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Unlawfully seized plants and manufactured materials

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The verdict has been made as I sit at the councils table. She struggles to open the sealed envelope and starts the verbiage used to describe it. NOT GUILTY, Dan pats me on the back as I look to his side. I was poised and never overly excited,just content in the moment. The peace that was given beforehand, was enough to handle whatever the verdict would have been, but this is what I wanted. Now it's uplifted and removed, nice to say that I won't have to deal with it anymore. From Dan's expertise




All over a plant that God intended us to use. Everything in moderation,then stereotypical view points are demolished. If marijuana was legal, it would squash the cotton industry, lumber industry and positively stimulate the economy. The love of greed,with the attribution of money, has created a pit of despair, that the wordly fall into. ALWAYS LOOK UP and be guided by the spirit!



No Trial, Yet Again.

The trial was cancelled and pushed back, like many times in the past. Dan and I do not know the reason why this has occurred. The trial is adjourned for another time in which we do not know exactly. They have to be waiting on me to mess up my bond because they know this is a losing case for them. I told Dan to tell the prosecuting attorney this:"I am ready to testify and all our witnesses as well, there will be no mistakes. We will win. It's best to end this now before I go public." If I didn't




It is now coming to the end of March. I will finally have a trial and can use Medical marijuana as a defense. Dan and I will still have to prove the three aspects of the law as we did before, but this time, in front of a jury. This has been a long and treacherous ride, not only for me but for my family as well. I have been completely blessed still being able to work my school job and recently started a property management company. All has been well as I fit the niche that has been provided for m



Section 8 Defense

I heard the news earlier today about section 8 defense and with no surprise,the end result being denied section 8 defense. We will appeal this decision, thanks to Dan he will bear the burden of the costs involved. He has been doing this throughout the trail, taking on the weight of the costs and ensuring my ability for the best possible outcome. Every appeal=more money, if I had to pay out of hand I would have failed miserably. My family is completely broke in the monetary department and have no




Dan (lawyer) spent a few minutes before the hearing talking about what might proceed. As I was in his office and it was almost time to leave, I started thinking about a story. Daniel and the lions den crossed my mind. If you know the story, Daniel continued to pray in front of his window of the city he lived in. Even though it was declared that you should not praise any other god except the present king,he did it anyways. He felt it was the right thing to do and he was not ashamed. The penalty,




I always questioned Dans ability in the courtroom just because I had never witnessed him in action. My fears are gone after today. He was so comfortable in his position. He even objected in the manner of the bailiff and others talking to loud distracting his ability to hear the officer as the witness. He presented himself in a very professional and positive manner. His question ability to the officer was beyond my expectations. The way he was "guided" in his abilities and manner really set the t



Meeting Date

In the face of scrutiny, I wait. Meeting with the school today has me nervous about my future. What will happen? How will they react? Will they understand? As I prepare myself for the worst, I always keep peace within my heart. The Lord guides me and whatever I'm faced with; I know he will be there. Always keep looking up and always keep him near. Thanks for everyone's support through this. I will let you know when I do!



Jame's Story

My name is James Rose and I live in southwestern Michigan. I was raided by the state police today. I was in compliance with state law having an enclosed fenced area for outdoor plants. I had 24 outdoor plants within the locked gate system, locked by 2 locks at the gate. I had 32 indoor plants locked with a coded deadbolt lock inside a barn style garage. They took all my outdoor plants because they were saying the top of the fence was not fenced. That violation gave them the right to take everyt





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