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Current Possession Of Marijuana Misdemeanor Laws


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My friend and I went to a concert the other night and smoked half a joint before. The roach was left in the car and the next day on his way home, he was pulled over and the roach was found. He was given a sobriety test and was deemed 'sober', but he was charged for possession for this roach and faces criminal prosecution. Is there anything I am able to do to protect him from fines, jail, or more importantly a future application for a card?


Thank you,



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BTW, if it gets out that you left the roach with him....well not sure if this fits the bill, but I am sure some PA would contort the wording to make it apply....


(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.




EDIT: Edited wording to sound less like a a hole....

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So does 'your friend' have a qualifying condition or just want to scam the law to keep his butt out of jail. How insulting that people come here to ask how to abuse the law to get out of a drug charge.


I'm not fighting Lansing so idiots who don't know any better can use sick and dieing people as a dodge for court. Tell your 'friend' to suck it up and take their lumps.

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Guest finallyfree09

so you, a registered qualifying patient (am i correct in assuming this?) smoked half a jay with a non-carded person who later got caught with the meds that were illegaly consumed in a public place? :blink:


illegal from beginning to end imo... unless your friend had a doctors rec that he/she hadn't mailed in yet... also my opinion.


this is exactly the type of thing that our opponents want to hear about. just posting this is like throwing a can of gas on a fire.


I am afraid you are on your own.

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Is there anything I am able to do to protect him from fines, jail, or more importantly a future application for a card?


I dont think their is anything that you can do, or should want to do. He is not a patient as I understand it, and you should never medicate with someone that is not under the protection of state law. (however limited that protection may be)

I cant imagine the police getting to harsh over a roach.

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this law was intended for the sick , not for a bunch of real potheads to skoff at. YOU broke the law by smoking with a non-patient , any measurable amount of marijuana is posession under mich.law , i hope the state gets wind of your activities and takes your card.

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So does 'your friend' have a qualifying condition or just want to scam the law to keep his butt out of jail. How insulting that people come here to ask how to abuse the law to get out of a drug charge.


I'm not fighting Lansing so idiots who don't know any better can use sick and dieing people as a dodge for court. Tell your 'friend' to suck it up and take their lumps.


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Half of these kids with cards are going to get charged eventually. I am seeing so many thinking the medical part is a joke and this is a license to get high. And to all of the ones who have no medical condition, you are breaking another law when you lie to docs.

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Come on...its just our law they're jeopardizing.


I will not defend anyone who only wants the to use our law to keep their butt out of jail.

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I think you are all being overly judgemental. Some would say that MMJ should only be for terminally ill PTs, in which case they feel most people on here are 420 card holders. You don't know this guy, he could have a serious illness much worse than yours. Just because he can attend a concert doesn't mean he doesn't have a serious debilitating issue.


He also doesn't specifically say that his friend hit the roach. What you're doing is assuming things by the way he worded it. Why are we so judgemental to people? I personally would want someone like this on my jury if I am arrested. Treat them as friends until you know for a fact they are not.


Now, having said that, to the OP yeah, not much you can do. Your friend was in possession, and that's what he is charged with. If you have a card, you can try to testify that it was yours and yours alone, and he wasn't using it. However they probably will have a tinkle/blood test done on him so if he has been using, don't try to lie, or you can both face charges. If he hasn't, and you land a sympathetic judge, they might dismiss it. However you might end up with charges for using in a car, I.E. public place. Best option is to have him talk to his lawyer and tell him the truth, see what he says about it.

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He clearly states that he and a friend smoked a joint out to a concert. It is what it is, medical condition or not.



My friend and I went to a concert the other night and smoked half a joint before.



I think you are all being overly judgemental. Some would say that MMJ should only be for terminally ill PTs, in which case they feel most people on here are 420 card holders. You don't know this guy, he could have a serious illness much worse than yours. Just because he can attend a concert doesn't mean he doesn't have a serious debilitating issue.


He also doesn't specifically say that his friend hit the roach. What you're doing is assuming things by the way he worded it. Why are we so judgemental to people? I personally would want someone like this on my jury if I am arrested. Treat them as friends until you know for a fact they are not.

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He clearly states that he and a friend smoked a joint out to a concert. It is what it is, medical condition or not.

Well if you just want to act like a jerk and be nit picky. And actually it is a poorly worded sentence.


