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Free Cookout This Saturday @ Greater Clare Area Cc!

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Hey everyone! This Saturday 6-8-13 at Hydro 411 from 12-2PM, Greater Clare Area Compassion Club will be having a free cookout (Hot dogs, potato salad, chips and non alcoholic beverages provided. Feel free to provide side dish if you wish! Let us know what you are bringing on this post. We will also be talking about how to keep mother plants manageable and healthy, mmmp laws and gun ownership, and what to do when you need to care for your plants while away on vacation. (Yes, there is a legal way to do this!) We will be meeting out in the back pole barn for this event (it's clean and handicap accessible) 411 w. 5th st Clare, MI 49346 As always, we have great give away's from various vendors- everyone gets a free raffle ticket at the door! Hope to see you then!



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Hey everyone! This Saturday 6-8-13 at Hydro 411 from 12-2PM, Greater Clare Area Compassion Club will be having a free cookout (Hot dogs, potato salad, chips and non alcoholic beverages provided. Feel free to provide side dish if you wish! Let us know what you are bringing on this post. We will also be talking about how to keep mother plants manageable and healthy, mmmp laws and gun ownership, and what to do when you need to care for your plants while away on vacation. (Yes, there is a legal way to do this!) We will be meeting out in the back pole barn for this event (it's clean and handicap accessible) 411 w. 5th st Clare, MI 49346 As always, we have great give away's from various vendors- everyone gets a free raffle ticket at the door! Hope to see you then!




Who will be the speakers on these subjects please ?


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Heck you do not even need a mother plant,, just clone before you flower,


what to do when you need to care for your plants while away on vacation. (Yes, there is a legal way to do this!)


yes that would be nice to know

We discussed methods of automating watering, legality of a 2nd party to care for the plants (not legal at all!), temporarily assigning a caregiver to care for plants (this has restrictions as well), and watering outdoor gardens from the outside of the cage without access to the inside. Good discussion, and overall an informative section of the meeting. Be sure to check out the meeting in 2 weeks!

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