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Letter To Murray Feldman

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Hello Mr. Feldman,


You wrote:


"Thanks for your comment and for watching FOX 2 NEWS. I'm not sure you understand the comments or the context. This had nothing to do with the patients who need the drug under the law.

It had to do with those who use the substance illegally."


Murray Feldman

Anchor/ Money Editor





I believe that the police have mislead you Mr. Feldman. The police said that these were not legal patients because they did not have their official plastic card yet. However, the State of Michigan deems paperwork legal documentation until the plastic card arrives from the state. Maybe you did not know this, but the state has been backed up (by about 4 months) on issuing the plastic card. Could you imagine going to your doctor and having them write you a prescription for pain relief AND THEN having to wait 4 months for your medication???? We'll neither could the State of Michigan and that's why they allow people with their paperwork to receive their medication while they wait the 4 months for their card to arrive.


I believe the police have fooled you along with the other news reporters into believing these were some "thugs" purchasing medication with no credentials at all. Please dig a bit deeper and report the whole truth.




Concerned Citizen



Anyone else like to write to Mr. Feldman murray.feldman@foxtv.com

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Hello Mr. Feldman,


You wrote:


"Thanks for your comment and for watching FOX 2 NEWS. I'm not sure you understand the comments or the context. This had nothing to do with the patients who need the drug under the law.

It had to do with those who use the substance illegally."


Murray Feldman

Anchor/ Money Editor





I believe that the police have mislead you Mr. Feldman. The police said that these were not legal patients because they did not have their official plastic card yet. However, the State of Michigan deems paperwork legal documentation until the plastic card arrives from the state. Maybe you did not know this, but the state has been backed up (by about 4 months) on issuing the plastic card. Could you imagine going to your doctor and having them write you a prescription for pain relief AND THEN having to wait 4 months for your medication???? We'll neither could the State of Michigan and that's why they allow people with their paperwork to receive their medication while they wait the 4 months for their card to arrive.


I believe the police have fooled you along with the other news reporters into believing these were some "thugs" purchasing medication with no credentials at all. Please dig a bit deeper and report the whole truth.




Concerned Citizen



Anyone else like to write to Mr. Feldman murray.feldman@foxtv.com


I think Murray Feldman should keep his face shut... if he doesn't know what he is talking about.


If the simplton believes everything and anything the cops tell him, (without following through on his source) he is an idiot and gets no respect from me, period.


How bout that?

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Thanks for posting this. I do try to send letters like this when I can. Here was mine.



Mr. Feldman,


Please do a little more journalistic due diligence. The patients at the clinic the police raided were legal. Here is a link to the MDCH web page:



From the page:

If a denial letter is not received, then the application is deemed valid. The statute currently allows for a copy of the application submitted to serve as a valid registry identification if the card is not issued within 20 days of its submission to the department. At this time, we are unable to issue valid registry identification cards within the statutory time frame with the resources available to us. Currently staff is issuing registry identification cards for valid applications received at the beginning of May. We continue to review and revise our processing methods in order to more efficiently process and issue the valid registry cards.


Emphasis is theirs on the page.


You see MDCH is way behind. But the law provided for that. Here is the law from section 9 b:


If the department fails to issue a valid registry identification card in response to a valid application or renewal submitted pursuant to this act within 20 days of its submission, the registry identification card shall be deemed granted, and a copy of the registry identification application or renewal shall be deemed a valid registry identification card.


Does that not seem crystal clear to you? Now the police are not that obtuse either so they must be disingenuous in their words and actions. This is the true big government imposing their will on the people despite the fact that this law was passed by nearly a 2 to 1 margin.


Thank you for listening and I would be happy to help you understand this complex issue in any way needed.

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Good letters, short and concise. Keep it diplomatic. Didn't those reporters go to journalism school? If they did, they'd know not to just accept a statement as fact, without further investigation. IF they even ARE journalists, aren't they supposed to be objective? Fox news is not fair OR balanced. Try to educate them; even if you get ONE person willing to listen and consider the possibility they're being fed lies, that person just might start doing some real investigative reporting. IF that happens, that person will realize the Truth, and if that happens, it'll benefit our community. Sb

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Hi Murrey!!!


You suck! In case you haven't heard,,we voted in favor of Med.Marj.? You know in,,um,,Nov. 98?


Anyways,,,why not get a brain and report it like in is...



Freakin Mich. Marijuana Nazi's at it again...Aren't the Fed.D.E.A. enough of a pain in the azz?






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Didn't those reporters go to journalism school? If they did, they'd know not to just accept a statement as fact, without further investigation.


Walter Cronkite is turning in his grave over the state of journalism today. Fact checking is just not done. It takes too much time and energy. I give the Daily Show more credit for checking facts than most real news outlets.


We as a people are also to blame. There is a trend to only watch the "news" that agrees with a personal world view. Few people today are demanding to hear both sides of issues.

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I think Murray Feldman should keep his face shut... if he doesn't know what he is talking about.


If the simplton believes everything and anything the cops tell him, (without following through on his source) he is an idiot and gets no respect from me, period.


How bout that?


Chris..thanks for your e-mail and for the comment. You may have me mixed up with soemone else. Although the story aired in my newscast I did not report on it.

Thanks for watching FOX 2.

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My reply was a little more terse. :D Maybe he is tired of getting email on this issue?


You apparently have the wrong person. I did not do the report on those 'raids'. A report on them aired in my program but I wish you'd get YOUR facts staight when suggesting I was unfair in my reportage.

I will pass this on to the proper parties.