My friend and I went to a concert the other night and smoked half a joint before. You assume he means he and his friend smoked a joint, however he and his friend went to a concert, and his run-on sentence implies that they both enjoyed it, however missing the subjective noun from the second 1/2 of the sentence are you positive 100% that he didn't mean "My friend and I went to a concert the other night and I smoked half a joint before."??? The OP is unclear on that.


Now, I agree that they both probably did, but why are you all judging him and saying he and his friend should get the full extent of the law, and more than that? It is like you want to take them out and stone them or put them in shackles on the lawn of the capital in Lansing. As long as you have a real condition, they can't take away your card.


I know why over 1/2 of the MMJ card holders in MI aren't members of this site. And many that are, don't come here ever. It is evident in the replies on this thread. Full of judgemental "holier than thou" attitudes unless you are running with the "in" crowd and have exactly the same beliefs as them.

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My friend and I went to a concert the other night and smoked half a joint before --- That implies they were smoking , does it not ? Theres no I to distinguish otherwise .

Exactly my point OD. You are implying the "we" in it instead of inplying an "I" in that sentence. Until there is clarification from the OP, why attack him and say things like he should have his card taken away. His condition might be worse than yours. In the eyes of the law, if you, OD, bring a joint over to a friends house, smoke it yourself there, and forget and leave the roach in their ashtray. They get busted for possession, in the eyes of the law, you are in the same situation as this guy is. Should you have your card taken away?


He isn't getting charged with use, just possession. Which if you have a joint fall out of your pocket in a friends car, they could be facing the exact same thing without having ever smoked with you before in their life.


We need to think about these things as in what types of situtations are we in that might be similar to my situation, and how would I like to see it play out in court.


Anyway, I think too many people here need to chill out a little and quit attacking so much. Its like a pack of wild dogs here, a stranger comes in and immediately gets attacked before you really find out if they are friend or foe.


Maybe this guy just needs some education and to be brought into the community? be a mentor, guide him on the right path, and we will be stronger in the end.



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Personally I feel they did nothing wrong. I am however a realist, and this was two guys at a concert enjoying some smoke, sadly illegally. It sucks, been there, but it is what it is.



Well if you just want to act like a jerk and be nit picky. And actually it is a poorly worded sentence.


My friend and I went to a concert the other night and smoked half a joint before. You assume he means he and his friend smoked a joint, however he and his friend went to a concert, and his run-on sentence implies that they both enjoyed it, however missing the subjective noun from the second 1/2 of the sentence are you positive 100% that he didn't mean "My friend and I went to a concert the other night and I smoked half a joint before."??? The OP is unclear on that.


Now, I agree that they both probably did, but why are you all judging him and saying he and his friend should get the full extent of the law, and more than that? It is like you want to take them out and stone them or put them in shackles on the lawn of the capital in Lansing. As long as you have a real condition, they can't take away your card.


I know why over 1/2 of the MMJ card holders in MI aren't members of this site. And many that are, don't come here ever. It is evident in the replies on this thread. Full of judgemental "holier than thou" attitudes unless you are running with the "in" crowd and have exactly the same beliefs as them.

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Guest finallyfree09

morally, they did nothing wrong imo. they did, however, break the law if you ask me. should they go to jail? imho, no. but on the other hand... should we, the PATIENTS, be forced to accept two people like the ones in this cute little story as REPRESENTATIVES of the mmj patient community?????? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! :growl: You can bet that the media and leo and lansing would use this to paint a picture for the public though. anybody wanna place bets on what kind of light we would be portrayed in???


and I am pretty sure that I am NOT part of the "in crowd" around here. I am a regular guy that is a patient that doesn't want his rights taken away because people HAVE to take the whole darn mile instead of being happy with the inch that they were given.


grow up, take responsibility for yourself and derail your own train if you wish. i will follow the law as the people of michigan want me to. I will medicate at home, out of the public view and will do my best to respect those that do not want anything to do with mmj. we should all do the same.


just because we have cards doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. whens the last time you saw a person come out of a pharmacy with some penicillin saying "WOOHOOOOOOO LETS GO MEDICATE!!!" you've never seen it... as no one should ever see something as sstupid as that. the same goes for mmj, your sexual preference, your favorite FOOD for pete's sake.


the people of michigan granted us relief from suffering as long as it is kept discreet. smoking in a parking lot is not discreet. it harms the movement and so does smoking with someone that has no card.


show the voters of michigan some respect and obey the law.

