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What's The Latest On Hb 4271?

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It could, I doubt it will pass anything out of committee unless it's highly amended.  A highly amended bill, could/most likely would be worse than not passing something.  The people that said it's already passed are the people that gave money to the Republicans to get more politicians that are voting against the MMJ community elected.  In other words, the very people "paying" for this are actually paying to get conservatives that don't like the law elected.  It's sort of like they are paying to guarantee that the bill won't be passed.


BTW, does it bother anyone that these guys are going around saying they "paid" for legislation to pass?  Even if you agree with the bill, what ever happened to democracy?

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It could, I doubt it will pass anything out of committee unless it's highly amended.  A highly amended bill, could/most likely would be worse than not passing something.  The people that said it's already passed are the people that gave money to the Republicans to get more politicians that are voting against the MMJ community elected.  In other words, the very people "paying" for this are actually paying to get conservatives that don't like the law elected.  It's sort of like they are paying to guarantee that the bill won't be passed.


BTW, does it bother anyone that these guys are going around saying they "paid" for legislation to pass?  Even if you agree with the bill, what ever happened to democracy?

Yes, it really bothers me. Are you sure it wouldn't pass if it gets out of committee? I mean if they're basically paying off these republicans why wouldn't it pass? All they need is a simple majority right?

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Because they didn't pay "all these republicans."  They only paid Callton's PAC.  All the money went into one guy's fund.  That guy then made favors to different politicians by using that money to help in their re-election campaigns.  In effect, the dispensaries didn't directly give the money to anyone but Callton.  None of the republican politicians are beholden to the dispensaries except Callton, but they are beholden to him.  


Does Callton call in a favor to get dispensaries legal, or does he wait and hold the favor for something more important?  I can't answer that, but I have a pretty good idea.  What changes to the bill need to be made before Callton's conservative colleagues are alright with it?  I can't answer that one either, but so far, they have not been generous with legislation.  Some of the stuff that came up with last year and was killed through hard work and diligence by a very few could have been devastating to the law.


You have to keep in mind the party agenda, also.  Republicans are against drugs, period.  They get elected by people that are tough on drugs, and they go out of their way to represent those people in congress.  They've been doing it since the 80s.  Until the party changes as a whole, don't ever get the idea they are our friends.  First they have to get rid of the "Drug War" mentality that has been part of their driving force for some 30 years.

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It doesn't sound like the dispensaries thought this out very well, I don't see how helping elect mmj hostile politicians helps their cause. So you're basically saying 4271 is dead and we shouldn't worry about it? I mean it sounds like giving all that money to calton didn't really do jack

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It is certainly not dead.  It awaits a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.  They release the date prior to the hearing.  They meet most Tuesdays thru Thursdays, when in session.  


Best guess is it will get a hearing, and it will be done as quietly as possible to avoid having the "wrong" people testify.  They want "their" hand picked patients.  None of that is surprising.  It is how many groups try and lobby.


It is premature to draw any conclusions....

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It seems to me that certain areas have the majority of people in support, which includes registered voters that are both democrat and republican. The tide has turmed where otherwise conservative piliticians can still be tough on crime and yet not have to worry about alienating any of their constituents with mmj. Some districts maybe not so much, but the heavlily populated ones shouldnt be an issue, in reality.


And there is a sense that all of this still needs to be sorted out. I dont know how their docket looks, but if there isnt a serious number of serious issues, they may indeed have time to vote on the floor. Might never get there, it is always a gamble.


I hope they do pass one though, as the sc is apparently of no help. Bummer.

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I think it is simplistic to say what all republicans are for or against. I don't recall democrats ever doing a darn thing for MMJ without the voters forcing it down their throat.  Republicans are interested in jobs and business, that is the part of this that does get their limited attention. Democrats are on the outs right now so they will often times say anything to get elected, but action often falls short. Bottom line, nobody is on "OUR" side. 


 As far as 4271, they will at some point get a committee hearing, I would give it less than 50% odds of getting out of committee, less than 10% of passing on the floor and 0% chance of passing the senate. They apparently "ran out of time" when they tried sneaking it thru just over a week ago, maybe that was true, but it is also just as likely that Calton knows the republican caucus is not behind that bill and he doesn't want to stop milking his willing little cash cows yet.

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