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First of all i am 46 years old. I am a single father of a 15 year old child. Been raiseing her on my own for 15 years. when she was younger i had got in trouble for selling Marijuana. the guy i was buying from for years wore a wire and set me up. when i saw him in jail his answer was this_I didnt think you would get into this much trouble_ i mean come on when the guy you are buying fromn sets u up? who do you tell on? No one I lost my child for over a year,i did allmost a year my self,(the worse was seeing my child be punished for my mistake).I am on disabilty and no child support coming in. I am now a legal card holder going on my second year.It took awhile for my child and i to get our lifes together..Her mother has not seen her or had any thing to do with her all her life.She is again only 15. i recieve NO help from her mother, and in the end i will post the e-mail that i had recieved by this person who is saying some crap about me. Saying he knows me and my child is in the army and i live in another town than we do. But i just thought if this person is sedning out e-mails to people saying i dont have my card, or i am working for the law. and he knows me. well you will see in the e-mail he doesnt know me at all. he says my wifes name starts with a c, i am not married my girl friendds name doesnt start with a c. He also states my child is in the army, again my child is only 15, he said i live in Farwell, and that i dont either.. So i guess what i am saying is skidmark doesnt have a clue.he might have herd this or that rumor or maybe he is just making it up. i have seen some of his other posts..Some of the people that come to our Clare meeting have known me for over 30 years..dont listen to me or skidmark, ask them.I am now a leagal person cause of my disabiltys, and have NO reason to or try to gather info to tell on people.I have helped over a 100 people get there cards.and a few more this week will be getting there cards cause of me helping. and last of it. What or how can one go to a meeting and tell on people smoking when all has a card? and if you have any questions about me ,please feel free to ask..here is my e-mail from skidmark------mayorherb,


skidmark has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Well".


skidmark said:


our name starts with an N and your wifes with a C an you live in Farwell. Have or had an old beat up Sportster for sale at one time in your yard..Your daughter is in the ARmy I think...So be very careful what you say about me and others, remember, I KNOW you and you dont know me and never will fo the simple reason you cant be trusted. People are in prison becasue of you and yor actions. I watch and listen from a distance. Be advised that any threat no matter how thinly veiled will be dealt with without prejudice, so mind your mouth and manners..Nick

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First of all i am 46 years old. I am a single father of a 15 year old child. Been raiseing her on my own for 15 years. when she was younger i had got in trouble for selling Marijuana. I lost my child for over a year,i did allmost a year my self,(the worse was seeing my child be punished for my mistake).I am on disabilty and no child support coming in. I am now a legal card holder going on my second year.It took awhile for my child and i to get our lifes together..Her mother has not seen her or had any thing to do with her all her life.She is again only 15. i recieve NO help from her mother, and in the end i will post the e-mail that i had recieved by this person who is saying some crap about me. Saying he knows me and my child is in the army and i live in another town than we do. But i just thought if this person is sedning out e-mails to people saying i dont have my card, or i am working for the law. and he knows me. well you will see in the e-mail he doesnt know me at all. he says my wifes name starts with a c, i am not married my girl friendds name doesnt start with a c. He also states my child is in the army, again my child is only 15, he said i live in Farwell, and that i dont either.. So i guess what i am saying is skidmark doesnt have a clue.he might have herd this or that rumor or maybe he is just making it up. i have seen some of his other posts..Some of the people that come to our Clare meeting have known me for over 30 years..dont listen to me or skidmark, ask them.I am now a leagal person cause of my disabiltys, and have NO reason to or try to gather info to tell on people.I have helped over a 100 people get there cards.and a few more this week will be getting there cards cause of me helping. and last of it. What or how can one go to a meeting and tell on people smoking when all has a card? and if you have any questions about me ,please feel free to ask..here is my e-mail from skidmark------mayorherb,


skidmark has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Well".


skidmark said:


our name starts with an N and your wifes with a C an you live in Farwell. Have or had an old beat up Sportster for sale at one time in your yard..Your daughter is in the ARmy I think...So be very careful what you say about me and others, remember, I KNOW you and you dont know me and never will fo the simple reason you cant be trusted. People are in prison becasue of you and yor actions. I watch and listen from a distance. Be advised that any threat no matter how thinly veiled will be dealt with without prejudice, so mind your mouth and manners..Nick

i allmost for got, i use to own two Yamahas, but havent had a bike in a long time,20years or more.

