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We Empower Them To Convict Us

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We do it .. we let it happen.


We play by their rules to the best of our ability, not knowing from one day to the next what they believe "over the line" is.


And what "they" believe "over the line" is more important than what the law says "over the line" is.


Why should "they" be more important than the law we handed to "them" to obey? Most believe it is because "they" have all of the power.


So we count the days until the next election hoping to get a few of "them" out of office. Then we elect a new boss that we hope will be different than the old boss .. and we get someone that thinks they are the boss .... funny how that works.


And the new boss knows they don't have to pay attention to the voters until the last couple of weeks before the next election.


So then we do it all over again. And keep playing "their" game.


Their game only continues to function as long as we enable them.


Our system needs an intervention. The system is power drunk. In that state of intoxication, they no longer remember where their power comes from. We the people.


That status only exists because we enable it. We enable "their" addiction to power.


We all know that the will of the people is for marijuana to be available as a medicine. The ACLU has it pegged at about 80% public acceptance on a nationwide basis. They have no right to continue to fight against it.


They DO have the ability. As long as we continue to play their game by their rules.


Where and how do we enable them to continue?


We do so when we vote guilty as a jury member.


WE hold all the power that is being used against us!!




We KNOW it is unfair to put someone in a jail cell for a plant. WE KNOW IT! So why is it possible to find twelve people to agree to do so? We are blindly playing according to their rules.


"They" tell us that if the evidence proves the defendant had a couple of plants, we MUST vote guilty. That's a lie. The jury member can vote whatever way they wish for any reason they wish.


The judge can not monitor what takes place behind those closed doors. The judge can not order you to vote guilty. They don't have the power or ability. They just don't.




"They" are entirely dependent on the conditioning applied to the jury. In other words, they are depending entirely on the con job they have handed the jury to convict another person for a plant.


STOP IT!! JUST STOP IT!! Don't believe the con job. Stop empowering them to continue ignoring the people of our nation.




Stop playing their game with their rules.


Give them a wake up call. So they pass another law .. So what. If the jury doesn't respect the new law, it is just the same as if the new law was never passed. So all of their current efforts would be completely wasted.


We the people can pull the plug on their game. And we don't have to wait for the next election. We the people have the power and ability to shut them down tomorrow.


Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

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I bet Joe Cain and his crack team of experts will get this all straitened out.Who will be the first official to go down. Who will be the judge that will set our people free. Its time to quit pipe dreaming and taking action. These rouges are not going to take our whimpering serious. Who are you going to target first Joe. There are so many to choice from

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I bet Joe Cain and his crack team of experts will get this all straitened out.Who will be the first official to go down. Who will be the judge that will set our people free. Its time to quit pipe dreaming and taking action. These rouges are not going to take our whimpering serious. Who are you going to target first Joe. There are so many to choice from

Why have so many of those with their heads screwed on right defected from this site? Why are we not given answers?

What happened to:

Matt Abel

Greg Francisco


Victor Vicious

And the list could go on and on. I could name a good 20 or so high profile people whose analysis of the law and events contributed so much to this site but they vanished in the blink of an eye. Why is that? I suspect this site and the powers that be have some dirty little secrets.


Do you people even remember these others? I'll bet that most people on here don't even know who these others are. If you do know who they are and you have answers lets hear them.

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Guest Happy Guy

Why have so many of those with their heads screwed on right defected from this site? Why are we not given answers?

What happened to:

Matt Abel

Greg Francisco


Victor Vicious

And the list could go on and on. I could name a good 20 or so high profile people whose analysis of the law and events contributed so much to this site but they vanished in the blink of an eye. Why is that? I suspect this site and the powers that be have some dirty little secrets.


Do you people even remember these others? I'll bet that most people on here don't even know who these others are. If you do know who they are and you have answers lets hear them.

I know all of them and they all have different reasons for 'not being here'. I could tell you what I think the reasons are but that isn't my place. Are you on a witch hunt? None of them left because of Joe Cain, that I can tell you for sure. This is a message board and use it to get your message out, not witch hunt people who volunteer to help you get your message out. Joe helps us have our say here, that is my personal opinion.

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Why have so many of those with their heads screwed on right defected from this site? Why are we not given answers?

What happened to:

Matt Abel

Greg Francisco


Victor Vicious

And the list could go on and on. I could name a good 20 or so high profile people whose analysis of the law and events contributed so much to this site but they vanished in the blink of an eye. Why is that? I suspect this site and the powers that be have some dirty little secrets.


