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Planet Green Trees Radio Tonight


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Planet Green Trees Radio- Tonight 8-10pm

www.planetgreentrees.com or call in 347-326-9626


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion-


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-


Tonight- The local ballot initiative strategy in Michigan continues to grow. 12 or more cities and Benzie County are expected to let voters decide if adults with small amounts of cannabis, should continue to be a concern for law enforcement. This effort is being conducted under the direction of the Safer Mich organization. Also- review of the 43rd annual Hash Bash and 13th Monroe Street Fair. We will be recapping the hash bash 43, speakers and event organizers calling in, for the impact the event from this past and the overall of Hash Bash has had on prohibition. The 'Can Cannabis Cure Cancer' mini series continues with the testimonial of a patient using cannabis to treat cancer.


Joining us tonight- Calling in to discuss their undefeated record and the philosophy behind this local ballot strategy will be The God Father of Marijuana in Michigan, Tim Beck and 40 year cannabis Reform activist and kindergarten teacher Charles Ream Both men also attended and addressed the crowd at Hash Bash.


Attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law will join us in studio. David was an attendee at Hash Bash this year as well.


Joining us to continue our discussion- 'Can cannabis cure cancer?' will be patient Sandra Hanes who will offer her testimonial and account of using cannabis oil to treat her cancer.


Michael's rant, news, current events and more!

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Is there any contact information or corresponding website regarding the 12 local ballot initiatives? Looking for information to help.


lol i'm sorry, i thought zapato would chime in.


tim beck and his safer coalition do not have a website presence (aside from the dead website https://repealtoday.org/ ). try contacting matt abel at cannabis counsel http://www.cannabiscounsel.com/ , he can get you in touch with safer michigan i think.

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