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hello. I'm from wexford county and just got certified. No card yet but Dr. Townsend approved me. After going to my appointmet I almost feel sorry for the Doc. I wonder how he has time to blow his own nose much less take on all the responsibility of all of these patients all over MI. I am very glad he does though.

  I have been in chronic pain since 1990. I did'nt have insurance to get diagnosed for many years and when I did they botched it twice. First they did the wrong MRI then they lost my MRI. I ended up moving to ND and then all over the country when I met my husband because his job requires it. I came back to MI when I just couldnt keep traveling anymore.

  I am allergic to all opiate drugs. For some reason most doctors find that hard to believe but it happened. Starting with codeine right on down the drug line. Also xanax and azithromyacin and a couple of diabetic meds. Also have bad reactions although not allergies to many meds. I seem to have a very delicate system so finding prescription drugs that worked for the pain was very difficult and both physically and physchologically taxing. At this point I do not accept any new pharmaseuticals doctors want me to try. I've had too many bad experiences. I do take neurontin, Ketoprofin, and bentyl and I am thankful for these meds because I would not be walking without them, however there are times they just dont cut it. Especially when I enter a paralysis phase or bad bout of IB. I've been diagnosed with Arhtitis, Fibromyalgia, ( possible MS. I'll go back for yet another MRI and hope nobody loses it this time ) , IB syndrome, complex PTSD, chronic severe anxiety, OCD, PBA, TLE,  oh and diabetes. ( even though it's genetic, I consider Diabetes my own darn fault ) . 

  Since I moved back to MI the pain has been 3 fold worse. Low pressure lake effects I guess. This has made it very difficult for me to get the excercize I need to get the diabetes in check. medical marijuana is my only hope in this respect. It also helps with the epilepsy and some strains, the PBA ( some strains make that worse ), and it puts the IB in remission.

  i'm not a typical marijuana user. I have a tendency to wait until I can't stand the pain anymore before I use it. This irritates my family but it's just the way I am. I am hoping though I will be able to continure my small flower biz with the aid of mm. It was getting impossible.

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darn! you got a lot of stuff happening in your body! welcome to the site and welcome back to mich.


sometimes its a good idea to medicate at last possible second. thats what i do too.


i've heard of people who are able to medicate all day long, sativas in the day, indicas as night, medibles, topicals, and a few puffs when they can be sneaked in. i think if i was in that much symptoms i'd try that. or start small and drink a fresh cannabis juice every day.


the michigan storm systems are absolutely a nightmare for pain. at least i can tell when the weather is going to change, half of my body starts aching bad or i get a sinus headache.

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t-pain, I was wondering about that. The cannabis juice. I know absolutely NOTHING right at this moment about what a caregiver can provide. I have not even found one yet. I can't grow it where I live right now. I was hoping there was some way I could get the fresh leaves when harvested for juice. I've heard it's an amazing health benefit.

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Since 2008 involvement with myself and my patients, we find the best relief can be found from proven hybrid strains with a near 50/50 lineage. I medicate daily, but only after I wake in the morning, never during sleep. :angel:

I've got some friends, and some family members now that have followed the directions in a book by an ashhole author. trudow or some similar spelling. getting past the scam artists spiel, relevant information was found, and then passed on to us. The few I know who followed the directions were able to "cure" every chronic issue they were afflicted with, truth!.. My own mom was a diabetic2 for 12 years took insulin, handful of meds, and more to cover the side effects of the original assaults. she was able to CURE her diabetes2 using what she learned. She does not "manage" her diabetes, and has not for 7-8 yrs(ish). she now drinks a pop once in awhile, enjoys pie, likes candy. she is fussy about what kind of "sweets" she eats, like no fake sugars and crap, but she is no longer a diabetic. The very doctor list of "things you SHOULD BE eating in moderation(not-"not at all") is flawed from the jump. Know that following the "food pyramid" IS the recipe for diabetes. If I didn't know any better I'd say diabetes is planned, caused, and treated by the same investors in mutually held corporations,  beginning right around 1950, but nahhh, couldn't be.


hang in there, good luck

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