that purportedly spelled out your protections for your individual human rights which has now gone missing in the minds of Senators Gerald Van Woerkom and Wayne Kuipers).

It is amazing and sad to think that some people think they know how you should decide on all things, that you have no free will, that you do not, in fact, own your own self!!:mellow:

We should try to get people like this on the radio for a debate of the issues, but I am 100% sure they are too scared to because deep down they know they are on the wrong side. Choosing for others what they should do and taking their free will away??!! I would like have these senators or anyone else justify this attempted crime against individual humans!:angry:

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I swear in the past month i have read an article from Nevada about the severe shortage of mm because the state is awarding These contracts to only a few growing operations and the patients in Nevada are suffering from a severe shortage of their medicine.. anyone remember that article?

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Quit yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater! Two right wing nut jobs does not a 3/4 majority vote make. Kuiper's pandered and now he;s out of a job. Ignore 'em. Jones too!

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I swear in the past month i have read an article from Nevada about the severe shortage of mm because the state is awarding These contracts to only a few growing operations and the patients in Nevada are suffering from a severe shortage of their medicine.. anyone remember that article?

I remember seeing one from New Mexico about the same type of thing. Every time one of the licensed growers has a crop come in, its gone in a day or two, leaving thousands of people without meds. This bill would have to have 75% of the voters to change a word on the MMMA and I know they wont be able to get that, hell they only came up with 37% of the vote in 2008...lol The only bill that has a chance at passing is making the law better, not more restrictive, and I have not seen one up yet...

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