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In The Greenhouse; The Runoff Is 8.5, Ppm 1800, Temps Under 90,

pic book

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RH 50%, and i have minor yellowing and withering with no twisting or insects in some of the 2nd + 3rd leafsets.  It's across all strains in these otherwise green and healthy four-inch vegges. Tho confined now to 2nd and 3rd leafsets and stems, I fear that it may consume whole plants. What to adjust?

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Unless the pH of your water is above 8.5, [check your ppm also]. You need to lower the pH. Picabook. [ Right Chris?] Infact you need to lower your nutes strength down too.  I would do a good rinse with some low pH water, till your in the 5.5 -6.0 range. This should knock your nutes strength down too. It should be about half or 900 - 1000 of  what your running now. imho      .... Sounds like you had nute lock-out, ie: the hi pH ...


Good Luck!


ps They would appreciate it if you could knock that  temp down a tad too if possible ...

Edited by solabeirtan
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RH 50%, and i have minor yellowing and withering with no twisting or insects in some of the 2nd + 3rd leafsets.  It's across all strains in these otherwise green and healthy four-inch vegges. Tho confined now to 2nd and 3rd leafsets and stems, I fear that it may consume whole plants. What to adjust?

Stomata do not open past 85.  Your going to have major issues if you cannot control the heat.  85 is the maximum tolerance.  really above 82 degree you will be inducing stress slowing transpiration which= growth and forcing the plant to burn thru nutrient.  85 all bets are off in my book.  At 90....OMG....


I ran a room that would hit 85 in my old house it slowed growth, curled leaves and made them semi wither downward.


Controlling the environment is the name of the game.  Temps and humidity are the biggest issues..well that is if your running organics.  Hydro i can't even fathom all the possibilities for error are endless.  this is why I love Organics you have so much less to worry about regarding shiet being automated with pumps, tanks, tubes, fittings,. etc, etc.  


Are you running straight hydro or an inert medium..? 

Edited by motorcitymeds
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