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Does Marinol Show Up The Same A Marijuana On Drug Test


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Does Marinol show up the same a Marijuana on drug tests? What if someone was taking drug tests and using marinol legally but also using marijuana or just using marijuana and not taking their marinol could they get caught? Would the only way to get caught be to send the test to the lab and see that the thc levels were higher than they should be from just taking marinol?

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From my experience...


Most common drug tests that are for THC are a one step rapid detection for THC, but not always for other accompanying compounds that could tell the difference between pill and natural THC. Sort of like how opiates are one step. Eat a poppyseed danish, take your meds, or smoke some opium, all will show the basic dirty and how much dirty, but not necessarily the difference in how it got into the system. It does depend on how complex the lab procedure gets. Basic testing can be just a few test strips pee gets dripped on, like pregnancy tests. Couple more levels beyond +/-, but not much. Some tests are way more serious, but get more and more pricey..


So having a marinol prescription. A person is supposed to declare what prescriptions they are taking prior to a drug test. If a person offered a marinol prescription, the THC positive read would likely be noted, but no big deal since there should be a positive reading.

It could plausibly be questioned if that reading were too high, but I have no idea what a lab would consider an abnormally high reading for a person taking marinol. Or why anyone but your doctor would be looking at the levels very closely beyond pass/no pass.

I suppose that if a person were taking marinol and natural, and got questioned about an abnormally high reading, the person could argue a timing issue in taking the pill, and insisting on a retest.


But wouldn't taking marinol and natural be sort of effing yourself up? Like using nicotine patches and smoking at the same time? I know bud isn't all that harmful, and I'm pretty confidant it's really hard to OD naturally. But a chemical THC source could knock that all out of proportion, and get into the range of harmful. Especially since that chemical source wouldn't have the other more balancing compounds of natural, and has other not so awesome additives that are not in the natural form.

One might be able to get away with doing both and testing, but I personally would recommend not doing both at the same time.

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If marinol is synthetic thc does it show up as thc on a test?


Yes ...........


NORML has recently heard increasing reports that Marinol patients are being drug tested and denied employment for use of marijuana. In particular, we have heard from legal Prop. 215 patients who were denied jobs despite presenting Marinol prescriptions after being re-tested specifically for marijuana. Until recently, Marinol and marijuana were indistinguishable on the standard drug tests, so that patients with a Marinol prescription had a valid medical excuse under federal law for testing positive for marijuana.


However, special testing techniques have been developed that make it possible to distinguish the two by testing for non-standard cannabinoids that appear in marijuana but not Marinol. Until recently, these tests were expensive and rarely used except in high-profile criminal cases. However, it appears that they are now being routinely used by certain laboratories in cases where Marinol use is claimed. In particular, we have heard reports of such testing being used to disqualify Marinol-using Prop 215 patients by the transportation industry and by Walmart.


This is a Very Expensive test ...

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