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First of all i am 46 years old. I am a single father of a 15 year old child. Been raiseing her on my own for 15 years. when she was younger i had got in trouble for selling Marijuana. the guy i was buying from for years wore a wire and set me up. when i saw him in jail his answer was this_I didnt think you would get into this much trouble_ i mean come on when the guy you are buying fromn sets u up? who do you tell on? No one I lost my child for over a year,i did allmost a year my self,(the worse was seeing my child be punished for my mistake).I am on disabilty and no child support coming in. I am now a legal card holder going on my second year.It took awhile for my child and i to get our lifes together..Her mother has not seen her or had any thing to do with her all her life.She is again only 15. i recieve NO help from her mother, and in the end i will post the e-mail that i had recieved by this person who is saying some crap about me. Saying he knows me and my child is in the army and i live in another town than we do. But i just thought if this person is sedning out e-mails to people saying i dont have my card, or i am working for the law. and he knows me. well you will see in the e-mail he doesnt know me at all. he says my wifes name starts with a c, i am not married my girl friendds name doesnt start with a c. He also states my child is in the army, again my child is only 15, he said i live in Farwell, and that i dont either.. So i guess what i am saying is skidmark doesnt have a clue.he might have herd this or that rumor or maybe he is just making it up. i have seen some of his other posts..Some of the people that come to our Clare meeting have known me for over 30 years..dont listen to me or skidmark, ask them.I am now a leagal person cause of my disabiltys, and have NO reason to or try to gather info to tell on people.I have helped over a 100 people get there cards.and a few more this week will be getting there cards cause of me helping. and last of it. What or how can one go to a meeting and tell on people smoking when all has a card? and if you have any questions about me ,please feel free to ask..here is my e-mail from skidmark------mayorherb,


skidmark has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Well".


skidmark said:


our name starts with an N and your wifes with a C an you live in Farwell. Have or had an old beat up Sportster for sale at one time in your yard..Your daughter is in the ARmy I think...So be very careful what you say about me and others, remember, I KNOW you and you dont know me and never will fo the simple reason you cant be trusted. People are in prison becasue of you and yor actions. I watch and listen from a distance. Be advised that any threat no matter how thinly veiled will be dealt with without prejudice, so mind your mouth and manners..Nick

I only know one NIck is this you?>>>http://www.mipsor.state.mi.us/PSORSearchDetails.aspx?oid=12342928

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WTF are you going on about, how is this a patient issue, learn English so any of your posts are even able to be properly read. From what i have gatehred someone is saying stuff about you but im not sure what...


This skidmark or Nick appears to be sending thinly veiled threats himself via PM based on mistaken identity. He ought to realize this and apologize to the good mayor if what the mayor says is accurate.

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This skidmark or Nick appears to be sending thinly veiled threats himself via PM based on mistaken identity. He ought to realize this and apologize to the good mayor if what the mayor says is accurate.


Well that makes a hell of alot more sense then the op's eplanation, sorry this is happening too you mayor, any idea what the skidmark guy has against you?

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Well that makes a hell of alot more sense then the op's eplanation, sorry this is happening too you mayor, any idea what the skidmark guy has against you?


From mayorherb's post:

skidmark has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Well".


skidmark said:


our name starts with an N and your wifes with a C an you live in Farwell. Have or had an old beat up Sportster for sale at one time in your yard..Your daughter is in the ARmy I think...So be very careful what you say about me and others, remember, I KNOW you and you dont know me and never will fo the simple reason you cant be trusted. People are in prison becasue of you and yor actions. I watch and listen from a distance. Be advised that any threat no matter how thinly veiled will be dealt with without prejudice, so mind your mouth and manners..Nick

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Well that makes a hell of alot more sense then the op's eplanation, sorry this is happening too you mayor, any idea what the skidmark guy has against you?

I have no idea who exactly he is.He is sending people in the mmma and compassion club memebers and making false statements about me..thats how it a issue here.I am waiting for my friend of 30 some years to get home from work so she can send me the e-mail she had gotten that skidmark has been sending out..and when i recive it i will put it up here.then that should explain it..saying i am a meth head and so on.No i smoke marijuana and now i am a leagal patientand can smoke .saying i dont have my card ext.but he hids and all my info is right in my profile,NOTHING to hide.

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Just my 2 pennies here....this probably should be handled by a moderator or administrator here as opposed to playing this out in the forum which may just cause further issues. It's wrong to attack someone like this because unless you have been told face to face that I'm so and so on xyz forum and even then you can't be sure. You just may have the wrong person as you have stated you are in this case. People do not always tell the truth when it comes to forum participation. You may want to file a complaint with LEO. You have been defamed as well as threatened, your entire family. This issue will continue as long as this person feels you are being affected by his actions. He can be traced by his IP and other methods....I recall an older post that was similar to this, was that you?



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WTF are you going on about, how is this a patient issue, learn English so any of your posts are even able to be properly read. From what i have gatehred someone is saying stuff about you but im not sure what...




When you so rudely tell someone to learn english its probably best not to misspell words yourself.

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