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Another State Legalizes Mmj.

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Delaware Becomes 16th State To Legalize Limited Medical Use Of Marijuana



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May 19, 2011 - Dover, DE, USA


Dover, DE: Democrat Gov. Jack Markell signed legislation – Senate Bill 17, The Delaware Medical Marijuana Act – allowing registered patients to obtain marijuana from state-licensed facilities.


Under this act, patients with a qualifying illness may legally possess up to six ounces of cannabis, provided the cannabis is obtained from a state-licensed, not-for-profit 'compassion center.' State regulators have up to one year to draft rules governing the licensing and regulation of the centers. The measure provides for the establishment of at least one facility per county.


The act also provides medical marijuana patients who are not registered with the state to raise an 'affirmative defense' motion to dismiss at trial.


Full details of the law is available from NORML's 'Active State Medical Programs' page here.


Delaware is the sixteenth state since 1996 to exempt qualified medical marijuana patients and providers from criminal penalties.


For more information, please see: http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3391.


updated: May 19, 2011



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Guest Happy Guy

They didn't hear about 'The Memo'?

This flies in the face of it. They will have to go to Obama's anti patient abuse school and learn that patients are not state cash cows. They better start thinking about how they can make it easier for patients to afford their medicine. EUREKA! They could let the patients grow their own!

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Guest Happy Guy

I don't see this helping patients at all. Not a single bit. Sadly, it's only going to cost Delaware money the way they are setting themselves up. They just did it to take money from patients so it serves them rightly. They could have researched this a little better and saw that they are heading into the abiss. This had to be the result of a push from stupid business people that will eventually lose everything.

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They didn't hear about 'The Memo'?

This flies in the face of it. They will have to go to Obama's anti patient abuse school and learn that patients are not state cash cows. They better start thinking about how they can make it easier for patients to afford their medicine. EUREKA! They could let the patients grow their own!


It's going to be VERY interesting to see how the 'legal' issues between the 'state's rights' and the 'federal government's demands' play out.


But it's got to take place sooner or later.


Glad to see Delaware had the 'guts' to stand behind their beliefs.

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Guest Happy Guy

It's going to be VERY interesting to see how the 'legal' issues between the 'state's rights' and the 'federal governments demands' play out.


But it's got to take place sooner or later.


Glad to see Delaware had the 'guts' to stand behind their beliefs.

Beliefs in taking money from sick people who don't have a lot of money to spend. Setting up a monopoly of greedy dispensary owners. Tell it like it is. There is no compassion in this law. Only pure greed. They need a well placed foot in the arse.

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Beliefs in taking money from sick people who don't have a lot of money to spend. Setting up a monopoly of greedy dispensary owners. Tell it like it is. There is no compassion in this law. Only pure greed. They need a well placed foot in the arse.


Again, you're certainly entitled to your opinion as am I and everyone else. But I believe there is a 'larger' issue at stake here.


The much larger issue here IMO, is the issue of a 'state' being able to pass laws related to MMJ and cannabis WITHOUT the Federal government intervening.


The 'issues' of 'dispensaries' and whether or not they can or should be allowed should be a STATE choice put into place by the VOTERS of that state.


The running and operational METHODS of 'getting MMJ to the patients' should ALSO be a VOTER / CITIZEN decision.


IMO it should NOT be a FEDERAL decision.


IF the VOTERS and CITIZENS of Delaware decide that state run dispensaries are not a good thing they have the option of 'changing' that situation.


But the VOTERS should NOT be told what can be allowed or NOT allowed within their OWN state when it comes to MMJ and MMJ patients.


Thanks for the comments.

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Guest Happy Guy

Again, you're certainly entitled to you opinion as am I and everyone else. But I believe there is a 'larger' issue at stake here.


The much larger issue here IMO, is the issue of a 'state' being able to pass laws related to MMJ and cannabis WITHOUT the Federal government intervening.


The 'issues' of 'dispensaries' and whether or not they can or should be allowed should be a STATE choice put into place by the VOTERS of that state.


The running and operational METHODS of 'getting MMJ to the patients' should ALSO be a VOTER / CITIZEN decision.


IMO it should NOT be a FEDERAL decision.


IF the VOTERS and CITIZENS of Delaware decide that state run dispensaries are not a good thing they have the option of 'changing' that situation.


