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Dr. Bob: Telemedicine For Recertification/certification


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I just got Recertified via Dr. Bob yesterday.


And it took about 15 min of "face time" !


And I did it all via the convenience of my laptop, my sofa and a Webcam !


I had previously faxed my medical records and three basic forms to him.


Once he had all my materials, we set up a Skyping 15 min appt. {You can Skype for free].


He reviewed my records, asked several necessary questions, determined I was appropriate for recertification, and faxed a copy of the Recertification form to me even as the interview wound up.[The original is in the mail].


Via Skyping I can follow up with Dr. Bob when I have a question and he will be able to follow up with me as is medically appropriate. I can tell whether he is at his computer and he can tell whether I am at mine at any given time of the day.


Telemedicine at its best !!!


No gasoline money was expended in this process and at $4.10 a gallon, I was very pleased.


PM me if you have any questions or need some assistance.


Dr. Jinx


PS: Dr Bob will be happy to provide the necessary medical confirmation and/or testimony [for a fee] should a LEO charge you with NOT having a valid doctor-patient relationship.


Dr. Robert Townsend aka Dr. Bob has a very friendly and approachable manner and NO question is inappropriate. I have been around the justice system for decades and I assure you that he is the sort of guy who commands INSTANT credibility in any courtroom situation.


Dr. Bob is committed to wiping out the "mills" that are out there which are contributing to the destruction, in the eyes of some, of the credibility of the MMMA. And this Telemedicine process is one very effective way of doing that

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although borderline questionable Im sure for some. someone is going to flame.


keep up the good work! Helping patients get much needed access to a MMJ doc is monumental in this fight.


Nice comments, and anything to do with MMJ is borderline for 'some'.


This has been in use for 15 years, I think the video link is key. There are guidelines for this- things like using records rather than on line 'questioners' for the history, the follow up and real time interview are the keys to making it work right. I've been doing several and in all honesty, I think this is a very important means to get solid cards out there. Now every cardholder with a broadband connection and some very basic computer skills can be a certification clinic with the right doc.


Dr. Bob

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Glad you had a good experience. Appreciate you helping me get the 'bugs' out of the system, but overall worked out very well.


I just got Recertified via Dr. Bob yesterday.


And it took about 15 min of "face time" !


And I did it all via the convenience of my laptop, my sofa and a Webcam !


I had previously faxed my medical records and three basic forms to him.


Once he had all my materials, we set up a Skyping 15 min appt. {You can Skype for free].


He reviewed my records, asked several necessary questions, determined I was appropriate for recertification, and faxed a copy of the Recertification form to me even as the interview wound up.[The original is in the mail].


Via Skyping I can follow up with Dr. Bob when I have a question and he will be able to follow up with me as is medically appropriate. I can tell whether he is at his computer and he can tell whether I am at mine at any given time of the day.


Telemedicine at its best !!!


No gasoline money was expended in this process and at $4.10 a gallon, I was very pleased.


PM me if you have any questions or need some assistance.


Dr. Jinx


PS: Dr Bob will be happy to provide the necessary medical confirmation and/or testimony [for a fee] should a LEO charge you with NOT having a valid doctor-patient relationship.


Dr. Robert Townsend aka Dr. Bob has a very friendly and approachable manner and NO question is inappropriate. I have been around the justice system for decades and I assure you that he is the sort of guy who commands INSTANT credibility in any courtroom situation.


Dr. Bob is committed to wiping out the "mills" that are out there which are contributing to the destruction, in the eyes of some, of the credibility of the MMMA. And this Telemedicine process is one very effective way of doing that

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What about a patient like mine who has no insurance and hasn't for years now and has no medical records proving his pain . I see it every week how hard it is for him to get around. We had to take him to a BS doc clinic and wait in line for 150 bucks. Is this my only option for someone like this ?

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Dr. Bob this is not a flame just insight. With all of the questionability from our opponents, i am sure they are saying to themselves "Does this qualify as a bona fide Doctor/Patient relationship?" Does it? and how will you defend it in court if need be? just curious.


Completely behind the effort.


But I think we can expect some interesting debates coming up on it in Lansing.


So keep your checkbooks handy and crack the knuckles on those fingers, there may be need for another letter writting campaign when it does.


Good luck with it.

