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Update To The Story On The Raids Via Freep

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Well at least we know what the charges are now... all are being charged with "counts of delivery/manufacture of marijuana", with additional conspiracy charges, they are going after at least 2 for "delivery/manufacture of 5-45 kilos of marijuana", and they through in an extra charge for William Teichman of "possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony."


That ruling from the judge about no meds, is sickening, how do these folks remain on the bench with opinions like that? What part of a patient medicating is evolving and changing in the law?


My prayers go out to these folks.

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its a shame these judges are so ignorant. if they would just take the time to educate themselves on the law. i was in the same situation. judge said i cant use my meds. i had to go to the doctor with no insurance and buy the garbage and be sick for months.


denying people their medicine is cruel and unusual punishment.

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As far as that judge is concerned, marijuana is not an illegal drug for a registered qualified patient. According to the latest rulings out west, (aka the judgement on the Arizona imigration law), state courts and leo are not supposed to enforce laws that are the purvue of the feds... and the only way that medical marijuana is illegal would be federal...


Just my opinions as a layman.

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Well all these judges and cops involved should go on a NO MEDICAL MARIJUANA list that we can access..The point? If they ever need it they can suffer just like the patients they just sentenced to pain and suffering...


My mother was die hard anti-weed.





Until she got cancer.





Funny how life works, isn't it?

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that judge needs to be removed from the bench. I dont know if hes got a mental case, if hes just really old or what..... when he says no illegal drugs he cant be talking about pot.... that law isnt changing its been passed. when the doctor told her she could use it, it ceased to be an illegal drug.

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that judge needs to be removed from the bench. I dont know if hes got a mental case, if hes just really old or what..... when he says no illegal drugs he cant be talking about pot.... that law isnt changing its been passed. when the doctor told her she could use it, it ceased to be an illegal drug.


The first thing the judge said is "no." He then followed that up with that "illegal" stuff.

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This is a civil rights issue. No judge has the right to overturn 62.7% of the voters.


Judges have NO "rights" as judges. They have privileges and obligations. They do in fact have the legal authority to overturn the vote of the people when the result of the vote is deemed "unconstitutional". I know it's accepted that we live in a democracy but that is totally false. We live in a republic.


No judge can overturn the Michigan Marihuana Act because in no way, shape or form does it's application cause ANY constitutional problems. It's not like the people voted to rescind freedom of speech, freedom to peaceably assemble or anything like that.


If a doctor prescribed a legal medication and ANY judge ordered ANY accused person to abstain from that doctors recommendation, that judge is guilty of judicial misconduct. Period.

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that judge needs to be removed from the bench. I dont know if hes got a mental case, if hes just really old or what..... when he says no illegal drugs he cant be talking about pot.... that law isnt changing its been passed. when the doctor told her she could use it, it ceased to be an illegal drug.


people this is happening all the time all over the state. i know you guys have read all the stories right?? why the shock now? this has been going on for years and no one that has the power to do anything about it, gives two bunny muffins about it.


i met with 4 lawyers that all pointed out several instances where the cops flat out broke the law in my case. but no one wants to go down that road. people think you can sue or press charges on these guys or get them in trouble but you dont understand who you are dealing with. one lawyer said the drug task force unit were the absolute worst people to be involved with. he said they are flat out criminals. he actually used the word gestapo when describing them and said the only way you can tell the cops from the criminals is what side of the court they sit on. judges are denying people the ability to use the affirmative defense, denying medication, drug testing patients for MJ, even denying state paperwork be entered into evidence.


i wish this was not the case but for now thats where they have us. we need to learn from the guns rights' people. like at the arts beats and eats in royal oak when they wanted to deny people their right to open carry during this event. once the public got wind of this, people started talking and making a fuss and a day later, royal oak's attorney recommended they forget messing with those guys because they will end up in court and they will lose big time. so they will let them open carry.


the point is, they don't mess with the people about their right to bear arms. they tried not long ago in shelby twp - that son of a sex offender smackel said they would arrest anyone that open carried in the park at an event hosted by an open carry group. long story short - before the event, after hackel had time to go learn the law he found that local govt cant overturn state laws so he ate his words. we need that kind of power that make city attorneys tell local politicians to be careful with stepping on these peoples' rights. how do we get there?

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