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And Then There Were Two


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Back on March 2nd I put my first dozen seeds into rapid rooters. It was bagseed, sure, but it would serve the purpose of refining my nutes and operation till better genomes and phenomes came along.

This morning I hacked yet another male down, leaving just two from the original 12. Those are female and sporting about 2 dozen walnut sized buds.

Anyway, I did take three clones from the lone SLH I have. They are doing well after nearly 3 days. I also took one clone each from the two already blooming. I know reveg is iffy, long, and not always succesful but I want to learn, and learning by doing is the best way. :lol:

Here's a picture of the clones, the three SLH are on the left, clearly better genetic stock too. :lol: Advice/Critiques welcome!


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Guest finallyfree09

i took three cuttings off of my kushdog while it was in flower... all three hermied. but at the same time, every single female that sprouted from seed went hermie sooooo... idk. all i know is i have 8 kushdog beans (sfv og kush x chemdog) left and there isnt a chance in hell that i will start them anytime soon if ever. one of the most disappointing things that has happened to me sofar.

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Guest finallyfree09

btw... did you have any trouble with germination in those rapid rooters? i have read that they are difficult to use for germination of seeds. lots of trouble with the young sprout not being able to poke through the top of the hole from what i understand.

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The nature of MJ's "sex" and it's link to the environment and genetics fascinates me. How long did you reveg and under what lights? How far in.to flowering were you?

As for the rapid rooters, they've been great. I soak the beans for 24hrs and only put the sinkers in, but my germ rate to get 14 going is about 90%.

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revegging....or a flowering clone as i like to call it is not iffy or hard. it all depends on how far along she was when you took the clone.I try to do this all the time, its my preferred method. the insane growth i get when she goes back to veg more than makes up in the lil stumble she has in growth.but what works for me might not work for you.

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That's good to hear! Please, elaborate on your method? I have heard that each pistil/calyx becomes a new shoot? Is that true?


Pretty much.


Just put the plant back into MH light timed to veg state.


Takes about a week for the plant to start new veg growth.


The first few leaves might be twisted. That's normal. It's having to refigure life completely.

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I took a cutting off a plant 8 weeks into flower. Got it rooted in a daisy cloner and stuck it in dirt. It was slow going for a while but it finally pulled through and is now a normal mother for me. Had 1 WAY deformed leaf grow on it, and it used that to give it enough energy to start growing, and it is now 3 months old, has had several non-hermie clones off it, and looks as good as any other mother plant.


It can be done, even late in the flower (I only flower that strain 10 weeks, so 8 weeks I was about to start flushing...).

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Pretty much.


Just put the plant back into MH light timed to veg state.


Takes about a week for the plant to start new veg growth.


The first few leaves might be twisted. That's normal. It's having to refigure life completely.

Yeah, that's exactly what I did, except for added in cloning. Clone under a MH at I think I had it set to 18 hours. Twisted for sure, healthy Yes, and this far along it is doing great.



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I took a cutting off a plant 8 weeks into flower. Got it rooted in a daisy cloner and stuck it in dirt. It was slow going for a while but it finally pulled through and is now a normal mother for me. Had 1 WAY deformed leaf grow on it, and it used that to give it enough energy to start growing, and it is now 3 months old, has had several non-hermie clones off it, and looks as good as any other mother plant.


It can be done, even late in the flower (I only flower that strain 10 weeks, so 8 weeks I was about to start flushing...).



This is from a cutting to dirt:



There are several re-Veg from buds in here:

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