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David Smith And Saginaw County Sheriff Recall.

Guest CaveatLector

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Guest CaveatLector

Since I haven't seen anything about this, and a search of the forum revealed no results, I am wondering what is happening with the recall of the Saginaw County Sheriff initiated by David Smith?


It seems to me that everyone's efforts would be better placed by assisting Mr. Smith gather the required 21,000 signatures. He only has a limited amount of time in which to do this to get the issue on the Nov. ballot. This needs attention now if you want to affect change.


Granted only Saginaw County registered voters can sign the petition but there is nothing to stop volunteers from canvassing neighborhoods and circulating them. Think about the change that would come about if the Sheriff were to be recalled. The next Sheriff would be much less likely to step on the same toes.


So whoever organizes the protest ought also to rally the troops to help out Mr. Smith. Maybe have a permanent thread on here with a schedule for signature gathering.

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Yes, The DEA is the one that brought this one on . but we can ask folks if they are reg voter in sag and last protest they had a lot of extras ,so take one and get some folks too sign it that's what I did ,Just want to do my part! :rolleyes: and don't forget a clip board and pen if you can.

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Yes, The DEA is the one that brought this one on . but we can ask folks if they are reg voter in sag and last protest they had a lot of extras ,so take one and get some folks too sign it that's what I did ,Just want to do my part! :rolleyes: and don't forget a clip board and pen if you can.

thanks for taking sheet and getting signatures. Make sure you sign as being person circulating petition before you return it to me. we need lots more help at recall......petitions will be there to be signed as well as protesting for our rights. Please come out and join us.

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thanks for taking sheet and getting signatures. Make sure you sign as being person circulating petition before you return it to me. we need lots more help at recall......petitions will be there to be signed as well as protesting for our rights. Please come out and join us.



it's good to here from you i meet you last time July 1 i will be down again on this one

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Yes, The DEA is the one that brought this one on . but we can ask folks if they are reg voter in sag and last protest they had a lot of extras ,so take one and get some folks too sign it that's what I did ,Just want to do my part! :rolleyes: and don't forget a clip board and pen if you can.



hello mike i do want to go see Archie i just don't have the gas money for both Archie and the protest but i wont give up yet i put out some E- mails to the Ferndale Dispensary to see if they would support Archie and give me some money to get their no word as yet

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Since I haven't seen anything about this, and a search of the forum revealed no results, I am wondering what is happening with the recall of the Saginaw County Sheriff initiated by David Smith?


It seems to me that everyone's efforts would be better placed by assisting Mr. Smith gather the required 21,000 signatures. He only has a limited amount of time in which to do this to get the issue on the Nov. ballot. This needs attention now if you want to affect change.


Granted only Saginaw County registered voters can sign the petition but there is nothing to stop volunteers from canvassing neighborhoods and circulating them. Think about the change that would come about if the Sheriff were to be recalled. The next Sheriff would be much less likely to step on the same toes.


So whoever organizes the protest ought also to rally the troops to help out Mr. Smith. Maybe have a permanent thread on here with a schedule for signature gathering.

the person to contact is Ed at 989-249-5756 Mr smith been very busy so this is best contact recall thread coming soon

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Guest CaveatLector

We will and did assist at the last protest with signature gathering, but there is a time and place for everything. When government does something so outrageous to circumvent basic constitutional rights, simply removing a sheriff is not enough. It shows the entire system and the way that system interacts with other governmental systems is dysfunctional. So while I agree we must assist in civil processes, we must also protest injustice. History proves me right Gandhi, Martin Luther King, The Anti-war protesters.... Society must be made aware of gross injustice by the showing of public dissatisfaction via the right to peaceful assembly. Your suggestion is great, but it only part of a much wider problem in that county and the state of Michigan. You can't allow government to beat up on sick people. This perversion of the system must be brought into the light of day.


I agree. There IS a time and place for everything and this is the time. David Smith has limited time in which to collect signatures.

Protesting is great and I think a protest should still take place BUT if you want to send a clear message to politicians then you need to show them that THEIR necks are on the line.


Bear in mind that a recall, in itself, IS a protest. And it speaks volumes. When politicians see that they are subject to the same treatment (a recall) if they disregard your state-granted right then they will darn sure not want to be the next in the line of fire. Furthermore, you need to look at this from a politician's perspective. The sheriff likely sees this issue as a far-left radical fringe group of liberals. Therefore, the sheriff will cow-tow to what he sees as "mainstream" and his core voting constituency. Regardless of the fact that the initiative passed by 63% the majority of politicians still see it as a fluke or as a small group of individuals pulling the wool over the eyes of the voters. They say that very thing in the news media! Therefore, they are not going to bow to pressure from that "small group" and thereby alienate the voting masses. They will walk by your protest and comment to the news media that the few hundred protestors cam from around the state and by no means represent the voters of Saginaw County. Look back on news stories where the sheriff is quoted mocking protestors and picking them out individually as people who have already been busted. Labelling them as criminals.


