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The Law Defines "usable Marijuana" As Dry Material?

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Must have been a smoker whose draft of the law prevailed and not an edibles consumer? In the law "usable marijuana" is defined as "dry material." Thus, in the legal sense, unusable material = weed too wet too light for whatever reason (improperly dried, not yet harvested, still on the plant as that is where it's being stored, rewetted). In the current draft of the law it is not treated that some weed is not dry enough to smoke but still would bake great brownies; that pot does not count in the 2.5 ounces unless it is dry material and so can be counted as "usable marijuana." If it will not light it is not dry it is not "usable marijuana" because the law definition of "usaable" is dry. So, in limiting myself to 2.5 ounces this patient wants to make sure he is only weighing the burnable, dry "usable marijuana" and is maintaining two separate well-marked storage areas divided from each other, one labeled usable marijuana (dry) and the other, unusable marijuana (too moist)? In summary, our law makes the moisture content in weed the sole determinant whether it is "usable marijuana" that must be counted into the 2.5 ounce patient limit.


Just curious, what is the smoking method in which undry marijuan can be enjoyed--some variant of a vaporizer with a natural gas blue flame?

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well, you don't wanna cook brownies with wet marijuana it will taste really really bad....You can smoke it wet in a vaporizer but it really doesn't work, most of the chemicals need to be converted to a usable form thru decarbonization, which Is a natural process of oxygen breaking down the acids and making it into something the human body can use, example THCA converts to THC over time thru natural oxidation, THCA can not be absorbed in your body and is useless. Due to this , fresh marijuana is not potent at all, it takes a good slow dry of 3 weeks for it to really start to take shape and around 2 months for the maximum potency and flavor.


Using marijuana before 2 to 3 weeks of drying/curing is basically a waste of marijuana as it is easily 50 times more potent after a full 2 to 3 weeks.

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Must have been a smoker whose draft of the law prevailed and not an edibles consumer? In the law "usable marijuana" is defined as "dry material." Thus, in the legal sense, unusable material = weed too wet too light for whatever reason (improperly dried, not yet harvested, still on the plant as that is where it's being stored, rewetted). In the current draft of the law it is not treated that some weed is not dry enough to smoke but still would bake great brownies; that pot does not count in the 2.5 ounces unless it is dry material and so can be counted as "usable marijuana." If it will not light it is not dry it is not "usable marijuana" because the law definition of "usaable" is dry. So, in limiting myself to 2.5 ounces this patient wants to make sure he is only weighing the burnable, dry "usable marijuana" and is maintaining two separate well-marked storage areas divided from each other, one labeled usable marijuana (dry) and the other, unusable marijuana (too moist)? In summary, our law makes the moisture content in weed the sole determinant whether it is "usable marijuana" that must be counted into the 2.5 ounce patient limit.


Just curious, what is the smoking method in which undry marijuan can be enjoyed--some variant of a vaporizer with a natural gas blue flame?


you cannot pick and choose different parts of the same definition to debate, your question is answered in the same sentence of the language with:


(j) "Usable marihuana" means the dried leaves and flowers of the marihuana plant, and any mixture or preparation thereof, but does not include the seeds, stalks, and roots of the plant.

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mixture = brownies that have marijuana in them?

how to count (weigh) that mixture for equivalent marijuana? 1 ounce brownies = 1 ounce of marijuana? not sensible but is law always sensible? so how to figure how much pot content?


currently, if you have 1 pound of Cannabis food (brownies, cookies, candy) then you have 1 pound of usable marihuana, as it has been explained to me.

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mixture = brownies that have marijuana in them?

how to count (weigh) that mixture for equivalent marijuana? 1 ounce brownies = 1 ounce of marijuana? not sensible but is law always sensible? so how to figure how much pot content?


You got it .. it doesn't seem reasonable, does it?


Section 8 (2) The patient and the patient's primary caregiver, if any, were collectively in possession of a quantity of marihuana that was not more than was reasonably necessary to ensure the uninterrupted availability of marihuana for the purpose of treating or alleviating the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition;
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My question is how to think about those folks who are warehouse growing in 55 gallon blue food grade drums, pointing two 1000W lights at them, and producing 2 kilos (will be when dried) per plant (currently lemon skunk). Instead of a cut down or leaf strip harvest they are storing the crop by forklifting the drums into low moisture cold storage (chilled, not frozen) in high ventilation and they count the buds on plant in drum held in suspended chilled animation as "0 usable product" and insist they are within the law. These plants are being sold and shipped by tractor/reefer (tops severly bent over) still in barrel and it is up to the buyer at his own location to finish ther dry/cure, giving new meaning (regarding the original producer) to the term "I'm just a grower." Obviously all meant to skirt the law and remain within its letter. BTW, these are sizable corporate operations.

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My question is how to think about those folks who are warehouse growing in 55 gallon blue food grade drums, pointing two 1000W lights at them, and producing 2 kilos (will be when dried) per plant (currently lemon skunk). Instead of a cut down or leaf strip harvest they are storing the crop by forklifting the drums into low moisture cold storage (chilled, not frozen) in high ventilation and they count the buds on plant in drum held in suspended chilled animation as "0 usable product" and insist they are within the law. These plants are being sold and shipped by tractor/reefer (tops severly bent over) still in barrel and it is up to the buyer at his own location to finish ther dry/cure, giving new meaning (regarding the original producer) to the term "I'm just a grower." Obviously all meant to skirt the law and remain within its letter. BTW, these are sizable corporate operations.


It sounds like a dream come true for Oakland county.


Innovation is an American trait.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm new here, so take it easy on me..


This is only a suggestion:


Wait until your plants are just ready to harvest.

Cut one plant and fully trim it. Freeze dry the buds using CO2. You can Google how to do this.

Immediately make blender hash from the trim. As long as it's wet it's not usable.

At this point the bud is not yet dry, thus not usable, but the freeze dry will not take more than 48 hours.

Dispense the "drying" bud. By the time it reaches it's destination it will be dry and usable.

After you have dispensed the bud, dry the hash and dispense it, too. Or not.


Repeat with each plant within the harvesting window.


This way you may still be able to be compliant during harvest.


Suggestions welcome.

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So when they bust in and find your drying plants are they going to force you to twist one up at gunpoint to see if it is smokeable?


If that ever happened I would look the officer right in the face and say


Whewwwww I was hoping you would say that...............

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Yep! The 'law' can be bent in BOTH directions.

And the more you know about 'bending' it without 'breaking' it the better off you'll be.


man have i ever been bent by the law...the courts and cops are great at interpretation of the law and can stretch it to cover what ever they want to out law or arrest you for. Have that not read that about 80% of the MMMP registry are disabled! I'm not a lawyer but it seems the ADA has a place in this for our defense.


I'm stunned at these attacks by Lansing on disabled and sick people for doing something legal when, Oakland County is in the midst of a heroin epidemic that is killing people and state and nation wide prescription pain pills are no whats being called 'the gateway drug' for teenagers and kids as young as ten and twelve its no longer marijuana.

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