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Hey there, just kind of poking my head out.


First off, I am VERY passionate in regards to Medicinal Marijuana. It has saved my life. That being said I must apologize if I seem zealous about the cause at times. In 2000 I collected signatures to put MMJ on the ballot at my college, sadly that failed.


In 2008 however WE WON! :goodjob:


Since then we have seen a lot of what happened in California happen here, and it just kills me. However look at California now. I think that with strength and vigilance we can do even better.


Yadda yadda yadda , blah blah blah. The rest of it we have all heard in the rallies and seen all around us.


Marijuana helps me get back out there and enjoy life. I am 30 years old . I work with disabled children for a living, and love every minute of it. Except when the pain does not allow me to. I had a bad injury to my neck in hockey when I was younger that has left me in a great amount of pain and has even affected the mobility and feeling in my arms and hands. Badly, in fact it has taken me about 30 minutes to type all of this as i can not feel and move my hands properly. I used to love playing the guitar...that's over. Video games...I suck now. much of what i love i cant do anymore. That, with the pain and the opiate pain killers (which i no longer take) drew me into a great depression . I will stop there as it gets even worse.


The only thing that helps me is HIGH GRADE Marijuana. It has cured my depression as well as helping the pain.

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Hi Darkmatter, Sorry to see you can't use your hands well anymore. I thought I might not be able to play again, after arthritis got me. Mj also helps my depression, and glaucoma. thanks for peeking in. I've been disabled all my life, and have a friend who works with disabled children, too. Thank you for being there for them. There was no one there for me. At least some things have improved.


Sincerely, Sb

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