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Curing In Jar?


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I have some buds I placed in a jar 1 month ago. They smell really strong and look pretty good, so my question is how long should they stay in there before use and how often should I be opening the jars? I just kinda have been opening the jars the last couple weeks like every few days for a minute or 2.

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1 month is a good 'baseline' for any strain IMO ( meaning ready to smoke )


"after 1 month its killer" -BubbleGrower


I follow BG's harvest/cure tutorial and as he said, after that 1 month cure, It Is Fire !



You should be good to go now. Maybe the occasional burp. Once or twice a week, and easing back off the burps as a few more weeks pass.


My .02 Cents :)

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FYI Allot of people like to exhale ( not blow breath in carbon dioxide out ) into the jar then reseal after airing out . The Jelly Jars work great from BALL cause their resealable over and ove the canning jars have a wax seal . . I use Coffee Jars because they have seals built in and I drink allot of instant coffee = free . Nescafe has a great Jar that fits in the honeywell cable safe . I liked the link .

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