But the VOTERS should NOT be told what can be allowed or NOT allowed within their OWN state when it comes to MMJ and MMJ patients.


Thanks for the comments.

Is it your opinion that even if this law takes advantage of sick people like us it's a good thing because they are 'standing up' against the federal government?

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I don't see this helping patients at all. Not a single bit. Sadly, it's only going to cost Delaware money the way they are setting themselves up. They just did it to take money from patients so it serves them rightly. They could have researched this a little better and saw that they are heading into the abiss. This had to be the result of a push from stupid business people that will eventually lose everything.

It's a start, it shows the whole country (especially low life politicians) that yet another state has shown overwhelming majority on an issue everyone in mainstream wants to pretend doesnt exist!!! This is one of the most important times in marijuana reform, with lies and rumors being replaced with facts and real information more people are finding out the truth about marijuana, and the feds & healthcare industry knows that if they dont throw everything they have at us now, from bogus MM laws to threatening phone calls/letters to illegal searched/raids We will win this (which we may well already have, and they are just throwing a tantrum). Anyway educating the public and making this issue main stream is our key to victory!Peace.

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Guest Happy Guy

Supporting it 'all the way'.


It would reduce or eliminate much, if not ALL of the BS and harassment MMJ patients are dealing with.

Not MM laws like this one. It only helps the people selling to patients. Expensive medical cannabis doesn't really help patients at all. There is nothing to stop patient harrassment in this law. This law is aimed at stopping harrassment of dispensaries, not patients.

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Guest Happy Guy

It's a start, it shows the whole country (especially low life politicians) that yet another state has shown overwhelming majority on an issue everyone in mainstream wants to pretend doesnt exist!!! This is one of the most important times in marijuana reform, with lies and rumors being replaced with facts and real information more people are finding out the truth about marijuana, and the feds & healthcare industry knows that if they dont throw everything they have at us now, from bogus MM laws to threatening phone calls/letters to illegal searched/raids We will win this (which we may well already have, and they are just throwing a tantrum). Anyway educating the public and making this issue main stream is our key to victory!Peace.

Do you see that this law is like what KUIPERS wanted here? That we saw as terrible? That we fought tooth and nail against?

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Beliefs in taking money from sick people who don't have a lot of money to spend. Setting up a monopoly of greedy dispensary owners. Tell it like it is. There is no compassion in this law. Only pure greed. They need a well placed foot in the arse.


I'm not arguing with your sentiments, but reality dictates that as this market grows and becomes legitimized, business interests and the economies of scale will envelope the trade and "pot" and all it's hippy mantra will fall by the wayside. Who grow's their own yew trees? poppies? botulism?

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Everyone here has valid points. I am deeply concerned for the patients- the point happy guy is making, I believe that he is right, but I also say, Yes it does help the cause of states' rights, but they wrote that law very poorly.



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Do you see that this law is like what KUIPERS wanted here? That we saw as terrible? That we fought tooth and nail against?

i'm sure it is a whacked law, several states have less than sufficient mm laws. i think we are pretty fortunate here with ours, being able to cultivate any at all is a huge plus, unlike NJ they cant even grow and are forced to have to continue to pay for meds as if they were still big pharmas custos. I guess it's like a catch 22, the people pass something with overwhelming majority...the politicians get upset we "stuck it to em" and right the law as they see "fit" i figure be happy for a victory, then the next step is to appeal or re-write the law.


not looking for an arguement, you just sound as though you'd rather the law didnt pass?

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Is it your opinion that even if this law takes advantage of sick people like us it's a good thing because they are 'standing up' against the federal government?





It is my 'opinion' that the VOTERS, both in Delaware AND here in MICHIGAN, can and should be the ones to make decisions about the MMJ patients and their 'medications' themselves.


Do you believe the citizens of Delaware are ANY less compassionate and caring of their MMJ patients than we here in Michigan are?


I believe that 'injustices' being done to MMJ patients CAN and WILL be corrected.


AND 'I', 'you' and all of those that believe in the changes we are trying to make are involved in that CORRECTION PROCESS RIGHT NOW.


And I believe Delaware has as least taken a large step forward in beginning to help its MMJ patients


But it appears, you do not feel that way.


To be tunnel visioned and short sighted in the process only serves to hinder and slow that 'process of change' in helping to sort out the 'best' ways to serve MMJ patients, not only in Delaware but in all other states as well.