You have to look at this from a political perspective. And you have to realize that the sheriff and any other politician always has a fallback argument. You say your constitutional rights are violated. The argument against that is that you are doing something illegal at the federal level. It doesn't matter what executive order Obama made. That is all policy, NOT law. So as it stands everyone is breaking federal law. So what should be done? If medical mj is mainstreamed enough in this state and the politicians are forced to pursue Michigan's objectives then the politicians will have to stand up against the feds. If our Senators in DC told the DEA, "leave our state alone" then I bet you dollars to donuts that would happen. Why? Because pressure is mounting and a constitutional crisis will occur where the states will argue a states' rights issue. If the majority of voters in a few states decide that the feds are too big for their bloomers then things will change.


SO, to THAT end there needs to be fear put in the politicians. Because that is what motivates a politician. Fear of the loss of funding. Fear of the loss of support. To that end a successful recall election would make a huge difference. The politicians would realize that the MM community was able to rally the support of the core groups of constituents. The recall would be directly attributable to the MM community. Every politician would then realize that if they don't recognize and heed the demands of the MM community that they would be put out like yesterday's trash.


If you want to grab the attention of the news media then give them THAT story. "MM community ousts local sheriff." And Federspiel is the sacraficial lamb.

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the person to contact is Ed at 989-249-5756 Mr smith been very busy so this is best contact recall thread coming soon


People of Saginaw Couty...Your help is needed to support a recall petition against Sherriff Federspiel for his unfair practice against medical marijuana patients/caregivers. This is a new law and we have to stand up and protect our rights. Unfair treatment is being used against sick and disabled people. People voted him in, people can take him out. July 21st, 11 am., Saginaw County Court House, 101 S. Michigan, Saginaw. C o m e one c o m e

all. I understand donations will be taken to help last medical marijuana caregiver/patient that was raided help with his financial difficulties. While you can help if you wish, You are not demanded to give. Come help us support our rights as human beings.

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I think all should be able to come to a rally and address all problems. They are all important. And I thank everyone for their support and I am glad I got to meet so many people who agree with the New Law and want to keep our rights open. John Roberts rights, Ed Boyke's rights, American people's rights. Caregivers rights, patients rights. Jason's rights.

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Guest CaveatLector

I know you are trying to recall the sheriff and we support you in that effort and will help in that effort, but we will have to use a GPS to find the protest site. If we just went around knocking on doors people would perceive us as outsiders, and it would simply undermine your efforts, not help them. The media will not follow around people with recall petitions, as I'm sure you've found out, but will cover a protest. This gives you a venue to get your message out to the residents. Finally, it was the DEA that did this raid. The sheriff is denying involvement and the DEA is backing it up. We wouldn't be putting any pressure on the DEA at all if we bring in hundreds of people to roam the streets of Saginaw in search of signatures, but there is a possibility that if we can bring enough media attention to the event, we would be able to get an investigation started. There will be volunteers from the organizations to assist in your efforts to oust the sheriff, but we have a whole state and country to protect. This is a Constitutional matter now, not just a local matter. We will ask for volunteers the day of the protest, but we also have to get the message out to the world, that it is the Constitution of the United States that has been spit upon, not only by local officials, but also by the federal government.

I understand your position and the protest must go on. However, although the media won't follow people around with petitions what they will do is produce ongoing publicity after the signatures are obtained and all the way through to November on election day.


And I understand your opinion regarding the DEA. It may NOT have been the sheriff's doing but if you throw the sheriff to the wolves for it and make him the scapegoat it would ultimately shape the political climate within the state. Protesting the DEA will not do that. You mention constitutional violations but I don't get where that is even coming from. The DEA was well within its rights to do the raid--unfortunate and all as that may be. It MAY be contrary to white house rhetoric, policy, or executive orders, but it doesn't rise to the level of a constitutional violation or even illegal. The fact is the white house is ALL talk. Obama has the power to put the squeeze on anyone in the DEA---it's an executive branch dept. But he hasn't. Raids have gone on all across the country, most notably in Colorado, and nothing has changed. The same guy still heads the office in CO. if I'm not mistaken. So when all is said and done the protestors will be seen as a bunch of pests and nothing more.


Lastly, if you think the sheriff had nothing to do with the raid then you are being taken for a ride. Do you think that the DEA independently investigated the Roberts case or do you think there was some collusion with the sheriff dept.? If I had to guess I would say that the sheriff shared intelligence with the DEA. Tell me you don't agree....


Again--I think the protest SHOULD go on. Don't get me wrong. I just think that if energy were to be directed toward ousting the sheriff there would be better immediate results for the county. I think that if David cannot collect enough signatures in time then there will be a tremendous amount of regret come Nov. and people in the county (cg's and pt's) will continue to feel the wrath of the sheriff there and wish they had had more help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only area I ca disagree with CaveatLector is if there is an executive order issued regarding the issue, it would have the force of law until reprieved or superseded, but I am unaware of any E.O.(?).

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