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Mdch Notifying Cg


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What does the CG, get from MDCH, when a PT drops them as their primary?


I'm curious do they send a letter saying your card is expired, if the PT's does?


do they send a letter for each situaion is what I'm getting at or no matter what the circumstance do you get the same notice?


Also it crossed my mind, can the CG send in the renewal form w/o the PT knowing? they would already have the copy of your ID and it doesn't matter who sends the money?


I have never seen a thread like this, so just posted curious what the CG receives upon release.


Trix :bong2:

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I've never been fired or dropped, but on the renewal question, how would the CG get the doc reccommendation without the PT knowing if it is a legitimate Doctor/patient relationship? Recommendations are only good for 1 year, you have to get a new one each renewal. The CG could send it in no problem as I have for my PT's, but I have them go get their own Doc Rec. I don't even need to be present for that part of it.


When I am paying for the certification, I don't want to hand them a $100 check and say, make sure this gets in the mail so I am legal, I would rather put it in there so I know exactly what day it was sent, and I get a confirmation when it was delivered.


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true, I did just get a new DR cert. forgot about that piece.


I'm curious about what the CG gets cause I hate to say one reason why I'm dropping him, then have the MDCH send them something saying different, I'm trying to avoid confrontation. I don't feel its necessary to tell him he is worthless for the most part, but it is a change that is needed.. I have a VERY VERY hard time, talking to people about things anymore seems like everyone is mad at the world now a days...I don't need anymore stress.


Trix :bong2:

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Do you have to put down a reason? Also, the law says you have to inform the CG about the change. Why not just put down that your agreement isn't working out. Why do they need to know anything else besides you are changing? I just looked over the change form and I don't see where it asks why.


Then tell him whatever he wants to hear.


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thanks Cedar, yeah its only right that the PT informs he/she will be dropped as a CG, I just have my reasons and they are valid in anyone's eyes,


I'm so non-confrontational, that I don't know a good way to do it w/o being a dick yanno. the truth hurts, and leaving it w/o a explanation seems wrong to me.. wish I didn't have to make anyone feel bad in life.. seems I'm the one that feels guilty and I've done nothing wrong...


well I know that there is a CG on here that has been released hope to see your post soon..


Trix :bong2:

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Maybe someday Jesse, At the moment until court is over.. no buying anything for me.


If he is your EX cg, he would have the answer I was seeking, what did the letter say from MDCH when you dropped him from being your primary?


Trix :bong2:

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My wife had to drop a patient about 9 months ago, we have never received anyting from MDCH. Cant actually tell you if the patient ever sent in the change form or not, no way to tell. My wife told her after X day the relationship is over. Dropped plant count, and moved on. For what its worth. :cigar:

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thanks Cedar, yeah its only right that the PT informs he/she will be dropped as a CG, I just have my reasons and they are valid in anyone's eyes,


I'm so non-confrontational, that I don't know a good way to do it w/o being a dick yanno. the truth hurts, and leaving it w/o a explanation seems wrong to me.. wish I didn't have to make anyone feel bad in life.. seems I'm the one that feels guilty and I've done nothing wrong...


well I know that there is a CG on here that has been released hope to see your post soon..


Trix :bong2:


If you don't want to be confrontational then just lie. Tell him you are going to care for yourself. Nothing else needed. I'm sure you have enough stress without adding any from the breaking off of the relationship. Give him as much warning as you can so he can prepare for the change. Let him know you want to provide for yourself. He should have no problem with that.

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If you don't want to be confrontational then just lie. Tell him you are going to care for yourself. Nothing else needed. I'm sure you have enough stress without adding any from the breaking off of the relationship. Give him as much warning as you can so he can prepare for the change. Let him know you want to provide for yourself. He should have no problem with that.


exactly what I thought, But I don't want to say a lie, then have him receive something from the state telling him different that why I was curious what CG's see after they get dropped..


Trix :bong2:

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exactly what I thought, But I don't want to say a lie, then have him receive something from the state telling him different that why I was curious what CG's see after they get dropped..


Trix :bong2:


I understand, I wouldn't want to get caught in a little lie either. But I don't think you tell the state why you want to change. I doubt they keep track. If there is nothing on the CG change form like a previous poster said you should be good to go.


I checked the change form too they don't ask why.

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right, cg change form does not ask why you are dropping pt. as it is not up to the state to judge your reasoning for the change, they just track that it was reported. So on different foot, one that can keep you out of jail and so it is not appearing nice but covering your a and is important...your contact w pt. needs to require pt. to notify you by registered letter (you sign for it) when them dropping you as cg for the drop to be valid--otherwise if they don't notify you even tho law says they should you have defense re being over plant nos by one pt. worth as w/o your signature on reg. receipt there is no proof they followed law and notified you--now that's important! That cud keep you (Mr. Shy Caregiver) out of a cell. CYA.

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<<<<< Gama's other half!! We had to drop a Patient a couple of month's ago!! We Sent a reg..To the State Saying we were no longer :sword: their Cargiver!! There for we have copy's of all!! Just to "CYA"!! "PROOF" We keep a file of everything reguarding Our Patient's!! Better Safe Than Sorry!!....:)

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