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It is time for recert. for me. How do I get in touch with Dr. Bob? I can't travel any farther than Muskegon. There is a clinic tomorrow at the Comfort Inn in Muskegon but I don't know the dr. Has anyone heard of Dr.Leroy Lang Jr.? I will be on and off line today all day. Thcf contacted me and has a clinic tomorrow in Grand Rapids. But the ride there would put me down for two days. Sigh, what's a girl to do? :(

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It is time for recert. for me. How do I get in touch with Dr. Bob? I can't travel any farther than Muskegon. There is a clinic tomorrow at the Comfort Inn in Muskegon but I don't know the dr. Has anyone heard of Dr.Leroy Lang Jr.? I will be on and off line today all day. Thcf contacted me and has a clinic tomorrow in Grand Rapids. But the ride there would put me down for two days. Sigh, what's a girl to do? :(


Those are the same folks that sent out postcards identifying medical marijuana patients. We need to stop being sloppy and police ourselves to get rid of folks like Alternative Solutions. My website is on my profile and contains my contact info. I've attached a renewal packet to help you out.


Dr. Bob

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Completely behind the effort.


But I think we can expect some interesting debates coming up on it in Lansing.


So keep your checkbooks handy and crack the knuckles on those fingers, there may be need for another letter writting campaign when it does.


Good luck with it.


I'll address both with the same response.


Both the Michigan Medical Board and the Federation of American Medical Boards have published position papers on telemedicine. This was in response to quacks offering vicodin and viagra over the internet via their 'docs' writing scripts based on an on line 'questionnaire' filled out by patients. Here are the rules for on-line medicine


1. Records are required all the time for everyone to support the condition. There are MEDICAL records, not a form filled out by a patient.

2. There needs to be some sort of face to face meeting- I have a copy of your DL and need to see it is YOU I am talking to. Real time interactions are needed, just like in a doctor's office.

3. There must be some sort of follow up. I offer that in several ways, all are free, and we have a very exciting system coming on line soon as well.


Telemedicine has been in good use, especially with rural areas, for over 15 years, and it stands up not only in court, but with other DOCTORS as a respectable and appropriate way to reach patients- especially in underserved areas like the UP.


Telemedicine lets everyone with an internet connection and basic computer skills/equipment to become a real 'certification clinic' in partnership with a good doc familiar with the concept.


The key to making this work here is the fact that I am well known throughout the state, especially up North, and my certs have always been known to be done by the standards not only of the law, but the courts as well. I have never had a cert overturned, I've also been active with many of the clubs, zoning boards and other groups all over the state as a recognized expert in the field of certifications. This makes my certs, both in person and over telemedicine, some of the safest you can get in the state and adds credibility to the concept of telemed.


The problem we can have is if the mills get in the act, bringing their circuses to the web. I am sure the quacks see the potential for a quick buck, just as they did with the hotel 'take your money and run' clinics that send out postcards violating your privacy for the sake of another quick buck. I've warned about them in the past and am doing it again with telemed (or certs by fax for that matter). We can turn this into a POWERFUL tool to get our numbers up, or it will be our downfall. How it turns out is up to the patients- you vote with your certification money.


Is saving $50 (my price is $150 flat rate new and renewal) worth the risk these 'mill' clinics represent, or the legal risk you take getting a substandard cert? That is up to you.


Dr. Bob

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What about a patient like mine who has no insurance and hasn't for years now and has no medical records proving his pain . I see it every week how hard it is for him to get around. We had to take him to a BS doc clinic and wait in line for 150 bucks. Is this my only option for someone like this ?


No it is not, you can establish a record in many ways- chiropractors, regular family doctor visits, ED visits. But when it comes to pain, the requirement is 'chronic'- it is on going for at least 3 months, and 'severe'- you SEEK CARE for it and generate a record of some sort. Does that mean someone that refuses to go to a doc, doesn't want anything other than MMJ which is doing great for them not 'deserve' a cert. Of course not.


But right now we need to stay tight, build our numbers, and overwhelm the opposition to the MMMA before we have the 'luxury' of pushing to the limits of the law with undocumented cases. For every one that is overturned by a prosecutor 'where are the records if he is sooo baaddddd???' is a nail in the coffin of the MMMA. Sorry to sound harsh, but we need to keep things tight and solidly documented until the legal attitudes change.