Would like to stick around for your comments, but must dash.

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They didn't hear about 'The Memo'?

This flies in the face of it. They will have to go to Obama's anti-patient abuse school and learn that patients are not state cash cows. They better start thinking about how they can make it easier for patients to afford their medicine. EUREKA! They could let the patients grow their own!


Is that where Federal agents go to learn how to abuse patients? :unsure:

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I'm not arguing with your sentiments, but reality dictates that as this market grows and becomes legitimized, business interests and the economies of scale will envelope the trade and "pot" and all it's hippy mantra will fall by the wayside. Who grow's their own yew trees? poppies? botulism?





'I' grow my own yew trees.


But d*amned if I can figure out how to make those 'English long bows'?

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Guest Happy Guy



It is my 'opinion' that the VOTERS, both in Delaware AND here in MICHIGAN, can and should be the ones to make decisions about the MMJ patients and their 'medications' themselves.


Do you believe the citizens of Delaware are ANY less compassionate and caring of their MMJ patients than we here in Michigan are?


I believe that 'injustices' being done to MMJ patients CAN and WILL be corrected.


AND 'I', 'you' and all of those that believe in the changes we are trying to make are involved in that CORRECTION PROCESS RIGHT NOW.


And I believe Delaware has as least taken a large step forward in beginning to help its MMJ patients


But it appears, you do not feel that way.


To be tunnel visioned and short sighted in the process only serves to hinder and slow that 'process of change' in helping to sort out the 'best' ways to serve MMJ patients, not only in Delaware but in all other states as well.


Would like to stick around for your comments, but must dash.

Can't you see it? The voters vote cannabis legal for patients and THEN the states mess it up for profit. The voters are not setting up these dispensary monopolies, it's the state reps doing that. Like Kuipers tried to here. The patients in Delaware don't have a chance! They get Kuiperized right from the beginning. It was wrong when Kuipers tried it here. Heck, it was EASY to convince everyone here then. Why is it so right in Delaware when it was the act of a tyrant here?

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Guest Happy Guy

Is that where Federal agents go to learn how to abuse patients? :unsure:

The only abuse you can account for is the shutting down of dispensaries. I'll bet a lot of patients don't see it as abuse at all. We patients did it grass roots style when Kuipers tried it here. We shut down what Kuipers had cookin' here and the same stinking pot smells good to you now on the stove in Delaware?

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Guest Happy Guy

i'm sure it is a whacked law, several states have less than sufficient mm laws. i think we are pretty fortunate here with ours, being able to cultivate any at all is a huge plus, unlike NJ they cant even grow and are forced to have to continue to pay for meds as if they were still big pharmas custos. I guess it's like a catch 22, the people pass something with overwhelming majority...the politicians get upset we "stuck it to em" and right the law as they see "fit" i figure be happy for a victory, then the next step is to appeal or re-write the law.


not looking for an arguement, you just sound as though you'd rather the law didnt pass?

I'm happy the law passed. Just like I was when Arizona's law passed. Then what followed was terrible. It made the law unusable for patients. The state killed what the voters voted on. They are still trying to push it through even after the memo. But in Arizona the governor is a little scared now and patients got a stay of execution on their grow rights.

Patients in Delaware, and all over the US, should put up a huge resisitance to this stuff. Don't say you like it. You should hate it if you understand what is going on. Delaware could still write some fair rules that better match what the state voters wanted. Only the dispensary owners want what is in Delaware's proposed rules right now. If Michigan patients say it's so good then the powers that be will think we want that too. Any patients here want to give up your grow rights with a big happy smile?

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Guest Happy Guy

You can see which way things are headed. The last two states to pass MM laws have killed patient grow rights. The rest will follow. Something needs to change or we all will be in the same boat, buying from dispensaries. We will be saying,"I remember when patients could grow their own".

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You can see which way things are headed. The last two states to pass MM laws have killed patient grow rights. The rest will follow. Something needs to change or we all will be in the same boat, buying from dispensaries. We will be saying,"I remember when patients could grow their own".


And many of these 'states' are passing a 'state regulated' dispensary system (originally) to help eliminate any opposition the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT might have to the 'efforts' of trying to set up a system of 'help' for MMJ patients.


Can 'you' NOT see THAT?

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