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We May No Longer Have A Choice On What We Eat...

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Guest finallyfree09

if they have the right to make cannabis illegal then they also have the right to make any food they want illegal too. that is the major flaw with drug laws... they open the door to other laws that can trample all over personal freedoms. the american public is too trusting in our government to believe a word of it though.


won't be long and they will create a new cabinet position... THE OFFICE OF NATIONAL FOOD CONTROL POLICY!!! :lol:


there will be a food czar and a new list... the controlled sustenance list. maaaaan... if they make pizza schedule one i'm gonna be TOTALLY bummed out! :lol:


imagine what a bust at the local ice cream parlor will be like when they make desserts illegal. i can hear the food cop screaming at the kids now.....




HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! this country is going to hell in a handbasket fast eh? :lol:

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Yet another problem that can be solved by growing your own, food that is.


This bill, according to my interpretation of this article and other articles about S 510, was put into place to PREVENT us from growing our own food. Our govt wants to eventually have total control over the growth of fruits & veggies as well as animals. So, 1 day, we may have our doors bust down by the feds because we have a fruit and veggie garden in our backyards that we did not get permission to grow. :growl:

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This bill, according to my interpretation of this article and other articles about S 510, was put into place to PREVENT us from growing our own food. Our govt wants to eventually have total control over the growth of fruits & veggies as well as animals. So, 1 day, we may have our doors bust down by the feds because we have a fruit and veggie garden in our backyards that we did not get permission to grow. :growl:



THat is all interpetation it could just be for people growing and selling them with out them being up to some code, i highly doubt they will care if you grown and eat your own tomatoes.

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i highly doubt they will care if you grown and eat your own tomatoes.


Do you think Thomas Jefferson, George Washington or Ben Franklin ever thought there would be prohibition of hemp in the United States of America? Why would they? That just wouldn't make sense. Right? :huh:

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THat is all interpetation it could just be for people growing and selling them with out them being up to some code, i highly doubt they will care if you grown and eat your own tomatoes.


Do more research on the bill and you will see what i am talking about. Monsanto has already put a patent on a form of soy bean that isnt affected by round up weed killer. They plan to eventually put a patent on other seeds as well such as corn and wheat.

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I hate Monsanto as much as a person can, omg Capitalists at their most evil.

However, for someone to state that this is going to make it illegal to grow a vegetable garden in your backyard...come on. Where, in Senate Bill 510 does it even intimate that? Give me a section to read.

I want food producers to be more responsible, be trackable, etc. I got really sick from that big spinach recall, setting off my autoimmune disease for months. People die from this stuff every day. I buy local when I can, grow what I can, and make my own. And yes, I complain and write letters to private companies and govt that need a wake up call. They need to know that we are watching them and holding them accountable.

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I thought it was a little odd, the $500,000 a year for a small farm being arbitrarily high number, and that it should be lowered. Most of the small farmers I know of personally would consider it a dream to gross $500,000 a year on their farm. Perhaps that number for small companies.

And I think their 150 new hires for smuggling would be better placed as plant inspectors. Try to get a little better than the 25-30:1 ratio currently going on.

I'm not so hot with bigger government, especially when they like to do new stuff without bothering to fix the old stuff first.


Could someone point me in the direction where it's supposed to be preventing personal gardens rather than growing for selling/distribution to others? It's a pretty big document to comb through, lol. I'm already starting to snore reading all the strikeouts..

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I apologize. I guess there arent any SPECIFICS on personal growing. It was just a projection of what i thought could happen in the long run. But when i think about it, if we decide not to shop at grocery stores or farmers markets any longer because all the agriculture is GMed, how will all of us even have the proper amount of land to grow enough food to live off of. Besides that, we only have a short period in Michigan in which we can grow outdoor crops.

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Indoor. Hydroponic. Vertical. Year round.


That is the global solution. But yes, same applies for you and yours. You can modify the hydroponic to include aqua, aero etc., but yeah, water. Zero runoff.


It's that easy huh?


Nothing is easy. With patience, practice and a self served motivation to ensure that your food source is not reliant upon others, yes you can do it.


How big is your house? You have 30 foot ceilings? Do you own a warehouse that you can grow vertically?


A large space is not needed, and vertical does not necessarily mean taller than you.


How much money do you have to invest in enough equipment to allow you to provide for you and your family all year round?


Too many variables to put one number on.


Here's how ballers do it inside a geodesic greenhouse & outdoors on 2 acres.



I was told by Harley Smith of Hydrodynamics that MSU one of the countries top agriculture school does not have a hydroponics greenhouse. If so, that is laughable.

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