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Anyone Interested In Flower Ready Plants? Metro Detroit

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In my attempt to get everything setup for my grow room, I realized that I wanted some flower ready plants and despite my best efforts to find some (in Metro Detroit) I was unable to. So I have been veggin some plants and now I am considering just doing that (and just keeping a few to flower).


Basically, I am trying to find out if there is any interest in Metro Detroit for flower ready plants? Would anyone be interested in plants that have been vegged and are immediately ready to flower? If so please PM me and let me know if you are interested and we can discuss details from there.

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In my attempt to get everything setup for my grow room, I realized that I wanted some flower ready plants and despite my best efforts to find some (in Metro Detroit) I was unable to. So I have been veggin some plants and now I am considering just doing that (and just keeping a few to flower).


Basically, I am trying to find out if there is any interest in Metro Detroit for flower ready plants? Would anyone be interested in plants that have been vegged and are immediately ready to flower? If so please PM me and let me know if you are interested and we can discuss details from there.

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In my attempt to get everything setup for my grow room, I realized that I wanted some flower ready plants and despite my best efforts to find some (in Metro Detroit) I was unable to. So I have been veggin some plants and now I am considering just doing that (and just keeping a few to flower).


Basically, I am trying to find out if there is any interest in Metro Detroit for flower ready plants? Would anyone be interested in plants that have been vegged and are immediately ready to flower? If so please PM me and let me know if you are interested and we can discuss details from there.

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what strains do you have, and how old/tall are they currently?


i believe this area certainly needs a few "CareGivers" to use the term loosely.


biggest hurdle is the 12 plant count rule. hard to have bloom ready plants for yourself and others with only 12 can be had at any given point.


but yes, i may be interested as well.

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The reason you do not want a flower ready plant is because they are harder to treat for preventive measures.

you still have to quarantee the plant before bring it into your grow, this could be 10 days to two weeks - now that 'plant ready to flower' is getting too big.


A small clone can be dipped in a solution for the best innoculation of new plants being introduced to your grow.

A larger plant, you can only spray it. The clone, during quarantee - will veg.


I also can't imagine driving around with 14" to 18" plants in the vehicle, clones are smaller and can fit in a box and trunk. If your 'flower ready plants' are in 1 gallon pots, they are not ready - they will have to be transplanted and wait a short while to grow in the new pot.


and for cost - it is easier to produce a rooted clone, in a dixie cup, in two weeks - cheaply - so it can be given away or sold for $25.

A full sized plant, you put more time and money into it, most people would sell a plant for $50 to $100.


Buying a full sized plant ready to flower, could be a shortcut with bad results.


you could bring these plants to a farmer's market and gauge their reactions yourself.



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I bought three flower ready girls kept them separate from others thankfully found they had spider mites (not saying our have mites) that would of infected my other girls. Lost two during quarantine and treatment for mites so it was a lose and now just stay with clones and cuttings, cheaper if you lose any.


I have seen offers for mothers that were getting switched out and those were roughly $50.00 each and came with guarantee of being insect and disease free but they still recommended keeping them apart from other plants for ten days just in case you pick something up on way home.

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Sorry for the delay everyone, but I have been trying to get everything just right in my room.


Anyway, I am not considering offering flower ready plants anymore. The reason I posted the topic was to see if anyone was interested and whether or not it would be... viable I guess is the word I am looking for.


I didnt get many responses right away so I decided against it, plus I was not sure about logistics (moving plants that size, making sure our grow room conditions are similiar, making sure you have the nutes I am using to ensure great transition, ensuring mite free, etc etc etc)..


However, I am having been getting a lot of inquiries lately, so, if enough people are interested then post here and i might reconsider, otherwise, I will stay on track with what I am doing now.



Thanks everyone!

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The reason you do not want a flower ready plant is because they are harder to treat for preventive measures.

you still have to quarantee the plant before bring it into your grow, this could be 10 days to two weeks - now that 'plant ready to flower' is getting too big.


A small clone can be dipped in a solution for the best innoculation of new plants being introduced to your grow.

A larger plant, you can only spray it. The clone, during quarantee - will veg.


I also can't imagine driving around with 14" to 18" plants in the vehicle, clones are smaller and can fit in a box and trunk. If your 'flower ready plants' are in 1 gallon pots, they are not ready - they will have to be transplanted and wait a short while to grow in the new pot.


and for cost - it is easier to produce a rooted clone, in a dixie cup, in two weeks - cheaply - so it can be given away or sold for $25.

A full sized plant, you put more time and money into it, most people would sell a plant for $50 to $100.


Buying a full sized plant ready to flower, could be a shortcut with bad results.


you could bring these plants to a farmer's market and gauge their reactions yourself.




Large flower ready clones may be a biohazzard to your grow room but people are still doing it. Know a guy who thinks it's better to do this than to make his own clones. He always has mites..... I hate bringing in new plants and totally agree about quarantining all incoming plants.

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