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Saving America


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It was Helen Keller who said: "Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all- the apathy of human beings". But why is it today that we are so apathetic? Do we think our one small part is too small to make a difference ? It was Edmund Burke who said: "No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little". And while so many in our America today are slumbering in a sea of apathy, only a very few are chipping away at the very foundation, the very heart of just who we are as a nation. But they are winning in their destructive efforts. And if we don't do something very soon, sadly, it will be too late to save America.

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I believe it is a combination of apathy, desensitization and lack of education. Perhaps the apathy comes from the other two, and even feeds back upon itself.


In this day of an endless stream of information, we are bombarded with more and more shocking stories (mostly to grab viewers). These more intense stories make things that should be upsetting seem harmless in comparison. This occurs alot because of the general attention span of the populus these days, not many look further than the headlines and a short blurb from a talking head. The population is becoming numb to these stories, and have taken on the "They all do it" mentality. Thus enters the apathy.


That same apathy started to creep into our classrooms, on all levels. Just take a look at the history our children and fellow citizens are being taught in these institutions of learning, hell just look at what we were taught while in school. For example it is "common knowledge" that only whites, property owners, and men were allowed to vote or had anything to do with the founding of our nation. What if I told you that the common knowledge was incorrect on all accounts? Women were allowed to vote as early as 1776, and some accounts suggest earlier for widows of property owners. I challenge you to look at the actual make up of the Continental Congress, and perhaps even more specifically look at a man named John Hanson, I guarantee you will be surprised.


We as a people have allowed many of these mistruths to be repeated so many times, that it is just accepted as truth these days. These are the tactics of divide and conquer, class and race division, and only serve to erode our very foundation. You can see these very same tactics being used presently in the very arena that we are all gathered here for. The powers that be, seem to want to keep repeating the lies and propaganda that have given them that very power they are wielding against us. It is time for us, to take back control of the message; with truth and compassion.


The only true counter to apathy is inclussion. By this I mean, by making somebody realize that yes these encroachments do involve them and their rights. It is amazing how quickly somebody will change tunes when they realize they are also in the crosshairs.


That's it for now, sorry for the rant.


I wish you all well.

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Anybody who knows me knows I love America-maybe almost too much. I'm so proud of our nation and just what we have accomplished . But I must admit I'm losing some of my pride for America because we are off course. We're not the same America that our forefathers started with the help of God over 200 years ago. And sadly,our nation is slipping into destruction. We all see it - we all know it

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Why Do The "Theys" Set Our Standards? I talked about morality and virtue, and how so many are trying to convince those of us who believe in morals and ideals this nation was built upon, that we should just give up. After all, "There are no absolutes ; no certain rights or wrongs; it's really all a matter of opinion". That's what they're trying to make us believe. And if we try to speak of rights or wrongs, we're accused of being narrow and judgmental. But saving our America is not just about defining and discussing these foundational principles of right and wrong. It's about doing them- being an example! And it doesn't start with the other guy; it begins with you and me.

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Anybody who knows me knows I love America-maybe almost too much. I'm so proud of our nation and just what we have accomplished . But I must admit I'm losing some of my pride for America because we are off course. We're not the same America that our forefathers started with the help of God over 200 years ago. And sadly,our nation is slipping into destruction. We all see it - we all know it

sad,I tell ppl if the Mayan's are correct about 2012,bring it,this is not the America I want to grow old in or want my kids to grow up in,it scares the be-jezzers out of me.

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Why Do The "Theys" Set Our Standards? I talked about morality and virtue, and how so many are trying to convince those of us who believe in morals and ideals this nation was built upon, that we should just give up. After all, "There are no absolutes ; no certain rights or wrongs; it's really all a matter of opinion". That's what they're trying to make us believe. And if we try to speak of rights or wrongs, we're accused of being narrow and judgmental. But saving our America is not just about defining and discussing these foundational principles of right and wrong. It's about doing them- being an example! And it doesn't start with the other guy; it begins with you and me.

this is so true,there is no moral compass in ppl anymore,no code of ethics,and our kids are being conditioned with this thinking starting in grade school.One reason why I homeschooled my kids.

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The erosion of the family will most likely be the downfall of our society. We can only try to be the change we want to see.

I hate to say it, but that erosion is well under way. Much of which can be blamed on government trying to set easy mode for people, by this I mean telling us what we can eat, drink, smoke, or how to do any of those. They have also stepped into the arena of telling parents how to raise their children, all the while trying to use those impressionable kids to influence their parents behaviors.


