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Survey: Type Ii Diabetics, Mmj And Blood Glucose Levels

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There is a strong correlation between the presence of Alzheimer's Disease and Type II Diabetes !!


Cannabis is known to reduce blood glucose levels and we need to get some idea as to how much.


Aging boomers need to know how much Cannabis can reduce blood glucose and therefor, POSSIBLY, reduce their probability for developing Alzheimer's.


Remember that if you live to the age of 85, your probability of having AZ is 50% !!!


[i am pre Type II diabetic myself and have dropped my Metformin because of the side effects-hypoglycemia !!!]


IF you are a Type II diabetic or Borderline Type II diabetic please give us an idea of how MMJ has impacted your post-breakfast Blood Glucose Levels pre and post your initiation of MMJ.


Please indicate as well the Medical Reason for your MMJ Card.


Please also indicate whether going on to MMJ reduced your diabetic medications-which ones and by how much.


Finally, please indicate whether you have noticed any improvement in memory, ability to focus or speed of thinking since initiation of medication with MMJ

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I was on 75 units of Humalog a day and my blood sugar was still out of control. I started eating a 1/4 inch dip of a toothpick in Simpson oil every day and now am completely off insulin, I still take Metformin but I'm in the process of lowering the dosage and monitoring sugar. My fasting sugar is now around 100 while before it was around 400.



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Hi jinx


From what I've been seeing, eating concentrates of marijuana produces a much different set of results than does smoking it.


It's like the anti cancer effects. Smoking doesn't do much, but eating it does. For skin cancer a topical application is called for.


An example I use to teach people about it:


If my big toe hurts, why would I put medicine in my ear? The toe is the problem, not the ear. In order to work, the ear would have to absorb the compounds and then the body would transmit the compounds to the big toe. Only a very small percentage of the medicine would arrive at the big toe.


The mouth is much closer to the ear than to the big toe. Again available medicines have to be absorbed and then transmitted to the big toe.


The route of inhalation obviously has a much better ability to absorb the medicine than the ear does. Even so the body has to deliver the medicine to the big toe. What arrives at the big toe is greatly diluted by the time it arrives there.


Threshold dosages. Studies have identified that there are minimum therapeutic dosage levels. Those levels differ depending on the condition and patient. For cancer, the effective dosage is hinted at being above 1000 mg per day. For MS it seems to be above 300 mg/day. For diabetes it seems to be in the area of 50 mg per day.


Metabolic process .. eating marijuana or extracts of marijuana adds another dimension. Existing cannabinoids are converted into other cannabinoids that the user doesn't usually get when they are smoking it. Some of these new compounds seem to have greater medical impact than the original compounds.


re MS patients. I believe it to be indicated, for MS patients who are having attacks, that about 350 mg of cannabinoids be administered ASAP. This seems to stop the attack fast. In addition there seems to be some reversal of the damage done during the attack. The sooner these materials are applied the more likely the damage of the MS attack can be reversed.

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I was on 75 units of Humalog a day and my blood sugar was still out of control. I started eating a 1/4 inch dip of a toothpick in Simpson oil every day and now am completely off insulin, I still take Metformin but I'm in the process of lowering the dosage and monitoring sugar. My fasting sugar is now around 100 while before it was around 400.



Many thanks for your prompt reply, Mike.

Your results are tremendous !!!!!!!

With your fasting blood glucose level dropping from 400 to 100 once you got onto the MMJ, you show a 75 % drop !!!

That is spectacular !!!!

Would you mind telling us the particular variant of MMJ you are using {Hind Kush or????]

Many thanks once again.

Have you noticed any improvement in your ability to focus, memory or ability to understand new things ?

Dr. jinx

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Strain is very important!


We have a massive need, in Michigan, for confirmed sources of CBD.


Right now, all we have is our own bodies for test tubes.


First off GW pharm. has proven before several governments how important it is to blend THC with CBD.


There is a synergistic effect when blending the two. (synergistic = 1+1=3 or more)


The presence of CBD can be detected by the "creeper" effect of a batch of cannabis.


If the cannabis doesn't kick for a half hour or so and lasts longer, such as four hours instead of two, there s a high probability of a CBD content.


Persons wishing to use cannabis to lower their blood sugar should seek out these effects of CBD.


It is highly likely that there are more major players in cannabis besides THC and CBD. That said, CBD is a very good start.


Many thanks for your prompt reply, Mike.

Your results are tremendous !!!!!!!

With your fasting blood glucose level dropping from 400 to 100 once you got onto the MMJ, you show a 75 % drop !!!

That is spectacular !!!!

Would you mind telling us the particular variant of MMJ you are using {Hind Kush or????]

Many thanks once again.

Have you noticed any improvement in your ability to focus, memory or ability to understand new things ?

Dr. jinx

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Hi jinx


From what I've been seeing, eating concentrates of marijuana produces a much different set of results than does smoking it.


It's like the anti cancer effects. Smoking doesn't do much, but eating it does. For skin cancer a topical application is called for.


An example I use to teach people about it:


If my big toe hurts, why would I put medicine in my ear? The toe is the problem, not the ear. In order to work, the ear would have to absorb the compounds and then the body would transmit the compounds to the big toe. Only a very small percentage of the medicine would arrive at the big toe.


The mouth is much closer to the ear than to the big toe. Again available medicines have to be absorbed and then transmitted to the big toe.


The route of inhalation obviously has a much better ability to absorb the medicine than the ear does. Even so the body has to deliver the medicine to the big toe. What arrives at the big toe is greatly diluted by the time it arrives there.