My reply back was:



I apologize Mr. Feldman. I assumed since the report aired on during your program you would have been responsible for it's content.


Thank you for returning my email so quickly. Please feel free to pass it on to the appropriate party along with my email address. Or feel free to pass the correct parties email address on to me. From your email it appears you are concerned with accurate reporting and I appreciate that. Surly you can see my concern that a report was made without any reference to what I believe are the key issues.


1. The law allows for paperwork to be used in place of registry cards if the MDCH has not rejected in 20 days.

2. The police forged the paperwork they used to make the marijuana transfer. To me this is the big story. It would be like sending a minor in with a fake ID to buy alcohol then busting the bar. It is entrapment pure and simple. This club was known to require paperwork every time you entered if they knew you or not. They were following the law. This was more than just misrepresentation on the part of the police it was creating false documents then charging the club with a crime that would not have been committed without the fraudulent actions of police.


Even though you were not responsible for the content of the report surly you can help correct it's inaccuracies? I continue to be willing to help in any way I can.

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Seeing all sides of an issue is very important, but ppl are afraid, they don't wanna extend their view or step outside their comfort zones. What happens when someone discovers a long held belief is false? It can be very traumatic. The need to be right is very powerful, admitting being wrong is hard on the ego, but in a profession such as journalism, all egos should be checked at the door. I sincerely hope someone here is able to enlighten one of those so-called journalists. Seeing Walter Cronkite mentioned reminded me of watching the news, believing it was fairly objective. As I grew older and discovered we were only getting part of the story, if that much, really disheartened me- distorted, fabricated reports invented to sway the masses into fear, etc. Those who rule the media are responsible for leaving out VERY Important facts- afterall, they don't want us to know what their real agendas are, or we'd have a revolution. There are many more than they realize, who do know the truth. These ppl vote, protest, write letters, and do whatever they can to uncover truth and share it. I'm doing all I can. I sincerely wish this whole dispensary issue hadn't happened now. I never saw it coming, and I don't recall seeing anything about it mentioned in the law. It's bad enough undercover agents are attending CC's. HOW can someone know the documents are bogus? I wish those agents would go after REAL criminals, but noooo it's too haaarrrrd, someone might get huurrrt... So they totally overdo it just to flex their mighty muscles, inflicting pain on sick ppl. This is SICKENING. Sb, really mad.

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Hello Mr. Feldman,


You wrote:


"Thanks for your comment and for watching FOX 2 NEWS. I'm not sure you understand the comments or the context. This had nothing to do with the patients who need the drug under the law.

It had to do with those who use the substance illegally."


Murray Feldman

Anchor/ Money Editor





I believe that the police have mislead you Mr. Feldman. The police said that these were not legal patients because they did not have their official plastic card yet. However, the State of Michigan deems paperwork legal documentation until the plastic card arrives from the state. Maybe you did not know this, but the state has been backed up (by about 4 months) on issuing the plastic card. Could you imagine going to your doctor and having them write you a prescription for pain relief AND THEN having to wait 4 months for your medication???? We'll neither could the State of Michigan and that's why they allow people with their paperwork to receive their medication while they wait the 4 months for their card to arrive.


I believe the police have fooled you along with the other news reporters into believing these were some "thugs" purchasing medication with no credentials at all. Please dig a bit deeper and report the whole truth.




Concerned Citizen



Anyone else like to write to Mr. Feldman murray.feldman@foxtv.com



Here was his response. Now I'm confused. I must have missed the story he is referring to below:


"The comment you refer to had NOTHING to do with the raids on the marajuana businesses. The story we were promoting for our next hour had to do with Oakland County officials buying canoes with money from PRIOR drugs busts of thugs and pushers on our streets. It was not money used from the raids that day on the marajuana buisnesses."


Murray Feldman

Anchor/ Money Editor


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That is an odd reply. Certainly he has been understanding what story we are talking about up until this point. Is he not taking the time to understand the issues we are raising or does he not know enough about the story to even get why issues are important? Hopefully he will do as he said he would and will pass my information on to the responsible reporter.

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you're not going to get reporters wanting to go against or get cops busted either. thats where they get their new most of the time. they are not going to p*ss off the cops and make them look like thugs because hackel or douche-tard won't call them to video them kayaking down the river on a clean up mission with a dozen other pigs. if the reporters p*ss off the cops, the cops will stop giving them stories and talking to them.


i'm sure there are a few good ones out there that could make this a great newsworthy story, but good luck finding them or getting them interested. its darn sure NOT going to be murray feldman or rob wolchek or some douche like that

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If we can''t have accurate news reports we may as well not bother having news at all. Fox is not the place to go, though they are the ones spewing out misinformation and need to be educated. They prob'ly are afraid to p*ss off the cops. We can't have our police looking bad now, can we? This is exactly the kind of news that really should be reported. A real reporter would jump on the story and expose those crooks for all to see. Sb (ps I still can't get the editor to work right and so far have seen no response about it.)

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Here was his response. Now I'm confused. I must have missed the story he is referring to below:


"The comment you refer to had NOTHING to do with the raids on the marajuana businesses. The story we were promoting for our next hour had to do with Oakland County officials buying canoes with money from PRIOR drugs busts of thugs and pushers on our streets. It was not money used from the raids that day on the marajuana buisnesses."


Murray Feldman

Anchor/ Money Editor



The fact that Feldman ties his name and reputation to a so called "News Organization" who allows such blatant lies to be propegated says it all... he's a clown, and not to be trusted. He knows exactly what you are talking about.


Peace to cannabis consumers the world over!




Stop the lies!

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