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Ama Supports Rescheduling Review

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"Schedule I is very appropriate for heroin and other noxious substances that have no place in medicine, but cannabinoids are useful drugs," said Melvyn Sterling, MD, a palliative care doctor and California Medical Assn. delegate who spoke on his own behalf. "There is compelling research that cannabinoids are helpful in treating the spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis and in persistent nausea associated with chemotherapy, and they may have other uses yet undiscovered. Why are they undiscovered? Because it's a schedule I drug."




This is a very good article, support to review the scheduling of marijuana is building. Of interest is that the committee originally considered leaving it as it is, but the MEMBERSHIP objected. The thrust seems to be reschedule to allow research.


Dr. Bob

Edited by Dr. Bob
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Patients are not the only ones with grass roots organizations, so are doctors. Convince them one at a time and support this momentum. Notice it was the 'powers that be' in the committee that wanted to leave it as it was, the membership sent it back to them with a mandate, we want research, make it available to us.


Dr. Bob

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I'll let you know what the local feeling is after I put together a series of talks for doctor groups around the state. I am getting the information on the demographics together now for them.


What I can tell you is that patients are beginning to report that their doctors are in favor here and there, but can't because of their groups or hospitals, but I am starting to get far more referrals from primary care doctors.


Dr. Bob

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Some doctors and medical professionals, being the intellectuals that they are, have already educated themselves and are aware of the power of herbs, including cannabis. I also think many doctors would be in favor or neutral regarding cannabis but hard for them having hands tied by big pharma and big insurance.


There is a natural cure for every disease of man. That's where research money should be focused and where cures will be found.

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Some doctors and medical professionals, being the intellectuals that they are, have already educated themselves and are aware of the power of herbs, including cannabis. I also think many doctors would be in favor or neutral regarding cannabis but hard for them having hands tied by big pharma and big insurance.


There is a natural cure for every disease of man. That's where research money should be focused and where cures will be found.

Seems to me they(BIG BROTHER&BIG BUSINESS) are vilifying and criminalizing anything that isn't going to give them a "piece($) of the action"..................... How can they OVER charge for their TOXIC remedies when you can grow your own natural and harmless medicine ? ? ? Edited by knucklehead bob
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Look at the thread about DEA insanity. You can see the mindset, it will take time to overcome that level of official ignorance. Every day, a chip at a time, we will break it down. We need to keep our game tight though. There is a saying in medicine, 1 oh crap negates 1000 atta boys. Every bust that leads the general public to believe there are those abusing the act hurts us more than dozens of positive patient reports help us. The best damage control is prevention of the damage.


Dr. Bob

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