Threshold dosages. Studies have identified that there are minimum therapeutic dosage levels. Those levels differ depending on the condition and patient. For cancer, the effective dosage is hinted at being above 1000 mg per day. For MS it seems to be above 300 mg/day. For diabetes it seems to be in the area of 50 mg per day.


Metabolic process .. eating marijuana or extracts of marijuana adds another dimension. Existing cannabinoids are converted into other cannabinoids that the user doesn't usually get when they are smoking it. Some of these new compounds seem to have greater medical impact than the original compounds.


re MS patients. I believe it to be indicated, for MS patients who are having attacks, that about 350 mg of cannabinoids be administered ASAP. This seems to stop the attack fast. In addition there seems to be some reversal of the damage done during the attack. The sooner these materials are applied the more likely the damage of the MS attack can be reversed.

Many thanks for weighing in with your ever-welcome insights and info, Peanutbutter !

I assume that you would recommend oral ingestion of Cannabis for diabetes ? Is there any particular strain that you know of which would be especially effective for lowering fasting blood glucose levels in Type II diabetics ?

Many thanks for your input.

Dr. jinx

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Many thanks for weighing in with your ever-welcome insights and info, Peanutbutter !

I assume that you would recommend oral ingestion of Cannabis for diabetes ? Is there any particular strain that you know of which would be especially effective for lowering fasting blood glucose levels in Type II diabetics ?

Many thanks for your input.

Dr. jinx


I've seen one type 2 patient have a 100 point drop in 72 hours from AK-47. Extracted via the Simpson method and then mixed with peanut butter. 1 cc of Simpson extract mixed into 1/2 cup peanut butter. The result can be dosed at the rate of one teaspoon each night before bed time.


This lowers the body pain related to excessive TNF production that comes with diabetes. The patient is able to sleep better. At that dosage, there is a slight "fog" to swim through to the coffee pot in the morning.


Strains that Simpson worked with included white widow and blue berry. He employed KISS methods for farming. Horse manure for nutes while growing out doors.

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Great info. I am type II and mine is easily controlled with metformin. However metformin has some rather unpleasant side effects for me. I have started taking Chromium Polynicotinate and that has brought it down even more. I am thinking I can stop the metformin. Simpson oil at night sounds like a better solution as it would aid in my sleep too. I will give it a try.


Though I wonder how much the positive effects on my blood glucose will be offset by having the munchies and eating myself into a coma. :lol: Seriously though I know for a cancer patient the munchies is a positive side effect but for me if I get any bigger I will need my own zip code. :lol:

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I used to hit my target blood glucose levels 90% of the time. Since I started medicating in March I now hit the target levels 97% of the time. Perhaps it is due to decreased stress from the reduction in constant back pain. I have not settled on any particular strain although I am leaning toward White Widow. I sometimes vaporize, sometimes smoke and sometime use a tincture made with Everclear. It depends on what situation I expect to find myself in (bedtime, work etc.)I also sometimes use Gymnema Sylvestre when I eat a high carb meal. Gymnema is an herb used in India for thousands of years to help reduce blood sugar.

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I've seen one type 2 patient have a 100 point drop in 72 hours from AK-47. Extracted via the Simpson method and then mixed with peanut butter. 1 cc of Simpson extract mixed into 1/2 cup peanut butter. The result can be dosed at the rate of one teaspoon each night before bed time.


This lowers the body pain related to excessive TNF production that comes with diabetes. The patient is able to sleep better. At that dosage, there is a slight "fog" to swim through to the coffee pot in the morning.


Strains that Simpson worked with included white widow and blue berry. He employed KISS methods for farming. Horse manure for nutes while growing out doors.

Hi Peanutbutter !

Can you give me a reference re your comment above-"...This lowers the body pain related to excessive TNF production that comes with diabetes". And as far as the "morningfog" goes, am I correct in supposing that you would not be advised to drive until noon ?

Dr. jinx

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I started ingesting oil after talking with PeanutButter after the Waterford City Council meeting about a month ago. My current batch of oil was made with bud, trim and leaves from mostly Moby DIck and AK-47, but whatever I grow ends up in the trim pile so it's a mixup. Personally I think that the stress reduction from medicating has an effect on lowering blood glucose as much as eating it does however I didn't see the drastic drop until I started ingesting MJ rather than smoking/vaping. I'm off insulin and down to 1000mg of metformin/glucophage a day from a starting point of 2000 and I'm still reducing that. My A1C 2 months ago was over 9, I had it checked last week and it was 5.9, normal for a non diabetic. I have severe arthritis which is the reason I got my recommendation and ingestion seems to help that much better than smoking or vaping. I'm not sure about the memory thing, I have CRS (Can't Remember (I can't convey a point without vulgarities)) I'll have to pay more attention and see if that changes, if I can remember to. Any other questions feel free to ask.




Edit: I didn't use the s*** word but still got blocked, I can speak without swearing but sometimes the word fits and should be used, we are all adults here aren't we? The mods should revisit their filters and tweak them

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Drink the coffee :)


Hi Peanutbutter !

Can you give me a reference re your comment above-"...This lowers the body pain related to excessive TNF production that comes with diabetes". And as far as the "morningfog" goes, am I correct in supposing that you would not be advised to drive until noon ?

Dr. jinx


Lab rat .. type 1 .. benefit about 85% re the diabetes. They noted that these mice had an abnormally high TNF. With the application of CBD blood TNF was reduce by as much as 70%


This is probably the one: http://safeaccess.ca/research/pdf/WeissCBD_ArrestsDiabetesNeuropharmacology2007.pdf

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