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Gov. Snyder's First Excutive Order: Spend Money!

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Today the new congress takes over in DC and the GOP has sworn to 'reign in" uncontrolled spending. So what does the Nerd do with his first executive order? Spend money by splitting one state agency into two that was originally rolled into one agency by Gov.Grandholm in 2009 to save money.


The GOP and Tea Party sure are talking tough but they'll soon learn just how screwed up our country is thanks to the deregulation driven by the GOP of the banks and Wall St.


They (GOP & Tea Party) say they'll cut $100 - $400 billion dollars from the deficit by attacking "entitlement programs" like Social Security ,Medicare, Medicaid, but nothing from the over bloated defense budget and they also have stopped the mantra of stopping waste, fraud and abuse, three of their favorite things.







LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Rick Snyder has issued an executive order putting oversight of the state's natural resources and environmental quality into two departments instead of one.


The executive order is Snyder's first since he took office Saturday. It will take effect March 13.


Gov. John Engler separated the natural resources and environmental quality functions into different agencies in 1995, but Gov. Jennifer Granholm rejoined them in 2009 in a cost-saving move.


Snyder now says the job would best be handled by two agencies.


The Office of the Great Lakes under director Patricia Birkholz will move to the Department of Environmental Quality under the executive order.


Dan Wyant will head the Department of Environmental Quality, and Rodney Stokes will head the Department of Natural Resources.

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This may be the fastest flip flop, alleged political promise broken by any politician ever. Probably just one of many to come. I will remain cautiously optimistic for our new state leader, and hope that his business background, common sense, and 63 % state wide support lead him to the correct side of the MMMA. When you see, agencies expanding and or being created it is usually a pay back for political favors, endorsements and donations. It would not be shocking to me if you found one of the GOP big supporter's cousin, wife etc.. or something heading up the new department. Politics at its best.

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I will remain cautiously optimistic for our new state leader, and hope that his business background, common sense, and 63 % state wide support lead him to the correct side of the MMMA.


I don't think any of those reasons will help, but if he thinks he can make money from us then I'm sure he will support medical marijuana.


When you see, agencies expanding and or being created it is usually a pay back for political favors, endorsements and donations. It would not be shocking to me if you found one of the GOP big supporter's cousin, wife etc.. or something heading up the new department. Politics at its best.


In addition to the political favors aspect, splitting the departments will also weaken them. Now it should be easier for businesses to dump toxins without fear of government retribution.

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First we need to kick the crap out of overpayed civil servants. Michigan residents paying other Michigan resident as much as $40,000-$60,000 to do what? Babysit murderers and rapists and the like? Physically manage violent mentally ill Michigan residents? How ridiculous, keep Michigan safe with minimun wage prison guards and psychiatric aides.

Heck if we closed these state hospitals we could free all the indentified, adjucated sexual offender's who do not have to register with the state's sexual offender's registry. Kids gotta learn about sex somewhere.

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This may be the fastest flip flop, alleged political promise broken by any politician ever. Probably just one of many to come. I will remain cautiously optimistic for our new state leader, and hope that his business background, common sense, and 63 % state wide support lead him to the correct side of the MMMA. When you see, agencies expanding and or being created it is usually a pay back for political favors, endorsements and donations. It would not be shocking to me if you found one of the GOP big supporter's cousin, wife etc.. or something heading up the new department. Politics at its best.


No surprises here. Republican statists lie and break promises and spend money they don't have (ours that they stole) to buy and sell favors and power and money (ours.) and that is what always statists do.

Never, ever, forget, and never be surprised again. Please.

Just the same as when democrat statists lie and break promises and spend money they don't have (ours that they stole) to buy.....blah, blah, blah...that is what statists always do to us folks!

Except, when one party does it only half of us gripe and when the other party does it the other half of us gripe.

It would be so nice if we could come together as freedom loving, peaceful, compassionate human beings and vote out the statists and replace them with those who love and support individual human rights. Right now our rulers do not have our individual best interests at heart.

But, we have a force of spirit that drives us when we can't go anymore to free every soul to their own life, liberty, and happiness!

That would be a step towards our higher destiny, a step up, a progression, when each individual human being will live secure in their own person, free from oppression and tyranny, mankind advancing past statism and into the new age of respect for individuals and their rights, an age of freedom and of peace for all mankind... CosmicEvolution.jpg

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This may be the fastest flip flop, alleged political promise broken by any politician ever. Probably just one of many to come. I will remain cautiously optimistic for our new state leader, and hope that his business background, common sense, and 63 % state wide support lead him to the correct side of the MMMA. When you see, agencies expanding and or being created it is usually a pay back for political favors, endorsements and donations. It would not be shocking to me if you found one of the GOP big supporter's cousin, wife etc.. or something heading up the new department. Politics at its best.

Michael don't hold your breath, we're all being thrown to the fire. I've had all the abuse I can stand from this kind of crap. Their greed will be their undoing but we will suffer mightily, and as for me I done NOTHING to deserve it and neither did anyone of us I'm sure, yet we keep getting punched around. I am exhausted. Those of you who are strong enough to keep fighting, I hope you can accomplish something.


Sincerely, Sb

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I don't think any of those reasons will help, but if he thinks he can make money from us then I'm sure he will support medical marijuana.




In addition to the political favors aspect, splitting the departments will also weaken them. Now it should be easier for businesses to dump toxins without fear of government retribution.

Not that it means anything. But, I spoke with his campaign (albeit before the election) and he supposedly supports our law.


As for the splitting up of the two agencies, what worries me more than politics as usual is the dumping of toxins with no consequences.


I'm not cautiously optimistic about anything with regards to our new governor.


When he was spending time riding around on his campaign bus with Haley Barbour from Mississippi that's all I needed to know.


Plus, installing some of Engler's finest flunkies...


Just a shame that the "sheeple" foolishly blamed Granholm and the democrats for the state of the economy.


Old saying in the car business..."there's an azz for every seat"





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First we need to kick the crap out of overpayed civil servants. Michigan residents paying other Michigan resident as much as $40,000-$60,000 to do what? Babysit murderers and rapists and the like? Physically manage violent mentally ill Michigan residents? How ridiculous, keep Michigan safe with minimun wage prison guards and psychiatric aides.

Heck if we closed these state hospitals we could free all the indentified, adjucated sexual offender's who do not have to register with the state's sexual offender's registry. Kids gotta learn about sex somewhere.

One of the reasons why we have so many crazy people and sex offenders is former Governor John Engler closed down all the mental health facilities.


A gift that keeps on giving...




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Same old crap... just another new guy in charge of the toilet.


And, yes, any 'new' departments or agencies set up by the governor will be run by his side kicks and his 'money' people.


That's the way the old political game is played... nothing new under the sun.

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