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Roscommon County State And Local Police

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After having some problems in Washtenaw county. I decide to move to Roscommon county and continue to do what i do as a caregiver and Pateint. However i was told by the local Hydro store man that the local police and state police dont like the fact of Marijuana at all and they WILL take action against everyone. I'm not afraid to go what I've been doing. BUT want to know if anyone in the area has had problems and really how the local police and State police are up here. I welcome all comments feel fre to just say HIGH and I WILL start going down to the lodge soon. hope to meet a few new faces... IF there still is meetings at the EAST BAY LODGE? Are there? thanks for your time.

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as long as you stay legal they cannot do anything to you.

i understand that BUT I hear that they are not tolerant and will take your bunny muffin.... I'm legal 100% only have as many plants as i can and don't keep any extra harvest. But any good stories I need to hear about?

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  • 2 months later...

After having some problems in Washtenaw county. I decide to move to Roscommon county and continue to do what i do as a caregiver and Pateint. However i was told by the local Hydro store man that the local police and state police dont like the fact of Marijuana at all and they WILL take action against everyone. I'm not afraid to go what I've been doing. BUT want to know if anyone in the area has had problems and really how the local police and State police are up here. I welcome all comments feel fre to just say HIGH and I WILL start going down to the lodge soon. hope to meet a few new faces... IF there still is meetings at the EAST BAY LODGE? Are there? thanks for your time.



so how is evey thing now that you have moved? not good i here

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Many of the BS issues being raised by the continued harassment of law abiding citizens are unfortunately going to have to wind themselves through the court system. Most likely all the way to the Michigan Supreme court until LEO get's the message. Until then many officers and departments will act out of willful ignorance in the quest for free press and federal dollars which flow not only from the DEA but homeland security as well. So in order to avoid the tragedy of SWAT team paramilitary raids on your family, substantial legal bills, robbery and public exposure we are best served to continue the same habits that have kept most of this community safe for decades. In time, with patience, fenced gardens right next to the old vegetable garden will be common place (Boy am I gonna hear it if Kingpinn sees that). I've waited 40 yrs for this. I can wait a year or two for the courts to affirm our new found rights. though some shall suffer to get us their. Do everything you can to avoid LEO for now, if nothing else they seem to still enjoy robbing citizens without criminal charge.


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  • 1 month later...

I got a possesion charge, 2nd offense felony. I had maybe 2 grams total of roaches and a lil oil, They took my lil bit of of stuff, but they dropped the charges. I applied for my card after my arrest, and the paper work got it dropped, hope this helps you,

Welcom to the home off Tip up Town USA!





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Always stay legal, if you are not legal to carry something do not carry it and then use AD to cover your hide when you get caught, it is not a get out of jail free card by any means, sure you are protected but think of it through the eyes of an LEO, I busted this guy for pot and then he gets his card, it will just be smoother to do it all legit. Also sit down and read the law, figure out what you think is the simplest form of legal, an example would be only use marijuana, do not carry around hash or hash oil, they are not mentioned by NAME in the law and are kind of a grey area when it comes to LEO, but like I said read the law and that will come with a little bit of common sense, just follow it and you will be protected legally.

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