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Purchasing Medical Mj In Michigan With A Ca Card

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Welcome " plsfoldthx " to MMMA 2.0


Welcome to Michigan ....


I highly doubt that any dispensary would ....


But if you were in Atlanta , Michigan and i seen

your California Medical Marijuana Card and drivers license ...


You 'd Find Meds ... :thumbsu:


and GUARANTEED Cheaper .... :thumbsu:

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When I first moved back from California there were a few dispensaries that helped me out.


Most people in California don't have a card, all they have is the physicians recommendation.


The Physicians Rec, and a valid California ID, and he/she should be all set. Just call the dispensary ahead of time.

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When I first moved back from California there were a few dispensaries that helped me out.


Most people in California don't have a card, all they have is the physicians recommendation.


The Physicians Rec, and a valid California ID, and he/she should be all set. Just call the dispensary ahead of time.

Thanks! I will do. I too just have a physician's recommendation. I was thinking of getting the card, but I guess it's not necessary.


Dr. Tarzan, sorry you're way too far!

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This is what I found. It seems like it doesn't state that it needs to come from a state that honors Michigan cards.


Question: I am a valid medical marihuana patient under another state's law. Am I protected?

Answer: Yes, under Section 4(j) of the MMMA, a registry identification card or its equivalent issued by another state government to permit the medical use of marihuana by a qualifying patient or to permit a person to assist with a qualify patient's medical use of marihuana has the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the Department.



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Ms Chocolate, you are mistaken.


(j) A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient, or to allow a person to assist with a visiting qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana, shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the department.

California’s law does not allow for use by outsiders. The only states that have written into their law that they will honor the cards of outsiders are: Michigan, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, and Arizona. The laws for each states the IF clause. Neither Oregon nor Colorado will accept cards from outsiders, but you do not need to be a resident of those states to apply for a card.


What may actually happen ….

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(j) A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient, or to allow a person to assist with a visiting qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana, shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the department.

California’s law does not allow for use by outsiders. The only states that have written into their law that they will honor the cards of outsiders are: Michigan, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, and Arizona. The laws for each states the IF clause. Neither Oregon nor Colorado will accept cards from outsiders, but you do not need to be a resident of those states to apply for a card.


What may actually happen ….




You are misreading that. It is saying that any card issued by a state that allows medical marijuana will carry the same weight as a Michigan card in Michigan.


Which honestly isnt much but none the less.

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I think the confusion is what is meant by "a visiting qualifying patient". The text is very vague in my opinion.


However, the question on the FAQ on the michigan website is:


Question: I am a valid medical marihuana patient under another state's law. Am I protected?


And the answer is Yes. Not yes, if.

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You are misreading that. It is saying that any card issued by a state that allows medical marijuana will carry the same weight as a Michigan card in Michigan.

The law does not say "any card issued by a state that allows medical marijuana", it says "another state that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient. My reply is based on the reading of the law, not the Q&A section. You may also want to review the medical section of the MORML site.


A "Visiting qualifying patient" means a patient who is not a resident of this state or who has been a resident of this state for less than 30 days.

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Ms Chocolate,

Exactly what you are saying is why they would be OK. It doesn't mean a dispensary will sell to them, dispensaries here are still scared. But the visitor isn't breaking the law.


When you read the law, you are reading it as the state has to allow our cards for their cards to be valid. However, that isn't the case, and is not how anyone reads the law except you.


The part of "that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient", is where you read it wrong. The visiting qualifying patient is the person visiting Michigan. So, what that line is saying, lets say our "visiting qualifying patient" is named Bob. So the line is "A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that allows the medical use of marihuana by Bob".


Written plainer without changing the meaning of the sentence.

A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state that allows the medical use of marihuana by Bob, shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the department.


See, it is saying that a card issued by another state that allows Bob to use MMJ, will have the same effect here in MI. It does not say what you are saying it does, that the state has to allow visitors to use MMJ, it says the card has to allow someone to use MMJ.


Talk to a lawyer. They will say the same thing.

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Question: I am a valid medical marihuana patient under another state's law. Am I protected?


Answer: Yes, under Section 4(j) of the MMMA, a registry identification card or its equivalent issued by another state government to permit the medical use of marihuana by a qualifying patient or to permit a person to assist with a qualify patient's medical use of marihuana has the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the Department.




Note the source. Its the FAQ page for the state of Michigan concerning MMJ. I think this answers the question.

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I contacted the writers to ask the intent of this section, and was informed that the intent was to include all cardholders. I would strongly suggest checking the laws of the state you are visiting for how each is treating this clause. You might also check on NORML.com. My interpretation may well have been too restrictive.


John, I owe you a Pepsi.

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It does say that you are safe in Michigan but having only a doctors note probably wont get you in the doors of most dispensary's. Unfortunately a lot of dispensary would say that its too easy to fake and wouldn't take the time to call and verify. Also if you did got pulled over you probably will be waiting in jail a little longer then a weekend like us for the police department to contact your doctor to make sure that you are legal. So be safe.

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