Dr. Bob

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The big goal is to use card holders to coordinate the certifications of other qualified patients (friends). I've maintained all along if each card holder would find and help 10 patients get certified we would have the numbers we need to put a card holder on every jury. That will make far more difference in the legal system than all the speeches and protests lumped together.


Let's make this viral....


Dr. Bob

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The key to making this work here is the fact that I am well known throughout the state, especially up North, and my certs have always been known to be done by the standards not only of the law, but the courts as well. I have never had a cert overturned, I've also been active with many of the clubs, zoning boards and other groups all over the state as a recognized expert in the field of certifications. This makes my certs, both in person and over telemedicine, some of the safest you can get in the state and adds credibility to the concept of telemed.


The problem we can have is if the mills get in the act, bringing their circuses to the web. I am sure the quacks see the potential for a quick buck, just as they did with the hotel 'take your money and run' clinics that send out postcards violating your privacy for the sake of another quick buck. I've warned about them in the past and am doing it again with telemed (or certs by fax for that matter). We can turn this into a POWERFUL tool to get our numbers up, or it will be our downfall. How it turns out is up to the patients- you vote with your certification money.


Is saving $50 (my price is $150 flat rate new and renewal) worth the risk these 'mill' clinics represent, or the legal risk you take getting a substandard cert? That is up to you.


Dr. Bob


My attorney specifically mentioned Dr. Bob as someone who is doing things the right way


(that cost me, for you guys, free!)

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I'll address both with the same response.


Both the Michigan Medical Board and the Federation of American Medical Boards have published position papers on telemedicine. This was in response to quacks offering vicodin and viagra over the internet via their 'docs' writing scripts based on an on line 'questionnaire' filled out by patients. Here are the rules for on-line medicine


1. Records are required all the time for everyone to support the condition. There are MEDICAL records, not a form filled out by a patient.

2. There needs to be some sort of face to face meeting- I have a copy of your DL and need to see it is YOU I am talking to. Real time interactions are needed, just like in a doctor's office.

3. There must be some sort of follow up. I offer that in several ways, all are free, and we have a very exciting system coming on line soon as well.


Telemedicine has been in good use, especially with rural areas, for over 15 years, and it stands up not only in court, but with other DOCTORS as a respectable and appropriate way to reach patients- especially in underserved areas like the UP.


Telemedicine lets everyone with an internet connection and basic computer skills/equipment to become a real 'certification clinic' in partnership with a good doc familiar with the concept.


The key to making this work here is the fact that I am well known throughout the state, especially up North, and my certs have always been known to be done by the standards not only of the law, but the courts as well. I have never had a cert overturned, I've also been active with many of the clubs, zoning boards and other groups all over the state as a recognized expert in the field of certifications. This makes my certs, both in person and over telemedicine, some of the safest you can get in the state and adds credibility to the concept of telemed.


The problem we can have is if the mills get in the act, bringing their circuses to the web. I am sure the quacks see the potential for a quick buck, just as they did with the hotel 'take your money and run' clinics that send out postcards violating your privacy for the sake of another quick buck. I've warned about them in the past and am doing it again with telemed (or certs by fax for that matter). We can turn this into a POWERFUL tool to get our numbers up, or it will be our downfall. How it turns out is up to the patients- you vote with your certification money.


Is saving $50 (my price is $150 flat rate new and renewal) worth the risk these 'mill' clinics represent, or the legal risk you take getting a substandard cert? That is up to you.


Dr. Bob


It sounds, Robert like you have yourself quite ready for any debate coming out of Lansing.


The bill SB 377 (I believe it is) which is being considered as we speak, is an attempt to give a list of the MMJ patients to the State Police.


And I only mention the 'bill' as an example of what is going to be coming out of Lansing in the months ahead.


I am quite familiar with the need for adequate and thorough examinations and record keeping. And I don't think that is the issue that will be attacked by the pols in Lansing.


It will be some BS challenge to the veracity and professionalism of the 'methods'.


But as I said, it sounds like you have your professional 'ducks in a row'. And if I were in need of the 'services' I would not hesitate to use them.


I believe the services you are offering have merit and will serve to provide an expanded ability for those that are house bound and incapacitated to receive the care they might need.


