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Hello All!


Well it has been a while waiting for my renewal, seems that the State is "dragging it's heels" getting it to me!


My question is, am I still good after 20 days after they chashed my check? It took them only 4 months to get my origanal card.





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Same rules apply for the renewal as for a new patient but; you also have your current card, which means you have no interruption (20 day wait) as a new patient does.




Im in week 3 for renewal, my card expires on 12-1





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My renewal is coming soon. Dose the state send out a renewal app? Or is that up to us?



I Would NOT take a Chance on the State being

Responsible to send you out your Renewal Application ...


I would download the Application here :



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My renewal is coming soon. Dose the state send out a renewal app? Or is that up to us?



I copied all the forms off of the internet and went to dr, the next day my paper work was mailed to me from the state! If you dont want to wait print them, but they did send mine.





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hi jim ,so when i send my renewal in,my old card is good till i get another card.is the number the same



yea thats what ive been told that and paperwork, also Im thinkin we will get ours if we get them in at least a month early,,(they say there only taking 2 to 3 weeds for renewals,


I will believe it when I see it!


Peace Joe!



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