Do you people even remember these others? I'll bet that most people on here don't even know who these others are. If you do know who they are and you have answers lets hear them.





I remember all of them, yes, I would like to know also.


Bubblegrower........where are you! You would not leave for no reason. You did so much for us, who went against you, seems self destructive to me to run off members such as you, who did it?

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I remember all of them, yes, I would like to know also.


Bubblegrower........where are you! You would not leave for no reason. You did so much for us, who went against you, seems self destructive to me to run off members such as you, who did it?

Bubblegrower had an issue with joe cain taking down some green thumb grow thread because joe wanted advertising dollars out of it or something. I remember reading that but don't ever remember it being resolved.


As far as a witch hunt this isn't a witch hunt happyguy. I am simply asking what happened to all of those people who were high profile and provided this site with well-reasoned knowledge. And I want to know why people like kingpinn who have so much to lose are not directly supported by this site? In these high profile cases why can't the mmma pin a topic devoted to a defense fund for people like kingpinn and bobandtorey??? The outcome of their cases will directly affect ALL of us yet they are usually given no more than an "attaboy." Its sickening. You can be darn sure that any corporation that is affected by a lawsuit throws their full weight in defense of it. If a michigan restaurant was sued over something that could potentially affect all michigan restaurants then the michigan restaurant association would be right there with funding to help defend the lawsuit. But here its like "hey good job warrior." They talk the talk but never put their money where their mouth is. If the patriots raised their glasses to eachother in the pub during the revolution and talked shite about the brits but never took up arms then the revolution would have failed. The point is it is one thing to talk the talk and another thing to walk the walk. These high profile cases should have the best attorneys money can buy. Remember the concept of overwhelming force used by the armed forces in the iraq war early on? You get one insurgent with a pea shooter taking shots at you then you descend on them with 1000 times as much force. That not only totally obliterates them but it takes a bite out of insurgent morale to know that they are going to be pounded so forcefully if they cross the line. Where is kingpinns overwhelming firepower? Where is bobandtorey's. Why can't we organize to fight the real fights instead of the possible fights? Thing of the morale boost kingpinn would have had to have had 300 people show up to his court of appeals hearing. Imagine the media attention that would draw. Imagine all of those people trying to pack into the courtroom and having to line the halls or even gather outside the building because it was so packed. Talk about sending a message to the judges. I'll bet it would be the first time the court of appeals had experienced such a crowd. Instead we send the crowd where it is not as effective. To a place where it is dwarfed by crowds that have come before it. If kingpinn's case had mattered enough to people then the court's opinion could have been shifted by sheer political might alone.

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I remember Greg. And I like Matt. Don't know of the others. I don't know why they are gone. When people get together. People have all sorts problems working together and fall outs happen. Sad. Yes. Counter productive. Yes. Inevitable. Probably so.


Sometimes its just best to see the good that happens. Factions are inevitable. I don't focus on factions.


You'll find similar problems in all organizations. Power struggles, egos, hurt feelings, etc. I try to not get bogged down in it. It might be that some just outgrow the site.


Keep the faith.


Why have so many of those with their heads screwed on right defected from this site? Why are we not given answers?

What happened to:

Matt Abel

Greg Francisco


Victor Vicious

And the list could go on and on. I could name a good 20 or so high profile people whose analysis of the law and events contributed so much to this site but they vanished in the blink of an eye. Why is that? I suspect this site and the powers that be have some dirty little secrets.


Do you people even remember these others? I'll bet that most people on here don't even know who these others are. If you do know who they are and you have answers lets hear them.

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We do it .. we let it happen.


We play by their rules to the best of our ability, not knowing from one day to the next what they believe "over the line" is.


And what "they" believe "over the line" is more important than what the law says "over the line" is.


Why should "they" be more important than the law we handed to "them" to obey? Most believe it is because "they" have all of the power.


So we count the days until the next election hoping to get a few of "them" out of office. Then we elect a new boss that we hope will be different than the old boss .. and we get someone that thinks they are the boss .... funny how that works.


And the new boss knows they don't have to pay attention to the voters until the last couple of weeks before the next election.


So then we do it all over again. And keep playing "their" game.


Their game only continues to function as long as we enable them.


Our system needs an intervention. The system is power drunk. In that state of intoxication, they no longer remember where their power comes from. We the people.