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morally, they did nothing wrong imo. they did, however, break the law if you ask me. should they go to jail? imho, no. but on the other hand... should we, the PATIENTS, be forced to accept two people like the ones in this cute little story as REPRESENTATIVES of the mmj patient community?????? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! :growl: You can bet that the media and leo and lansing would use this to paint a picture for the public though. anybody wanna place bets on what kind of light we would be portrayed in???


and I am pretty sure that I am NOT part of the "in crowd" around here. I am a regular guy that is a patient that doesn't want his rights taken away because people HAVE to take the whole darn mile instead of being happy with the inch that they were given.


grow up, take responsibility for yourself and derail your own train if you wish. i will follow the law as the people of michigan want me to. I will medicate at home, out of the public view and will do my best to respect those that do not want anything to do with mmj. we should all do the same.


just because we have cards doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. whens the last time you saw a person come out of a pharmacy with some penicillin saying "WOOHOOOOOOO LETS GO MEDICATE!!!" you've never seen it... as no one should ever see something as sstupid as that. the same goes for mmj, your sexual preference, your favorite FOOD for pete's sake.


the people of michigan granted us relief from suffering as long as it is kept discreet. smoking in a parking lot is not discreet. it harms the movement and so does smoking with someone that has no card.


show the voters of michigan some respect and obey the law.

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morally, they did nothing wrong imo. they did, however, break the law if you ask me. should they go to jail? imho, no. but on the other hand... should we, the PATIENTS, be forced to accept two people like the ones in this cute little story as REPRESENTATIVES of the mmj patient community?????? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! :growl: You can bet that the media and leo and lansing would use this to paint a picture for the public though. anybody wanna place bets on what kind of light we would be portrayed in???


and I am pretty sure that I am NOT part of the "in crowd" around here. I am a regular guy that is a patient that doesn't want his rights taken away because people HAVE to take the whole darn mile instead of being happy with the inch that they were given.


grow up, take responsibility for yourself and derail your own train if you wish. i will follow the law as the people of michigan want me to. I will medicate at home, out of the public view and will do my best to respect those that do not want anything to do with mmj. we should all do the same.


just because we have cards doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. whens the last time you saw a person come out of a pharmacy with some penicillin saying "WOOHOOOOOOO LETS GO MEDICATE!!!" you've never seen it... as no one should ever see something as sstupid as that. the same goes for mmj, your sexual preference, your favorite FOOD for pete's sake.


the people of michigan granted us relief from suffering as long as it is kept discreet. smoking in a parking lot is not discreet. it harms the movement and so does smoking with someone that has no card.


show the voters of michigan some respect and obey the law.


while I agree this never happens for penicillin I would have to say that it does happen with opiates. Also I would like to raise the point that to "try" marijuana either you have to spend 200$ plus on a card or smoke it illegally. and if all of you are claiming to have never smoked marijuana illegally I call BS. I am still of the school of though that the government does not really have the right to ban a plant.

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\should we, the PATIENTS, be forced to accept two people like the ones in this cute little story as REPRESENTATIVES of the mmj patient community?????? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! :growl: \

Does anyone remember any of the commercials that the Anti-Prop1 people played before the MMJ law was passed? It wasn't 2 kids sitting in front of a concert. It was a little old lady walking down the street with some thug basically threatening her. I don't remember it exactly, but it was something like that. It doesn't matter what real situations are, they are going to spin it and make things up. They will take the facts, distort them and even completely lie.


It's like that senator that was speaking to the senate about Planned Parenthood, who said Planned Parenthood's business is 90% abortions. Wow, the truth is 3%, yet they all heard 90%. When his office was questioned, they just said, "his statement was to illustrate a point, and was not to be construed as fact". It isn't like he said "most of what they do", no he straight said 90%. And unless you research it, you have nothing else to believe, so you think it is that.


Anyway, just point in case on this. They don't need facts or reality, they will make it up. Such as,

  • 99% of MMJ patients and Caregivers are breaking the law.
  • Marijuana busts have risen 1500% since the introduction of the law, and in certain parts of Detroit, everyone is high, including cats and mice, you get a contact buzz just driving down the street it is so thick with MJ smoke.
  • Rates of children and teenagers with Marijuana has risen, and it is the new #1 drug found in kindergartens and elementary schools around the state.

without any research, without looking any further, can you say I am wrong? I bet most of you can't. You can say. nu uh, prove it, but you can't refute my statements without research or simply making stuff up yourself.


So, point is, it doesn't really matter, they will lie cheat and steal to win, even if they know winning is wrong in a case.


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