Again, all the best.

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It sounds, Robert like you have yourself quite ready for any debate coming out of Lansing.


The bill SB 377 (I believe it is) which is being considered as we speak, is an attempt to give a list of the MMJ patients to the State Police.


And I only mention the 'bill' as an example of what is going to be coming out of Lansing in the months ahead.


I am quite familiar with the need for adequate and thorough examinations and record keeping. And I don't think that is the issue that will be attacked by the pols in Lansing.


It will be some BS challenge to the veracity and professionalism of the 'methods'.


But as I said, it sounds like you have your professional 'ducks in a row'. And if I were in need of the 'services' I would not hesitate to use them.


I believe the services you are offering have merit and will serve to provide an expanded ability for those that are house bound and incapacitated to receive the care they might need.


Again, all the best.


My goal here is to increase the access to qualified, professional and defensible certifications. Homebound individuals, those with long and expensive drives to clinics and those in remote areas are key targets of this drive. I've had good success with my local facilitator program, so essentially I am trying to make everyone a local facilitator- we all know qualified patients that have records but are sitting on the fence. Let's get them certified. But beware of the mills that will try and follow this lead.


Card holders on juries, not on trial...


Dr. Bob

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welp... flame me if you want to but I'm entitled to my opinion and that is I don't like it. I have my reasons but will keep them to myself unless asked because I don't want to look like i am trying to discredit Dr. Bob and his efforts. so right now i'm just saying I don't like it. Maybe I don't understand it completely but I doubt if I would like it even if I did.


It isn't for everyone. I have read and respected your posts and welcome opposing opinions. That is how I fine tune things to overcome potential attacks on the process.


Dr. Bob

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My goal here is to increase the access to qualified, professional and defensible certifications. Homebound individuals, those with long and expensive drives to clinics and those in remote areas are key targets of this drive. I've had good success with my local facilitator program, so essentially I am trying to make everyone a local facilitator- we all know qualified patients that have records but are sitting on the fence. Let's get them certified. But beware of the mills that will try and follow this lead.


Card holders on juries, not on trial...


Dr. Bob



Again, all the best.


Positive efforts in a forward direction are what we need.


And only time will tell what will work and what we need to change in order to bring care to increased numbers of those that might need it.


Ever onward.

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welp... flame me if you want to but I'm entitled to my opinion and that is I don't like it. I have my reasons but will keep them to myself unless asked because I don't want to look like i am trying to discredit Dr. Bob and his efforts. so right now i'm just saying I don't like it. Maybe I don't understand it completely but I doubt if I would like it even if I did.




Your concerns are understandable, since some other states have already limited or are in the process of attempting to limit the 'methods' physicians can use in assessing an MMJ patient's condition and needs as well as the numbers of patients any one physician can 'qualify'.


But, IF it is done in a proper, professional manner the possibility of Lansing finding fault with 'tele-evaluation' and 'recommending' of MMJ is decreased a great deal.


If tele-computer methods of evaluation are accepted by the pols in Lansing all the better, if not, it's 'back to old drawing boards' again.


If the issue comes to a head, much of the outcome will be determined by how much support the AMA, as well as other agencies and we in the MMJ community give the 'methods' used; in essence it will be become another 'political football' kicked back and forth by influence and money.


Time will tell.

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Michigan and the Association of Federal Medical Boards has already weighted in on the issue.


Most interesting is the fact that although there is no definition of 'bona fide' doctor patient relationships in general medicine, the board SPECIFICALLY defines a 'bona fide' doctor patient relationship by name in the telemedicine position paper. That actually makes it a bit 'safer' because we can point to the statutory language in the paper.


Dr. Bob

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Michigan and the Association of Federal Medical Boards has already weighted in on the issue.


Most interesting is the fact that although there is no definition of 'bona fide' doctor patient relationships in general medicine, the board SPECIFICALLY defines a 'bona fide' doctor patient relationship by name in the telemedicine position paper. That actually makes it a bit 'safer' because we can point to the statutory language in the paper.


Dr. Bob


And do not forget: the University of Michigan has a Telemedicine Resource Centrer which heavily supports Telemedicine !!




If the UoM is behind it you can bet it is "bona fides" !!!!!


Dr. Jinx

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