That status only exists because we enable it. We enable "their" addiction to power.


We all know that the will of the people is for marijuana to be available as a medicine. The ACLU has it pegged at about 80% public acceptance on a nationwide basis. They have no right to continue to fight against it.


They DO have the ability. As long as we continue to play their game by their rules.


Where and how do we enable them to continue?


We do so when we vote guilty as a jury member.


WE hold all the power that is being used against us!!




We KNOW it is unfair to put someone in a jail cell for a plant. WE KNOW IT! So why is it possible to find twelve people to agree to do so? We are blindly playing according to their rules.


"They" tell us that if the evidence proves the defendant had a couple of plants, we MUST vote guilty. That's a lie. The jury member can vote whatever way they wish for any reason they wish.


The judge can not monitor what takes place behind those closed doors. The judge can not order you to vote guilty. They don't have the power or ability. They just don't.




"They" are entirely dependent on the conditioning applied to the jury. In other words, they are depending entirely on the con job they have handed the jury to convict another person for a plant.


STOP IT!! JUST STOP IT!! Don't believe the con job. Stop empowering them to continue ignoring the people of our nation.




Stop playing their game with their rules.


Give them a wake up call. So they pass another law .. So what. If the jury doesn't respect the new law, it is just the same as if the new law was never passed. So all of their current efforts would be completely wasted.


We the people can pull the plug on their game. And we don't have to wait for the next election. We the people have the power and ability to shut them down tomorrow.


Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

Shut it down

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Hi PB,


I have always enjoyed your post, you are very well informed and work very hard for the MMMA community. I think that you and all of the rest of this group should Google FIJA, Fully Informed Jury Amendmant.


This is exactly what you are talking about and I agree 100%.


If I ever should be so lucky to serve on a jury for someone who has been violated by our politicians, I WILL VOTE NOT GUILTY NO MATTER WHAT. And, I hope that if I am the defendant in a MMJ case, that you have become educated On the FIJA AND VOTE NOT GUILTY FOR ME AS WELL.


Thank you for letting me vent and as for the rest of you who are not already educated, you better get that way before it's your but in the defendants seat.


Thanks again,


Herb Cannabis

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Fully informed jury association.


Wiki on jury nullification: :


A nineteenth-century jury


Jury nullification is a de facto and traditional power of juries. Judges rarely inform juries of their nullification power. The power of jury nullification derives from an inherent quality of most modern common law systems—a general unwillingness to inquire into jurors' motivations during or after deliberations. A jury's ability to nullify the law is further supported by two common law precedents: the prohibition on punishing jury members for their verdict, and the prohibition (in some countries) on retrying defendants after an acquittal (see related topics res judicata and double jeopardy).


Jury nullification is the source of much debate. Some maintain that it is an important safeguard of last resort against wrongful imprisonment and government tyranny.[6][7] Others view it as a violation of the right to a jury trial that undermines the law.[7] Some view it as a violation of the oath sworn to by jurors. In America, others view the requirement that jurors take an oath to be unlawful in itself, while still others view the oath's reference to "deliverance" to require nullification of unjust law: "will well and truly try and a true deliverance make between the United States and the defendant at the bar, and a true verdict render according to the evidence, so help [me] God." United States v. Green, 556 F.2d 71 (D.C. Cir. 1977). [8] Some fear that nullification could be used to permit violence against socially unpopular factions.[9] They point to the danger that a jury may choose to convict a defendant who has not broken the letter of the law. However, judges retain the rights both to decide sentences and to disregard juries' guilty verdicts, acting as a check against malicious juries. Jury nullification may also occur in civil suits, in which the distinction between acquittal and conviction is irrelevant.[10]


Nevertheless, there is little doubt as to the ability of a jury to nullify the law. Today, there are several issues raised by jury nullification.


First, whether juries can or should be instructed or informed of their power to nullify.

Second, whether a judge may remove jurors "for cause" when they refuse to apply the law as instructed.

Third, whether a judge may punish a juror for exercising his power of jury nullification.

Fourth, whether all legal arguments, except perhaps on motions in limine to exclude evidence, should be made in the presence of the jury.


In some cases in America, a stealth juror will attempt to get on a jury in order to nullify the law.[11] Some lawyers use a shadow defense to get information entered into the record that would otherwise be inadmissible hoping that evidence will trigger a jury nullification.[12][13]

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