I truly respect those folks that have taken the initiative and responsibility of making sure their children are educated properly.

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A quote by Abraham Lincoln - "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of our government in the next generation!" America will be tomorrow, what our children are being taught today! Take responsibility to teach our children the right way, and to be concerned with what they are learning today in our schools.

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our greatest enemy is muslims, christians, jews, etc.

I popped you the negative, as that view seems to be a bit on the hateful side of the equation.


Each of us is entitled to our own spiritual beliefs, and or to not have any beliefs. When we start drawing circles around ourselves and calling anybody outside of that circle the enemy, we accomplish 2 things. First we create a self fulfilling prophecy, by making them the enemy, and perhaps lose sight of the real enemy. Second, we isolate ourselves and cut off any support that may come from those outside of our little circle.


As a Christian and ordained member of the clergy, I would like to assure you that I am definitely on the side of fighting for our God given rights, which in my opinion includes the use of marijuana; even though I don't partake (yet). Further, even though I disagree with your opinion of who our greatest enemy is, I will continue to fight for your right to express it, just as I am expressing mine.


I would also humbly recommend that if one is going to call over 90% of the world's population the enemy in a broad stroke of a generalization; that you include at least some reasoning for such a position.


I wish you well,


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our greatest enemy is muslims, christians, jews, etc.


Don't be intimidated by others smarter than you. Prepare yourself for the battle ahead by spending quality time reading about the founding and the founders of our nation. Start with something simple like a book of quotes from our founding fathers - what they believed - what they strived for in our nation. Then teach your children.

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sorry to bring religion to the discussion. i have seen first hand destruction by man in the name of GOD. scary stuff.


wingnut - are you saying those who are religious are automatically smarter than me? strange assumptions, im pretty well read on our founding fathers, the bible, koran, and torah, i have recently finished the following books, you may enjoy the first one especially...







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No worries about bringing religion into to the discussion. I will even stipulate that throughout the history of man, many horrible things have occurred in the name of a particular god or religiion. This however doesn't mean that all religous folks are bad, and it also doesn't account for the secular folks that have done evil things to spite a religion (for example the ex-dictator of Iraq was secular, and so was most of his party). In other words, there are good and bad folks in all walks of life, be they secular, spiritual, or religious.


We as a group should be looking to include more folks on our side, regardless of their religious or political beliefs. Declaring anybody but the prohibitionists as our greatest enemies seems to be contrary to that mission, and will only serve to distance us further from decriminalization of this wonderful medicine.


Know what I mean?


Again I wish you well,


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sorry to bring religion to the discussion. i have seen first hand destruction by man in the name of GOD. scary stuff.


wingnut - are you saying those who are religious are automatically smarter than me? strange assumptions, im pretty well read on our founding fathers, the bible, koran, and torah, i have recently finished the following books, you may enjoy the first one especially...







No I did not direct my comment at you, bringing religion in was on you, I'm just trying to let people know, America will be tomorrow what our children are being taught today ! And I might just have too close on the subject so we don't have a war with words on religion... Thank you all for your input on this subject!

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sorry to bring religion to the discussion. i have seen first hand destruction by man in the name of GOD. scary stuff.


wingnut - are you saying those who are religious are automatically smarter than me? strange assumptions, im pretty well read on our founding fathers, the bible, koran, and torah, i have recently finished the following books, you may enjoy the first one especially...








I'm sure we will here from people who are much more intelligent than the PHD's who did this peer reviewed paper who will simply deny or ignore it's truth. Every peer reviewed work I have seen shows that atheist and liberals have higher IQ points than their counterparts. But if they were really critical thinkers they would know that by suggesting "others" are "smarter than you" is a distraction fallacy that does nothing to invalidate your original argument.


But in the end everyone in this thread is an atheist. The only difference between us and them is that we believe in one less god than they do. When they are smart enough to understand why they reject the 1000s of other possible gods then they will understand why we reject theirs. ;)

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I hate to say it, but that erosion is well under way. Much of which can be blamed on government trying to set easy mode for people, by this I mean telling us what we can eat, drink, smoke, or how to do any of those. They have also stepped into the arena of telling parents how to raise their children, all the while trying to use those impressionable kids to influence their parents behaviors.


I truly respect those folks that have taken the initiative and responsibility of making sure their children are educated properly.

exactly,and really that erosion started in the 70's,when both parents were out of the home,leaving someone else to raise their kids,I know that is soooo PC uncorrect.

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